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Chapter 117 Miao Liangfang

When Lu Zhuo and Du Changqing came to Yazhai Bookstore, the owner of the bookstore, Luo Dazui, was eating at the door.

Seeing Du Changqing running towards him with a bad look on his face, he thought he was going to fight. After hearing the intention of the two men, Luo Dazui put down his rolled up sleeves again.

Lu Xu said: “Boss Luo, does he know who the owner of the book is? When will he come to the bookstore to deliver books again?”

Luo Dazui’s attitude toward a young and beautiful girl like Lu Shun was much better than when he was toward Du Changqing. He said kindly: “This person has bad legs and feet and doesn’t come to my bookstore often. He used to write some medical volumes. , No, it’s just those waste papers. The girl also knows that West Street is a small business, and if those waste papers can’t be sold, I won’t accept them, and he will leave.”

“Does Boss Luo know where he lives? Where can I find him?”

Luo Dazui thought for a while: “I heard that his family was poor, but he was good at handwriting. He later copied books for others to earn some money to live on. He used to live in the house next to the rice shop in Rouge Lane on West Street, but I don’t know if he has moved now. No, girl, you might as well try your luck.”

Lu Zhen nodded, thanked Luo Dazui, and left with Du Changqing.

Luo Dazui, on the other hand, was thinking about it, grabbed Du Changqing, and asked in a low voice: “Old Du, what is that man’s background? Why are you specifically looking for him?”

Du Changqing rolled his eyes at him: “Isn’t it written above? No-name expert! It’s just you who don’t know the ropes.”

After saying that, he patted his sleeves and followed Lu Zhu out of the door.

It was still early, and there were few patients coming to the hospital these days. Lu Zhuo and Du Changqing decided to go to the place Luo Dazui mentioned to look for the person first. Fortunately, Rouge Alley is not far from Yazhai Bookshop. After walking for about a stick of incense, the two of them saw the rice shop in Luo Dazui’s mouth.

It is noon, and the sun sets above people’s heads, giving the winter in Shengjing a somewhat warm color. The rice shop is not big, and the owner has opened a small square window on the wall, with a flag with yellow characters on a blue background, which is particularly eye-catching.

Du Changqing stood still, looking at the place a dozen steps away from the rice shop, and murmured: “This is too shabby…”

Lu Zong followed his gaze.

Just a dozen steps away from the rice shop, in an open space, stood a dilapidated square thatched hut. Although West Street is mostly populated by ordinary vendors, who are not considered rich or luxurious, the shops and residences are kept clean and tidy regardless of their size. The thatched cottage that Wu Youcai lived in at Miaokou was also dilapidated, but at least the chicken coop in the small courtyard in front of the door was tidy and the fence was repaired.

 But the thatched cottage in front of me is a bit too dilapidated.

There is no courtyard or fence. The wild grass growing at the door is about half a person tall, almost submerging the half-broken wooden door. It was a sunny day today, and the sun was just right. Even so, the sun stopped abruptly an hour and a half after it reached the door, leaving only a dark and gloomy room on the ground. The long shadow of the eaves fell on the ground, leaving a lonely and abrupt old shadow, as if it could Through the door, I could smell the mold coming from inside.

Du Changqing was a little disgusted: “It doesn’t look like someone lives there. Maybe they have moved away long ago.”

Lu Zong glanced at the messy weeds at the door, said nothing, and walked forward.

Du Changqing had no choice but to keep up.

When he arrived at the door, Lu Zhen knocked on the door twice. No one answered the door, but the shabby wooden door could not withstand the light knocks. It made an old muffled sound and slowly opened a crack.

 The door opened by itself.

 “Is there anyone there?” Du Changqing shouted twice.

 No one answered.

 After a pause, Lu Zhu stretched out his hand and pushed, then walked in.

The room was very dark, and I don’t know if there were any windows. The ray of sunlight from outside the door illuminated half of the ground. As soon as he entered the house, a strong smell of alcohol hit his face.

Du Changqing followed and immediately couldn’t help but cover his nose.

Lu Zhen took a step forward when he tripped over something. He lowered his head and found several empty wine jars.

  Looking up, with a little light, you can clearly see many empty wine jars on the table and on the ground in the room. Some of them spilled on the ground. The smell of wine, along with the musty odor in the room, made people dizzy.

This looks like a drunkard’s house.

Just when Lu Zhen was looking at the small closed window, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the room: “Who?”

This voice appeared suddenly, startling Du Changqing.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rustling sound, and a figure sat faintly on the bed deep in the room. The figure moved, as if turning its head to look at the two of them, and asked again: “Who is it?”

 The voice is as hoarse as a broken gong.

Du Changqing walked to the window and opened it forcefully. More light poured in, half of it spilled onto the couch in the room, illuminating the person on the couch a little more clearly.

 The bed was very old, with dry straw underneath and a few dirty quilts piled on top. A middle-aged man in ragged single clothes sat on the couch hugging the quilts. This man was in his early forties or fifties. His hair was mixed with gray and white and was piled messily on his head. He looked like he hadn’t cleaned his face for a few days and had an unkempt beard. When he heard the noise, the man raised his eyelids, revealing two slightly red eyes. Angry, he just said drunkenly: “Who are you looking for?”

 It’s like the wine has not yet sobered up.

Lu Zhen took two steps forward and said, “Excuse me, are you Mr. Miao?”

Luo Dazui of Yazhai Bookstore said that this man usually lives alone and is addicted to alcohol. Others are not familiar with him and only know his surname is Miao.

Hearing the words “Mr. Miao”, the man’s eyes cleared up a little. He stared at Lu Huan for a long time and then said, “What are you doing with me?”

Du Changqing’s face looked a little ugly.

This man looked down and out and embarrassed. There were wine jars everywhere in the house. He looked like one of those drunkard gamblers who hang around. Qingtian Bairi also smelled of alcohol, and judging from his manner and tone of voice, he didn’t look like a serious person.

Lu Zhuo seemed unaware, and only took out a few volumes from his sleeve: “I accidentally bought a few volumes from Yazhai Bookstore. The owner of the bookstore said that they were written by Mr.”

She unfolded the thin paper rolls, and the words “Exquisite explanations of the annual examination questions of the Shengjing Imperial Medical Bureau’s Spring Examination” on the cover were particularly eye-catching.

The man looked at the volume and then at Lu Huo, as if he didn’t understand what Lu Huo meant by this move.

 “I want to buy some more books by Mr. Lu,” said Lu.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man was stunned for a moment.

There seemed to be a look in the eyes under the disheveled dirty hair, but soon, he laughed sarcastically, scratched his hair and said, “Are you kidding? I copied this from someone else.” He spread his hands and curled his lips and said, “These are the ones, gone.”

Du Changqing coughed twice and hinted with his eyes that Lu Chen could leave.

Although I don’t understand why Lu Zhen insists on finding this person, it does not look like this person is someone who understands pharmacology and medical science. What kind of doctor would get so drunk in broad daylight that he wouldn’t even know how to wash the torn and dirty blanket?

Lu Chen stood in the room, watching the man on the couch throw down the quilt he was hugging, lowering his head to look for his shoes under the bed. He was silent for a moment and said: “I want to ask sir to teach me medical theory and pass the Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau next year.”

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the room.

The man froze while looking for shoes. After a long time, he slowly raised his head and looked at Lu Huo.

Lu Zong looked at him quietly.

 A little sunlight shines in from outside, illuminating the ground in front of the window. The rough, finely wrinkled face was stained with clammy dirt like the floor in the room. It was the face of a middle-aged man who looked down and out, mediocre to the point of being greasy, with gloom and haggard written all over his face.

For a moment, Lu Zhuo felt his drunken eyes light up.

 But soon, that light went out.

 The man bent down, found two shoes that had been kicked aside, put them on, and jumped off the ground while holding on to the bed. He was lame on one leg and walked with a limp. He walked to the table in the room, took out a rotten iron pot, scooped out half a bowl of rice from the cloth bag on the other side, poured it in, and poured it into the bucket. Take a ladle of water and start making porridge over a fire in the house.

He said: “Young lady, you must have found the wrong person. I’m not a doctor, so I can’t help you.”

Lu Hu said: “I see that Mr. has planted a lot of medicinal herbs in front of his door. If they are not taken care of, they will not grow like this. He should know pharmacology.”

Du Changqing looked surprised.

The weeds in front of the door of this broken house that are almost flooded are medicinal herbs?

Although he doesn’t know how to treat diseases, he has been exposed to it in medical clinics over the years and can still distinguish common medicinal materials. Unexpectedly, he didn’t see any clues.

The man was stirring the porridge with an iron spoon for a moment, and then changed his subject: “Who are you?”

Du Changqing’s eyes lit up. Without waiting for Lu Zhuo to speak, he cleared his throat and introduced himself: “I am Du Changqing, the owner of Renxin Medical Center. This Dr. Lu is the doctor in the medical center. Renxin Medical Center is in the west. Sir, you can go find out how many years the street has been open. It definitely has a good reputation. If you agree to teach medical science to our sitting doctor, we will pay you, no matter what the conditions are…”

 The man raised his head and interrupted him: “Renxin Medical Center?”

Du Changqing was overjoyed and was about to continue boasting when he heard the man in front of him say nonchalantly: “Oh, I heard that a few days ago, the minister of Taifu Temple went to make trouble with the female doctor.”

He glanced at Lu Yan and said slowly: “A… medical woman who wants to climb high as a Hanlin medical officer.” He glanced at Du Changqing again, grinned a bit mockingly: “A… woman who has been dawdling for half a life and suddenly turned around. Dandy.” Finally he shook his head and commented, “There’s no future, so don’t mess around.” Du Changqing thought he was polite to this man, but he didn’t expect that he would be ridiculed for being hot on his face, and he suddenly became angry: “You’re talking nonsense. What…” Lu Zhu grabbed him.

Lu Zhen looked at the other person. The man was sitting on the ground, staring intently at the porridge in the pot. Most of the pot of rice porridge was filled with water, and there was only a small handful of rice. It was so clear that he could see the bottom at a glance. He stared at it as if he was staring at some delicacy, and his eyes were even salivating.

“Sir, are you unwilling to agree to our request today?” she asked.

 The man waved his hands like flies, not even bothering to say anything to her.

  Lu Zhen nodded: “I understand, farewell.”

She leaned forward and exited the room. Du Changqing followed her, and behind her, he was so angry that he babbled: “That’s it? Is this person mentally ill? Can you see clearly, the weeds planted in front of the door are really not weeds? He You have to understand how medical science can become like this, even the pot is broken! The beggar is much more respectable than him!”

Lu Zong stopped and turned around to look.

The sun stopped in front of the house, and the weeds under the door were lush and lush, like a ball of black thread, trying to swallow up the dilapidated, greasy and dirty house.

The window that was opened when they entered was quietly closed again at some point. The dark room and the people in it slowly rotted and grew moldy in the sunlight, like the dark moss growing everywhere in the room, which was so damp that it never saw the light of day.

Du Changqing was particularly indignant: “It’s just like a ground rat, it can’t get out of its hole, and it’s so dark that it doesn’t feel scary.”

Lu Zong looked at it for a while and then looked back: “He doesn’t want to leave here.”

“you still need to ask?”

 “Then force him out,” she said.

 Two days later, it was sunny for several consecutive days, and the snow on West Street melted a little.

The thatched house next to the rice shop was scorched by the sun, and the ice on the corner of the front door melted into dirty snow, melting into the large weeds, making it look increasingly damp and cold.

In the room, the man turned over and sat up, scratched his bird’s nest-like hair, and looked around with squinted eyes.

The room was very dark, and there were empty wine jars everywhere. There was still half a bowl of rice wine left on the table last night. Miao Liangfang picked up the bowl, drank the rest of the wine, and then drank it slowly. Bed, holding on to the wall and walking to the low table.

The bag containing rice was placed on the low table. Miao Liangfang stood still, picked up the bag and shook it out. Only a few grains of broken rice came out. He sighed, touched in his arms for a long time, and found out a few grains. Copper, then he grabbed the crutch leaning against the wall and limped out of the door.

It is noon and the sun is shining.

 After staying in the dark for a long time, when he went out, the bright sunlight made him squint his eyes slightly.

Miao Liangfang walked slowly along the West Street and alleys, leaning on a wooden stick.

The rice shop was closed today. He had a clear porridge for a month. He planned to treat himself to a good meal today, so he decided to go to the stall at the entrance of the alley to have a bowl of noodle soup.

There were many pedestrians coming and going on West Street. Miao Liangfang held on to the wall, being careful not to be knocked down by passers-by. He walked slowly, and while others walked half a stick of incense, he had to walk more than one stick of incense.

Because he was in rags, and the beggars at the gate of the temple were better dressed than him, usually the vendors on the West Street would avoid him when they saw him, for fear of soiling the goods on the stalls. Today, I don’t know if it was Miao Liangfang’s misunderstanding, but he looked at him more. That look was a little different from the usual disgust.

Miao Liangfang was a little confused, but when he looked over again, those people looked away again, as if it was just an illusion.

After walking for a while, a shadow gradually appeared at the end of the alley. It was a noodle shop.

The noodle shop is so small that even three or two tables cannot be set up inside. The shopkeeper placed the remaining tables and chairs outside the door and built a straw shed to protect it from the rain and snow. Miao Liangfang walked over and looked carefully at the panel hanging at the door.

 In addition to pasta, the noodle shop also sells pancakes, pork noodles, cooked and cooked rice, etc. Miao Liangfang stared at it for a long time, then pointed to the cheapest noodle on the panel and said, “Here comes a bowl of salt water noodles!”

The store owner responded, and Miao Liang conveniently found an unoccupied table and sat down. It was noon, and long-term workers from far and near were eating here. It was very lively. As soon as Miao Liangfang sat down, he saw someone looking at him at the table opposite. Come on, when he looked back, the other person quickly looked away.

Just when he was a little confused, the waiter called out “Here comes the noodles” and put the noodle bowl in front of him.

The tone was so eager that it was almost intimate.

Miao Liangfang was stunned.

 He occasionally ate here in the past, but because of his unkempt appearance, he often got a blank look. This was the first time he was treated so kindly.

Perplexed in his heart, Miao Liangfang was about to speak, but the boy quickly entered the store carrying an empty plate.

He was stunned for a moment and could only lift the chopsticks, but for the time being he was filled with doubts in his heart.

After finishing the soup, Miao Liangfang put the empty bowl on the table, walked to the shop owner who was cutting noodles at the door with a wooden stick, and took out two shiny noodles from his arms. copper plate.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: “Someone has paid for you, so you don’t need to pay it, Miracle Doctor Miao!”

“And such a good thing…” Miao Liangfang was about to smile, but his smile suddenly froze, “What did you call me?!”

“Miracle Doctor Miao!” The shopkeeper patted him on the shoulder, approached him and said, “Dr. Lu has greeted us on the street these past two days and said that if you eat in the future, all your meals will be charged to Renxin Medical Center’s account. Let’s go to Renxin Medical Center.” Just take the money from the hotel!”

 “Doctor Lu?”

“It’s Doctor Lu from Renxin Medical Center! Doctor Lu said that you are a miracle doctor and your medical skills are far superior to hers. In the past, we were blind, old Miao, don’t worry about it, don’t worry about it.”

Someone next to me spoke, half jokingly and half questioning, “Old Miao, are you really good at medicine?”

Someone else replied: “That’s what Dr. Lu said, how can it be false! Dr. Lu can make ‘Spring Water’ and ‘Slim’, Princess Wenjun even comes to thank you, why are you lying to me!”

Miao Liangfang could no longer hear what else someone said. He only felt that the sun shining above his head was extremely hot, as if it was pulling the moss that had grown in the dark into the sun overnight, causing his whole body to ache.

 No wonder when he went out today, he always felt that the people around him looked at him strangely. Those mocking and disgusting looks will make him feel comfortable, but such flattering and respectful looks will make him extremely uncomfortable!

That medical woman named Lu…Renxin Medical Center!

The shop owner patted him on the shoulder: “Old Miao, what’s wrong? You look so ugly?”

Miao Liangfang came to his senses, said nothing, turned around and left with a sullen face, leaning on the wooden stick.

After taking two steps, he suddenly turned around, startling the shopkeeper.

 He slapped the two coins on the chopping board.

 “I’ll pay for it myself!”

At Renxin Medical Center, Acheng was taking the red woven rug to dry in the sun.

I don’t know what kind of material this tapestry is made of. It has been washed several times, but the color has not faded at all, and has even become brighter and brighter the more I rub it. Under the sunlight, the words “A good doctor cures diseases with affection, and magic cures diseases silently” were illuminated gleamingly.

A Chengcai laid out the tapestry and when he looked up, he saw a middle-aged man walking menacingly from outside the door.

This man was wearing a dark gray shabby coat, with some yellowing cotton exposed from the thin coat. His hair was messy and tied together, and his face seemed to be unwashed. He was worse than a beggar at the entrance of the temple. He was clearly leaning on a cane, but he was still walking like flying.

Achengdao: “Guest…”

The man went into the back room without looking at him.

Du Changqing and Yin Zheng were drying medicine in the backyard. Lu Zhuo was sitting in front of the table reading a book. When he heard the noise, he raised his head and saw Miao Liangfang’s furious face.

“What on earth do you want to do?” Miao Liangfang threw the wooden stick away, slapped the table with both hands, and looked at Lu Zhuo as if he wanted to eat her alive, “I told you that I don’t understand medicine, let alone teach people! Die as soon as possible Without this attitude, you will not be able to pass the Spring Examination, and you will not be able to enter the Imperial Medical College!”

 Lu Zong closed the book and looked at him calmly.

“Why do you say that? Is it because you know a lot about the Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau, Medical Officer Miao?”

Miao Liangfang’s face changed: “What did you call me?”

 Lu Zhen smiled slightly.

 “It seems that I was right.”

 (End of this chapter)

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