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Chapter 101: Sending the Banner

Not long after the dust settled on the tribute case, another major event happened in Shengjing.

 The concubine in Prince Wenjun’s palace poisoned the pregnant princess in an attempt to murder the prince’s heir. Fortunately, the princess and her daughter were auspicious. On the day when the poison broke out, a medical girl came to the house to deliver medicine, and the princess and her daughter were saved at the critical moment of life and death. However, the vicious concubine was unwilling to give up and turned her anger on the medical girl. She actually sent someone to secretly assassinate the medical girl, but was accidentally saved by the guards of the county prince’s palace.

The thief revealed everyone behind the scenes in the patrol shop, and only then did everyone know that there was such a lawsuit behind the scenes.

Because the guards escorted the gangsters to patrol the shops that day, they passed through the busy city and many people witnessed it in person. Therefore, once the news spread, it immediately became a topic of conversation among drinkers in the streets and alleys.

Poisoning the flesh and bones of a pregnant woman’s belly is harmful to her moral character. Ordinary people would not allow such a thing to happen, let alone a high-ranking family that prides itself on being glamorous. After this incident, Prince Wen knew that the people around him were wrong, but he did not deal with his concubine. He only punished and grounded his concubine lightly, trying to protect her. With such a ruthless husband to his wife and daughter, everyone felt sorry for the miserable concubine. The princess became more and more sympathetic.

 That’s all. Although ordinary rumors about wealthy and noble families are harmful to the reputation, they will be suppressed after a while. However, as a few days passed, the lawsuit in Prince Wenjun’s Mansion not only did not subside, but became more and more popular, simply because it involved a forbidden drug in the palace – “Xiao’erchou”.

 The poison that Princess Wenjun was exposed to was the forbidden medicine in the palace, which made children worry.

This was originally a secret in the palace. No one knew about it for many years. I don’t know who discovered it again.

 It is said that this “child’s worry” is colorless and odorless, and is easily soluble in pigments. Pregnant women who take it will not experience any reaction at first. Gradually, the body will become hot and the skin color will turn dark. After a few months, the shoulders and neck will gradually swell. At a certain time, there may be signs of abdominal pain and bleeding. However, even so, the fetus in the belly of the poisoned person is still stable. Even if a doctor visits, he will only think that these symptoms are ordinary signs of pregnancy, and drinking anti-fetal medicine will only make the poison penetrate deeper. After ten months, a stillborn baby was born, but the mother was fine.

This drug is extremely poisonous and difficult for ordinary people to detect. Even the medical officers of the Imperial Medical College may not be able to see it. People were panicked for a while. Not to mention this, when the palace of Xuanyi Lang in Shengjing learned of the matter, when Xuanyi Lang, who was over fifty years old, went to court the next day, he knelt in the main hall, beat his chest and stamped his feet, wanted to hit the pillars, and complained, begging the emperor to thoroughly investigate the matter –

Xuan Yilang suspected that his beloved concubine also suffered from “child worry” and gave birth to a stillborn child.

Xuanyi Lang boasted of his love. After his concubine passed away in depression, he couldn’t control his grief. Every day he scrawled on the walls and temples of various places, such as “Ten years of life and death.” The chance of redressing my injustice is as exciting as drinking chicken blood overnight. He united with a group of officials who believed that their family members had suffered “child sorrow” and requested the court to investigate the matter thoroughly.

After all, when the late emperor was still alive, it was discovered that a concubine had used this poison to murder the emperor’s heirs. Later, the palace ordered a ban on this medicine, and it disappeared. Now that banned drugs are back again, where did they come from?

Because it was related to the harem, the Queen Mother who was worshiping Buddha at Wan’en Temple was alarmed. The Queen Mother returned to the palace that day and personally checked the harem overnight.

This investigation really revealed something.

The palace guard found unused “Xiao’erchou” in Concubine Yan’s palace.

Concubine Yan is the cousin of Meng Xiyan, the concubine of the county prince’s palace.

Concubine Yan couldn’t help being tortured in the palace and revealed that she got the medicine from the Imperial Medicine Institute and it was Meng Xiyan who asked her for it. As a result, everyone from the Royal Medicine Institute was convicted one after another, and Concubine Yan and Meng Xiyan were also imprisoned.

Concealing prohibited drugs, trying to murder the emperor’s heir, any crime will result in loss of head.

These chaotic news came out from the palace after a while, and were talked about by people at the time. And the man in the whirlpool seemed to be ignored, with few people mentioning him.

 In the palace of Prince Wenjun.

Prince Wenjun stood in front of the courtyard. The man who always loved dignity now looked a bit disheveled and embarrassed. His face had long lost the high-spiritedness of the previous days, and he stared at the person in front of him fiercely.

“Pei Yunying, get out of the way for me!”

At the entrance of the courtyard, there were dozens of men who looked like guards. The young man at the head was holding a silver knife. He glanced in, smiled and said “Shh” to him, “Be quiet, Baozhu is still sleeping.”

It’s okay not to mention this, but when he mentioned the orb, King Wenjun Mu Sheng’s face turned blue.

Two days ago, he was having a banquet with others in a restaurant when he suddenly learned that an official had gone to the house to take Meng Xiyan away. He hurried back to the house and found out that the military patrol had caught an assailant in the shop, and the assailant confessed in front of everyone. It was Meng Xiyan who instigated the killer to kill Lu Huan, a female doctor at Renxin Medical Center, because Lu Huan saved Pei Yunshu who suddenly gave birth to a sudden emergency.

This was just a small matter at first, so Mu Sheng didn’t take it seriously. He was only angry that the man patrolling the bungalow was so bold that he dared to touch someone from his county prince’s palace. Unexpectedly, this little incident got out of hand somehow and was implicated in banned drugs in the palace, alarming the Queen Mother. After that, Concubine Yan and Meng Xiyan were imprisoned one after another, and he, the prince, was a little worried.

Mu Sheng didn’t believe that this matter had nothing to do with Pei Yunshu, but Pei Yunshu’s courtyard gate was guarded by Pei Yunying’s people, and even he, the prince, could not enter. As a last resort, he could only yell Pei Yunshu’s name loudly at the entrance of the courtyard, but the always cowardly woman had taken advantage of her and turned a blind eye to his yelling, and refused to see him from the beginning to the end.

Mu Sheng stared at Pei Yunying coldly. It was because Pei Yunshu had no fear of this younger brother after he returned to Beijing. These siblings!

 He said: “Pei Yunying, what do you want to do?”

Pei Yunying smiled, reached out and took out a piece of paper from his arms, and patted it on Mu Sheng’s face.

Mu Sheng was furious. He pulled off the paper and saw densely written words on the paper. “What is this?”

“Mu Sheng,” Pei Yunying’s tone could even be called polite, “Now that you’ve reached this point, you don’t think you can get away with it as if nothing happened.” He smiled, “I’ve written the letter and Li’s book for you, you just copy it. Just make a copy.”

 And Li Shu?

Mu Sheng lowered his head and looked at the paper in front of him, as if he was stung, and suddenly sneered: “So that’s why you…”

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Pei Yunying’s people took Meng Xiyan away. Mu Sheng knew that Mo Hailuo had a problem, but still ordered Pei Yunying to return Meng Xiyan.

Meng Xiyan’s beautiful explanation, what’s more, Pei Yunying took Meng Xiyan away in public, which was a slap in the face of Prince Wen. To defend Meng Xiyan was to defend himself.

Later, Pei Yunying sent Meng Xiyan back to his residence. Mu Sheng waited for a few days, but did not see that he continued to pursue the case. He felt relieved and a little proud at the same time. After all, Pei Yunying was still young and did not dare to go head-to-head with the county prince’s palace.

I thought this matter would be settled like this, but I never expected that this man had a deep scheming mind. The previous release of Meng Xiyan was just to make him relax his vigilance, but the next step was waiting for him here. Now not only Meng Xiyan, but also Concubine Yan in the palace were imprisoned. From the beginning, Pei Yunying never wanted to let Meng Xiyan go. He wanted to deal with Meng Xiyan and let Pei Yunshu leave the county prince’s palace.

 From the beginning, he had the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone!

Shocked to realize that he had fallen into a trap, Mu Sheng was furious. He laughed angrily, stared at the person in front of him and sneered: “Don’t even think about it, don’t talk about divorce. I won’t even give her a divorce letter.” His tone was malicious and playful. , “I just want her to spend time in my county prince’s palace, and even if she dies, she will be the ghost of the county prince’s palace!”

A cold light flashed, and the cold blade of the knife pressed against his neck, and the cold murderous intention gradually spread from his throat.

“Are you crazy?” Mu Sheng froze on the spot, not daring to move.

Pei Yunying’s hand holding the knife was steady, his face was smiling, but his eyes were piercingly cold. He said, “The prince is so majestic.”

“I wonder if the county king was so majestic last year when he took over all the water conservancy, money and food supplies for the city’s workers?”

As soon as these words came out, Mu Sheng’s expression changed and he blurted out: “How do you know?”

“Of course I know.” Pei Yunying smiled faintly, “I have always cared about the prince.”

 Mu Sheng’s heart started to tremble.

No one knows about this except his own people. I don’t know where Pei Yunying got the news from, how much he knows, and how much evidence he has. He has his own fatal leverage… He is just a commander in front of the palace. How can he do this? The situation!

“Aren’t you afraid that I will tell your father if you do this?” Mu Sheng still refused to give up and tried to use Duke Zhaoning to suppress the people in front of him. Marriage between two surnames is never a personal matter. There are many things to consider in the relationship between the clan and the two families. Pei Yunshu’s wishes are the most insignificant link in the interests of the entire Pei family.

Pei Yunying looked at him, as if he had heard something ridiculous, and said in disbelief: “Prince, don’t you understand Duke Zhaoning? If he knew these things, he would break up with you faster.”

He thought for a while, “But maybe if you provoke it well, you might even see the scene of our father and son killing each other.”

 The young man’s handsome features and eyes cannot hide his coolness and surliness.

Mu Sheng was frightened in his heart, but he had no fear at all.

Pei Yunying retracted her hand, carefully put the silver knife back into its sheath, and looked at him with a half-smile.     ”Heli Shu and petition, let the prince choose one.”

As soon as the news of Princess Wenjun and Prince Wen’s separation came out, everyone was surprised, but it was understandable.

 After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to live together with a husband who harbors the murderer of his wife and heir. It’s just that in Shengjing’s wealthy and aristocratic families, there are very few people who reconcile. It’s not because of anything else. Most of them are because the husband doesn’t want to be laughed at and makes outsiders feel that he can’t even manage the back house. Therefore, most divorced couples don’t care what he can do. If you can’t live it, you will have to die and waste away in a withered marriage.

However, Princess Wenjun Pei Yunshu successfully reconciled with Prince Wen. Not only did they divorce, the princess also took away the little girl who was just born, because she was worried that the little girl would be assassinated if she stayed in the prince’s palace.

The marriage laws of the Liang Dynasty stipulated that a husband’s intention to murder his wife was against ethical principles and should be “righteous.” Even if one party disagreed, as long as the other party filed a complaint, he must be divorced.

 It was rare for a woman to divorce her husband in the Liang Dynasty, especially in wealthy families. However, the incident in Wenjun Prince’s Mansion, on the surface, seemed to be a divorce, but in fact anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was no different from divorce. For a time, there were endless voices mocking and ridiculing Prince Wenjun, and even more people expressed sympathy for Princess Wenjun and her daughter who had left.

Who wants to marry such an inhuman beast?

  The day after Princess Wenjun moved out of Prince Wenjun’s Mansion, early in the morning, a group of people playing gongs and drums were greeted at the entrance of Renxin Medical Center.

A group of slender men, all dressed in blue, holding a piece of colorful brocade fabric in their hands, came to West Street, banging it all the way. The vendors on West Street had never seen such a battle before, and they all followed the ceremony team to the entrance of Renxin Medical Center just to watch the excitement.

Du Changqing was sweeping the floor with Acheng when a group of people suddenly blocked the door. He was startled and shouted: “What are you doing? Make trouble!”

 Lu Zhuo came out of the back shop holding the bamboo plaque with the medicine on it. Yin Zheng walked to the door, looked at the crowd outside and asked with a smile: “What’s going on? Why are they all gathered in front of the medical center?”

A strong man in the lead turned around and took the colorful brocade fabric from behind, gave it to Yin Zheng, and said loudly: “Dr. Lu of Renxin Medical Center saved my daughter and my daughter with his kind heart and skills. The whole family is grateful to Dr. Lu for his great kindness. I’d like to send you a thank-you gift from the young ones!” After saying that, he greeted everyone behind him. The eight-foot-long man rolled up his sleeves and banged his head at Lu Huo several times, shouting in unison: “Medical skills are trustworthy and medical ethics are respectable! The hanging pot helps the world, the wonderful painting!”

 The sound is loud and the momentum is overwhelming.

 Lu Huan: “…”

 She rarely reacts to external things unnecessarily, but at this moment, facing the crowd gathered at the entrance of the medical clinic on West Street, Lu Huo felt… embarrassed for the first time in a long time.

Perhaps a little bit of shame.

The strong man in the lead was completely unaware and only stared at the fabric in Yin Zheng’s hand eagerly: “Doctor Lu, please take a look!”

 Lu Huo looked over.

The piece of colorful brocade fabric is about a person’s height. It is very delicately woven, like a thick blanket, decorated with colored bells. There are silk ribbons made of auspicious patterns on both sides, and in the middle, there are two lines of gold characters embroidered with gold threads.

“A good doctor can cure diseases with emotion, and magic can cure diseases silently—”

At this moment, even a person as grandiose as Du Changqing couldn’t help but choke.

 There was silence all around.

Only the boy Acheng happily took the tapestry from Yin Zheng, marveled at the gold characters on it, and asked happily: “Is this for our Doctor Lu? We can hang it in the front of the hospital.” On the wall of the gate?”

“Of course.” The strong male leader replied sincerely, “Doctor Lu deserves to be praised for his skillful hands and benevolent heart.”

Du Changqing couldn’t help but raise his hands to cover his face, “It’s so embarrassing…”

Widow Sun, who was watching the excitement at the door, poked the man’s strong arm and asked curiously: “Brother, who is your young lady?” She glanced at the group of people in front of the door. Such a powerful aura was not something ordinary people could raise. from.

The man in green clasped his fists and said, “The head of the family is the eldest daughter of Duke Zhaoning.” After a pause, he added, “The former Princess Wenjun.”

  Everyone was stunned for a moment when he mentioned the eldest lady of Duke Zhaoning’s residence. But when he mentioned Princess Wenjun, those who watched the excitement suddenly became enlightened.

 Oh, it turns out to be the unlucky county princess from the past few days!

Tailor Ge, who was opposite the street, stopped eating melon seeds and couldn’t help but add another sentence: “So, the medical woman who saved the princess and her daughter was Dr. Lu?”


As soon as these words came out, the crowd was in an uproar again.

The Wens of Wensong’s palace, now the entire Shengjing is well known. As for the mysterious medical woman involved in this strange incident, no one has ever mentioned it. First of all, Du Changqing and Lu Yun were not showy people, and they did not mention this matter to anyone intentionally. Secondly, in the case of Prince Wenjun’s palace, the husband and wife were separated, the concubine was spoiled and the wife was destroyed, the murderer was protected, drugs were banned in the palace…everything was one after another, none of which was more shocking than a little medical girl.

 She is like an insignificant weed, ignored in the blink of an eye. At this moment, when someone mentioned it, everyone on West Street thought that the medical woman, the medical woman who saved Pei Yunshu and her daughter and was assassinated by the vicious concubine, was actually an indispensable and important part in this story. member.

The way everyone on West Street looked at Lu Huo suddenly changed.

That was the person who saved Princess Wenjun!

 Their West Street is full of small businesses. It would have been a big deal if a wealthy businessman came here. People with Hu Yuanwai’s status are treated as honored guests in West Street. It was extremely unusual for an official to appear. Renxin Medical Center is good. It first saved the son of the Minister of Taifu Temple, and became friends with the Minister of Taifu Temple. Now it has rescued the mother and daughter of the Princess of the County. If the Princess of the County reconciled, wouldn’t she still be Zhao after the divorce? Is this the young lady from Ning Gong’s residence?

What kind of luck did Renxin Medical Center have? Where did the prodigal Du Changqing pick up such a golden lump? If Dr. Lu’s reputation spreads, and all the noble people come to see the doctor, maybe even their West Street will become prosperous. !

 When will it be better if I don’t fawn over you now?

Thinking of this, everyone rushed towards the medical center in a “coaxing” manner, saying “congratulations” and “congratulations”, and almost squeezed Du Changqing out of the door.

Yin Zheng greeted everyone with a smile. Acheng had already climbed onto the chair with the huge tapestry, comparing the left and right places to hang it most conspicuously. The small medical clinic suddenly became lively and crowded, and Du Changqing’s angry scolding resounded throughout West Street.

Lu Zhen stood in the back berth, looking at the noisy and funny scene in front of him. As he watched, for some reason, a smile gradually overflowed in his eyes.

Pei Yunying sent a piece of colorful fabric with such great fanfare, ostensibly to express gratitude, but in fact it was also to boost her fortune. After today, the entire West Street, or most of Shengjing may know that she saved Pei Yunshu and her daughter.

 This is also a warning to Prince Wenjun.

Now everyone knows that Meng Xiyan hired someone to deal with her. As long as nothing happens to her, once something happens to her in the future, everyone will naturally suspect Prince Wenjun. At least in the short term, Mu Sheng will not attack her. Even if Mu Sheng is shameless, Prince Wenjun’s palace cannot withstand the questioning of three voices one after another.

 She is safe for now.

 This is good, she has more energy and time to do her own things.

 For example…dealing with the Grand Master’s Mansion.

Lu Zhuo raised his head. Acheng hung the tapestry upright on the wall facing the door. The tapestry was thick and huge, and the embroidered calligraphy was gleaming in gold. Once it was hung up, the whole medical center showed a rough and majestic look. An incompatible feeling of wealth.

Du Changqing’s roar came from behind: “It’s so ugly, take it off! Take it off right away!”

Acheng retorted: “Master, I think it’s very good. Don’t be too picky.”

The sound of gongs and drums outside started again, as if they would not stop until the sound spread throughout West Street.

In the midst of the chaos, Lu Zhu lowered his head and smiled.

Pei Yunying’s thank you gift was a little exaggerated, but it was given sincerely.

 At least now, he has solved his urgent need.

 (End of this chapter)

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