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Chapter 118 Let me help you

 It’s quiet all around.

 The plum trees at the entrance are like a net covered with snow, wrapping the medical center inside.

Acheng reacted, threw away the blanket and ran towards the house, watching the person in front of him warily, hesitating whether to call Dong Jia and Yin Zheng in the backyard for help.

Miao Liangfang stared at Lu Huo, his expression changing.

 “Sit down and talk, Medical Officer Miao.” Lu Yan said.

After a long stalemate, Miao Liangfang snorted and finally walked to the small table in the back room and sat down with a wooden stick.

Upon seeing this, Acheng hurriedly picked up the teapot and filled two cups of tea on the table. He looked at Lu Zhu again, and after receiving Lu Zhu’s signal, he opened the felt curtain and went to the backyard to help Du Changqing and Yin Zheng work.

 Only Lu Zhuo and Miao Liangfang were left in the hospital.

Lu Zong pushed the tea in front of Miao Liang in front of Miao Liang. Miao Liangfang didn’t take it and turned around to look around. When he saw the “simplified test questions” that Lu Zong put on the table, he couldn’t help but be startled.

After a long time, he turned back, looked at Lu Shu and said, “How do you know my identity?”

 To get straight to the point, that is to say, I acknowledge what Lu Zhuo said.



Lu Tong said: “The volume written by Mr. is different from the medical books outside. Each of the nine subjects is covered, and the format is unified. I heard that the Spring Examination Papers of the Imperial Medical Bureau cannot be passed on to others. If someone who is not from the Imperial Medical Bureau or passed the Spring Examination is just making it up, I’m afraid It’s impossible to write such neat test questions.”

Miao Liangfang narrowed his eyes: “Based on this, you think I am from the Medical Officials’ Hospital?”

“That’s not true.” Lu Zhuo looked at the tea cup, “I can’t confirm the identity of my husband, so I asked Yuan Hu to go to the medical clinic to find out for me the list of ordinary medical workers who passed the spring examination in the past thirty years.”

Miao Liangfang looked shocked.

Lu Zhen smiled faintly.

There are very few ordinary medical doctors who can pass the spring examination and enter the Hanlin Medical Officer Academy in recent years. A piece of paper is enough to write the full name. If a civilian medical doctor can produce an Hanlin Medical Officer, everyone has to beat gongs and drums to celebrate, so I asked It’s not difficult to get up.

“Twenty years ago, during the Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau, there was a commoner medical officer named Miao who passed the spring examination with the third place and became the only commoner medical officer of the Imperial Medical College that year.”

Lu Zhuo’s voice was calm and unhurried, “I heard that this man has excellent medical skills and is proficient in pharmacology. He was originally highly regarded by the medical officials. Ten years ago, he was kicked out of the medical officials for committing a crime and has been missing since.”

With every word Lu Zhuo said, Miao Liangfang’s face became paler, and the hand holding the tea cup trembled slightly.

Lu Huo raised his eyes: “Sir, are you the Hanlin medical officer who passed the spring examination?”

Miao Liangfang stared at Lu Huan, something flashed in his dim eyes hidden under his messy hair, but soon, he laughed, as if he had heard some joke.

He spread his hands and pointed at his tattered coat, “Me? Hanlin Medical Officer, do you believe this?”


Miao Liangfang froze.

 Lu Zong looked at him: “I believe it.”

These days, she has repeatedly read the volumes bought by Du Changqing, and she has become more and more certain that this person is not a simple person. Du Changqing inquired and found out that Miao Liangfang had lived in West Street for many years, copying books for others and sometimes doing odd jobs. When you have money, you buy rice and make porridge. When you don’t have money, you go hungry.

No one knows where he comes from or what his family situation is like. They only know that he is addicted to alcohol and is drunk all day long. No one looks down on him. If Du Changqing could still manage to make people smile by guarding the small medical clinic left by his old father, then Miao Liangfang was a drunkard on West Street who could even step on beggars.

But he was such a rotten drunkard that he was reluctant to remove the flourishing herbs in front of his house and let them grow freely, covering most of the door panel.

The herbs will not be able to grow if there is no one to take care of them.

The person in front of him looked at Lu Yun, the smile on his face could no longer be forced, he clenched his fists and whispered: “Asking about this, what do you want to do?”

“I said that I want to take part in the Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau and become a medical officer in the Imperial Medical College.”

“Stop making trouble!” Miao Liangfang laughed angrily, “Every year in the spring examination, how many ordinary medical workers can become medical officers? You stinky girl, in order to get angry with the Taifu Temple Minister and focus on the spring examination, you put What does medicine mean?”

“Moreover,” Miao Liangfang seemed to realize that what he said did not sound good. He took a sip of tea and calmed down a little before continuing: “What’s the good of being a medical officer? Once something happens to the nobles in the palace, Medical officers are often buried with them. Who do you think the medical officers are buried with? Of course they are ordinary medical officers with no background or connections!”

He muttered, “If you do well, you will be robbed of credit. If you do poorly, you will be blamed. The official salary you receive cannot buy a few cabbages. The risk you take is losing your head. If you only look at the superficial appearance, the cost is not you, a little girl.” Can you afford it?”

 Lu Huan asked: “What price?”

 “What price?” Miao Liangfang murmured, suddenly lifting his trouser legs, “This is the price!”

Lu Zhen stared at it, his eyes moving slightly.

The wide trouser legs were lifted up to the knees, revealing the scarred leg of the person opposite. The leg was completely atrophied from the calf, glowing with a terrifying purple color, like a dry, dry tree with no moisture, stiffly grafted onto the human body. .

Seeing the expression on Lu Zong’s face, Miao Liangfang snorted, then lowered his trousers and said, “Did you see that? You…”

 “Who hurt your leg?” Lu Yan interrupted him.

Miao Liangfang was stunned.

 Is this the focus?

  Lu Zhen looked at him: “Why were you kicked out of Hanlin Medical Hospital?”


 “Who harmed you?”

The person in front of him spoke in a calm tone, which made him confused. Miao Liangfang clenched the hands on his legs slightly, lowered his head, took a deep breath, and said, “This is not what you should do.”

 “I can help you get revenge.”

The words that reached his mouth stopped abruptly, and he raised his head suddenly.

Lu Zhen looked at him: “I don’t know who harmed you to this extent, but if you help me pass the spring exam and enter the Imperial Medical College…”

 “I can help you get revenge.”

The young doctor’s expression was calm, and the cold promise came out of her mouth as if it were an ordinary dialogue. The hot steam rising from the tea cup covered her beautiful face with a layer of pale mist, but her eyes were as cold as the deep sea.

 She was enticing him to accept the terms.

Miao Liang’s face twitched a few times, and he felt that his leg, which had not felt for many years, began to feel slight pain again at some point.

“Are you kidding me…” He murmured, and then his expression became angry, glaring at Lu Yan: “Are you kidding me?”

With a “clang” sound, the tea cup was blown to the ground by the wind from the sleeves, and water stains were dumped on the table.

Miao Liangfang grabbed the wooden stick lying aside and rushed out the door.

 The leaked tea dripped from the corner of the table to the ground, where it gathered into a small wet puddle.

Du Changqing and others who were eavesdropping behind the door opened the felt curtain and hurried in. Du Changqing looked outside the door, confused: “Hey, why is he gone?”

Lu Zong looked around and saw that there was no shadow of Miao Liangfang outside the door. Only the messy footprints and shadows of wooden sticks fell on the snow-covered ground, reminding him that this person had just arrived.

 “He will come back.” Lu Yan whispered.

 The night is getting darker.

The shops on West Street were closed, and the red brocade lanterns on the street eaves gradually lit up.

The bright moonlight splashed on the snow on the long street, and then stopped suddenly when it hit the thatched cottage. It seems that no matter whether it is day or night, sun or moonlight, no light can shine in.

The wild grass growing in front of the door was peeled away, and the half-old broken wooden door made a muffled “creep” sound. Along with several sounds of walking sticks hitting the ground, Miao Liangfang walked into the house.

 It was already night, and there were no lights in the house.

 He never lights a lamp.

Like a hunting beast returning to a dark cave, the darker it is, the more at ease it feels.

  After walking around in the street for a day, I just returned home and realized that my other leg was sore. Normally at this time, he would only fumble his way into bed and fall asleep when he was drunk. However, today, by some strange combination of circumstances, Miao Liangfang jumped to the window while holding on to the wall, and pushed open the small window on the wall which was not very spacious.

A sliver of moonlight slipped into the room along the crack of the window. Miao Liangfang subconsciously stretched out his hand to block his eyes. After a while, he slowly lowered his arm and gradually adapted to the bright night.

There was a wine jar on the table. Miao Liangfang reached for the wine jar, tilted his head and poured out only a few drops of residual wine.

He wiped his face angrily and threw the wine jar on the ground. With a “thud” sound, the sound was particularly clear at night. He didn’t pay attention to the debris on the ground and looked up at the small patch of moon at the crack of the window.

The crescent moon is small and bright, with a layer of fuzzy white on the edge, like a small glowing flag, stretched out on the dark sky.

He suddenly remembered the woven carpet flag that the boy at the door was holding in the sun during the day at Renxin Medical Center. The embroidered text on it was also so shiny and eye-catching.

 Good doctors can cure diseases with compassion, and magic can cure diseases silently—

He has had such a banner that symbolizes glory, words of thanks, and even a reward of wealth…

He has also accepted all the flattery, compliments from people coming and going, and envious looks from others.

 Only later…

Miao Liangfang lowered his head and his eyes fell on his unconscious right leg.

The moonlight casts its light on his body, illuminating the dirty trouser leg particularly clearly. The small stain, which may be oil or something, becomes even dirtier, like blood seeping out from it. The pain made him suddenly have trouble breathing. Suddenly there was a messy shouting sound in my ears.

“Miao Liangfang, you are willful and self-willed. You deliberately misdiagnosed and poisoned my wife. You are cruel and unethical. You are not qualified to practice medicine. You should be held accountable!”

He heard his own helpless voice: “It’s wrong to be accused, the official is wrong to be accused -“

Someone’s shadow passed in front of him, his official uniform was neat and flat, his boots were fresh and dust-free, and then he fell heavily on his **** leg, grinding it hard.

“Miao Liangfang, Miao Liangfang,” he said sarcastically when he saw the faces of countless people, happy, proud, condescending and vicious, “I thought that if my name was Liangfang, I would be able to run rampant in the medical hospital if I knew a few recipes. Wuji?”

 He patted Miao Liangfang’s face contemptuously and uttered two words: “untouchable.”


Miao Liangfang sat in front of the window, looking dazed.

Having been practicing medicine for generations in his family, he compiled his century-old experience into a book and vowed to write a book called “Miao Prescriptions” to benefit ordinary people’s medical profession.

But later, he was accused and kicked out of the Hanlin Medical Academy. The volume “Miao’s Recipe” was still compiled into a volume by the Medical Academy, but the compiler was under another name.

  He had fought and had quarrels, but in the end he died without any problems.

Without keeping the family inheritance, he made wedding clothes for others. He did not dare to return to his hometown, and he was too embarrassed to face the ancestors of the Miao family, so he wandered around Shengjing for decades, drinking and drinking. As time went by, he only knew that he was the “Cripple Miao” from West Street, but he forgot that he was also the “Miao Medical Officer” who made a blockbuster success in the spring examination and was proud of his success.

That medical woman, her eyes were calm, as if she could see through the pain and anger, the secrets and sorrow in his heart at a glance, and said to him: “I can help you get revenge.”

 She didn’t even know what was happening.

Miao Liangfang smiled mockingly.

  should not be expected.

In the few years when the incident first occurred, he searched for old friends, and his former friends and colleagues retreated for fear of getting into trouble. Those he had saved instead accused him of taking advantage of their kindness, and his righteous expression shocked him.

 No one is willing to help him.

 No one would take the risk to help a criminal of ordinary origin who committed a great disaster. What’s more, ten years later, the person who harmed him is in a high position and his status is unshakable.

She was just a doctor with an ordinary background, but she uttered wild words to avenge him.

 How ridiculous.

“It’s ridiculous…” Miao Liangfang stooped, covered his face and laughed softly.

 “That’s ridiculous….”

Smiling and smiling, drops of clear liquid dripped from between the fingers, soaking up the moonlight in front of the window.

 It is cold on a winter night, and the wind sounds like a whimper.

Yin Zheng stood in front of the table, leaned over, and closed the window and door hard, thus blocking out the coldness and the night.

 The lights in the room were dim, and when the silver scissors cut off a section of the wick, the fire became brighter.

Yin Zheng put down the scissors in her hand and turned to look at Lu Yan who was packing up medical books: “Girl, will Mr. Miao really come back today?”

 “Yes, I will.” Lu Yan said.

 Actually, she was not sure. He left decisively without leaving a word. Whether he would leave and come back ultimately depends on the obsession in his heart.

However, twenty years have passed since Miao Liangfang became a sensation in the Spring Examination, and more than ten years have passed since he left Hanlin Medical College. Time is a very magical thing, it can change everything, it can make ambitions wear away and heroes become mediocre.

“But,” Yin Zheng was curious, “how did the girl know that Mr. Miao was framed?”

This “Cripple Miao” has lived in West Street for many years. None of his neighbors are familiar with him, and because he is drunk and slovenly, few people ask about him. Pian Luzong recognized at a glance that he was not an ordinary person, found out his identity as a medical officer, and threatened to avenge him.

 Lu Yan said: “I don’t know.”

Yin Zheng was startled: “But the girl said…”

“I only said that he would take revenge on the person who caused his lameness. I didn’t say that he was framed.” Lu Zhu collected the medical records and said, “I don’t care whether he is good or bad.”

She doesn’t care about the friction between Miao Liangfang and Hanlin Medical Hospital. She only cares about whether Miao Liangfang can be used for herself. Just like when Yun Niang saved Lu Chen’s family, the premise was that Lu Meng would go with her. Today, it was just a transaction between her and Miao Liangfang.

 Money can’t move Miao Liangfang, so naturally there are other options. Life is nothing but love and hate.

Yinzheng was silent for a long time and then spoke cautiously: “But what should we do if Mr. Miao refuses to agree to the girl’s conditions?”

Miao Liangfang seemed to be in need of oil and salt, so Du Changqing personally came to the door and promised huge profits, but he remained unmoved. During the day, he came to the medical clinic aggressively and asked Lu Zhuo for an explanation, but he left without saying a few words. It seems that he doesn’t take anyone seriously and may not agree to others’ requests.

 Lu Xu lowered his eyes.

“There is not only one way to go.” After a while, she said: “If he refuses, then think of other ways.”

The road is dead, but people are alive. She wants to enter Hanlin Medical Hospital. With the help of Miao Liangfang, she can get twice the result with half the effort, but without Miao Liangfang, it is not difficult for her to do so.

 There is always another way.

Yin Zheng nodded and said nothing more.

 I slept late that night, and it started to snow again in Shengjing in the middle of the night. The next day, when Lu Zhuo got up, it was still dark.

A few red plum blossoms bloomed in front of the window overnight, and a few lone flowers were dotted on the long branches, making them look increasingly sparse in the snowy sky.

Lu Zhen opened the window and saw the red plum blossoms and snowy scenery, which was so beautiful that he felt a little dazed for a moment.

It seemed like she was back in Luomeifeng many years ago. When she woke up, there was an empty bowl of test medicine next to her. She got up from the ground and stumbled out of the house. When she looked up, she saw heavy snow all over the mountain.

Someone called her from behind: “Girl?”

Lu Zhen suddenly came to his senses, Yin Zheng stood at the door rubbing his eyes: “Why did you wake up so early?”

She was stunned for a moment, as if she gradually realized that this was Shengjing at the feet of the emperor, not the Luomei Peak in southern Jiangsu thousands of miles away.

Yin Zheng didn’t notice Lu Zhuo’s expression was strange, so she just yawned and tightened her tight clothes, “It’s so cold, girl, hurry up and go inside. The cold wind won’t blow, and it will be bad if you catch a cold.”

Lu Zhen followed her into the house. The two of them briefly freshened up, boiled some water, and went to open the door with Lu Zhen.

 It is cold in winter, the sun rises late, and the vendors on West Street also open later. The door of the medical clinic was open, but the doors of the tailor shop and silk shoe shop across the street were still closed. The sky was just dawning, and the snowy sky was gray in the morning, like a layer of white mist.

Yin Zheng picked up the broom and planned to sweep away the snow at the door. Then she walked to the door and screamed “Ah!” and staggered and almost fell down.

  Lu Zhen asked: “What’s wrong?”

Yin Zheng pointed to the plum tree: “Girl…”

 Lu Huo looked over.

There was a person sitting under the plum tree. He had been sitting here for an unknown period of time. His whole body was covered with a layer of white snow. At first glance, he thought he was a corpse. As soon as he moved, snow particles fell from his felt hat, revealing his greasy face with crisscrossed grooves.

 Lu Zhen was slightly startled.

 That person is Miao Liangfang.

Miao Liangfang stood up slowly while holding on to the tree.

I don’t know whether it was because of his lameness or because he had been freezing here for too long. His movements were a little stiff and he was staggering like a toddler.

 No one spoke.

After a long time, Miao Liangfang shivered and looked at Lu Huan, his tone still as impatient as yesterday: “Do you know that the spring exam is very difficult? The average medical engineer who has passed the spring exam in the past three years has a total of one hand They can all be counted.”

“I know.”

 “Then you still want to take the exam?”

 “Still taking the exam.”

He took two steps forward, rubbed his nose, and said uncomfortably: “Do you still count what you said yesterday?”

 Lu Zong looked at him.

Miao Liangfang was still wearing the jacket with leaky cotton from yesterday. The hole in his chest seemed to be getting bigger. His hair was gray and his eyes were red. He stood under the plum tree, as clumsy and stiff as a snowman.

The snowman was carefully piled up by Acheng and then trampled to pieces by the servant girl of Taifu Temple.

The snowman’s pitch-black eyes were like two black dates covered with dust, looking at her timidly with a hint of eager but thin hope.

The snow has stopped, and West Street is quiet in the early morning. The plaque of the medical center is facing the plum tree at the entrance, and the branches and leaves cannot hide the word “Benevolence”.

Lu Huo smiled, nodded and said, “Of course.”

“Lu Yan” invited “Miao Liangfang” to join the group chat [Renxin Medical Clinic loves each other as a family]

“Miao Liangfang” is not friends with other people in the group, please pay attention to privacy security.

  (End of this chapter)

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