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Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

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Chapter 1 : C1 part9

Different World Nation Alchimyra -The Weakest King and the Unrivaled Army

Chapter 1 part 9

“To the Village”

After introducing themselves and exchanging handshakes, the Helian party proceeded to walk through the forest, led by the young girl.

Upon inquiring, they learned that there was a village nearby where the girl resided, so they decided to head towards that village.

It appeared that people who had escaped from the town had gathered there and had been living there for about three weeks.

“Then, what about the elf from earlier?”

“Yes, it was a Noblewood elf who attacked the town.”

During their journey, they discussed the male elf from earlier as part of their information gathering.

Although they had encountered trouble so soon, it was fortunate that they could meet someone who could provide information. In the worst case, they could have walked all day outside their own country without encountering anyone.

“Well, what is the name of your country?”

“It’s called Latestwood. It’s more like a city-state with only one city and a few settlements… or you could say it’s like a gathering place. It was founded about thirty years ago, with a certain half-elf taking the lead.”

In this case, a city-state refers to a small nation that encompasses only one city and its surrounding areas.

Even the current state of Alchimyra is essentially a city-state, as only the castle and its surrounding town were forcibly transferred.

“Thirty years… That’s relatively recent.”

“Indeed, the half-elf race itself is quite recent. It was about a hundred years ago when the number of half-elves started increasing. Prior to that, their existence was quite rare.”

According to the young half-elf girl, Leifa, it seems that there was initially no fertile ground for the birth of half-elves.

While there are various types of elves, most of them reside in the vast forests of the western continent. However, the elves living in the forests close to human territories, particularly the inhabitants of the country called Noblewood, seem to hold a disdainful attitude towards humans.

Due to geographical circumstances, elves who have relatively more contact with humans become the people of Noblewood. However, it was highly unlikely for them to have any children with humans.

Living deep within the forest, there are rare instances where elves who lack the contempt for humans venture out from the woods. Among them, only a small minority would form marriages with humans, resulting in children—essentially giving birth to half-elves.

That was the case until a hundred years ago.

“A hundred years ago, there was a war between races.”

It was a conflict between the group of elves centered around Noblewood and the alliance of human nations.

In the initial battle, the elven forces achieved victory through a surprise magical attack. However, they soon faced a series of humiliating defeats, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the human forces.

The choice of the battlefield itself was unfavorable. The main battleground was a wasteland that extended eastward from the vast forest. The elves, who spent their entire lives within the woods, lacked terrain adaptability for the harsh wilderness.

In the midst of the defeat, many elves, including the Queen of Noblewood, were captured. The elves were pushed back by the overwhelming numerical violence of the human coalition forces and were forced to retreat into the forest.

However, once inside the forest, the elves were able to fully utilize their abilities, employing natural traps and forest familiars to halt the advance of the coalition forces. This led to a stalemate, and five years after the start of the war, a ceasefire agreement was reached.

So, what happened to the elven women who had been captured by humans during those five years?

The answer follows the expected pattern. As per human aesthetic sensibilities, the uniformly beautiful elven women became spoils of war, handed over to nobles and high-ranking military personnel, enduring treatment akin to sexual slavery. It appears that the Noblewood side instigated the aggressive war, but regardless, it is undoubtedly a sickening tale to hear.

With the ceasefire, the majority of the elves were returned to their homeland. However, among them, many had suffered indignities, some were impregnated, and others had already given birth to children from their relationships with humans.

At the very least, it was enough to form a group of half-elves.

“They are our ancestors. Well, when I say ancestors, it’s only the fourth generation in my case,” Leifa added.

“It’s been only a hundred years, after all,” she further clarified.

Considering the origin, it was quite a grim situation, but there was no hint of darkness in Leifa’s expression. At least, the Helian party’s insight was unable to perceive any shadows in her demeanor.

“However, the half-elves were never accepted by the elves. Well, in a way, it’s only natural. They already disliked humans, so it’s understandable that we, with human blood mixed in, became objects of disgust for them. It’s like a symbol of their own defeat. In fact, nowadays, they even despise half-elves more than humans.”

“…And how about the reaction of humans towards half-elves?”

“It’s somewhat similar, but it’s better than the elves. There isn’t a single elf around here who treats half-elves favorably. However, among humans who occasionally visit the forest, there are some who show kindness towards us. There are also humans who suddenly attack or try to abduct us, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t good people among them.”

“I’ve actually been helped by humans myself,” Leifa said, smiling.

The wary attitude they had just moments ago seemed to have disappeared completely, as they became much more open-hearted.

It made me wonder if the half-elves were truly facing such a harsh situation, and a heavy feeling settled within me.

However, as I asked various questions, I began to notice various discrepancies emerging.

Firstly, in the game “Tactics Chronicle,” such a history does not exist…

At least in the world where Helian existed, such a history did not occur.

There were groups of elf NPCs (Non-Player Characters) in the game, but there was no mention of a war like that happening a hundred years ago during the game era. It’s possible that it took place in an area unknown to my past self at the time, but even in the “History Information” acquired through annexing other countries, there was no mention of such events.

The same goes for the names of the countries.

Neither “Noblewood” nor “Latestwood” were familiar to Helian.

Furthermore, it is strange to suggest the existence of a human kingdom with enough combat abilities to defeat the elves. In the game, humans were only playable as kings, and their character settings explicitly stated that they had no combat abilities whatsoever.

In any case, it is now confirmed that this place is not the world we originally inhabited.

Moreover, the existence of a human kingdom that disregards the premise of the game eliminates the possibility of our data being transferred to a pre-existing alternate world… No, that’s not it. This must be a dream. It’s my dream.

Helian shook his head to clear his thoughts. Gathering information should be the priority. Everything else can wait.

“…I understand the attitude of the elves earlier. It seems that the elves of [Noblewood] hold a grudge against the half-elves of [Latestwood].”

“Yes. We simply wish to live quietly. Our capital is located near the border with humans, and it has served as a shield in times of war. Moreover, being close to the Abyss of the Deep Forest adds to the unfavorable conditions. Until now, they have refrained from attacking us…”

However, the situation has taken a drastic turn.

Three weeks ago, [Noblewood] suddenly launched an attack on [Latestwood].

“What was the reason for the war?”

“I don’t know. It was an unexpected surprise attack without any declaration of war. After they successfully captured the city, they finally released a statement claiming that they ‘rose up to govern the city with noble blood.’ But I find it hard to believe.”

Moreover, the city of [Latestwood] that was captured was a unique blend of tree and stone structures, which doesn’t seem like something the forest-dwelling elves would particularly desire.

In the dwellings of the elves, materials other than wood are rarely used, and many of them live within the great trees themselves.

“Could it be their intention to utilize our city, which is close to the border, as a frontline base in preparation for another war with humans?”

“It was mostly defeat a hundred years ago, wasn’t it? Even if they were to start a war with humans now, do the elves stand a chance of winning?”

“I can’t say there’s no chance, but it would be difficult.”

According to what I’ve heard, the human population has increased significantly compared to a hundred years ago, while the population of [Noblewood] has remained relatively stagnant.

Considering they were overwhelmed by sheer numbers in the past and ended up losing, it’s easy to imagine that they would face even more challenges if they were to fight now.

Moreover, it seems that there are several other elven nations apart from [Noblewood], but those nations don’t hold any particular disdain towards humans and have no intention of getting involved in the conflict.

“That’s why I can’t believe they genuinely desire the city. I can’t find a reason why they would want the city in the first place. Furthermore, if their only goal is to acquire the city, it doesn’t explain why they would try to capture us, who have managed to escape.”

Come to think of it, the elf from earlier also mentioned that their objective was to capture us.

Certainly, if their sole desire is to acquire the city, they could simply drive out the half-elves and be done with it. No matter how much they may dislike half-elves, there is no reason for them to go after each and every one of us who managed to escape beyond the city’s boundaries.

“What about the resistance from the Latestwood side? Did they put up a fight?”

“Of course, they resisted. However, in the initial surprise attack, the city’s central area suffered a devastating blow. It was engulfed in flames of an unprecedented scale, caused by some kind of immense sorcery…”


“Wait. Elves using fire as their opening move?”

“Yes. That’s what’s strange about it. It was undeniably a tremendous display of power, but it also caused damage to the forest. It’s clearly absurd for the elves, who claim to be the ‘noble guardians of the forest,’ to willingly employ such methods.”

The more I hear, the stranger this story becomes.

“What about the leader, the king or equivalent, who suffered such a blow in the central area?”

“As it is a matrilineal royal family, the leader is a queen. The Queen of Latestwood, along with her consort, is missing. While elves may not be as proficient in sorcery, she was a capable ruler who brought everyone together and founded the nation. I want to believe she is still alive. However, since she hasn’t sought refuge in the settlements, she is likely held captive by the elves.”

Furthermore, Latestwood has lost its capital. It’s already a losing battle.

If I were in their shoes and had any viable options, I would gather the surviving forces and form alliances with other powers for a counterattack.

However, they are the half-elves who face discrimination from both humans and elves.

That’s precisely why they came together to form a nation, relying on each other. If asked whether they have reliable allies externally, they would likely struggle to provide an answer.

Naturally, a sense of heaviness sets in.

I feel sorry for them, but I can’t act recklessly.

I admonish myself not to dwell on unnecessary thoughts and focus on gathering information.

“By the way, Leifa-san. About Elthina…”

“Just Leifa is fine.”

A warm smile is directed at me.

The contrast between that smiling face and the emotionless mask-like expression from when I rescued her unexpectedly makes me feel dizzy.

Perhaps I’m becoming overly favorable towards her all at once.

“Ah… Then, Leifa. About Elthina, she is not a resident of [Noblewood]. Therefore, she doesn’t discriminate against you all. I, too, have no discriminatory feelings towards half-elves, and the same goes for my companion, Leve. You can trust us on that.”

Leifa nods in agreement, while walking alongside Leve and Elthina.

Leifa responds with a cheerful nod.

“Yes, I will trust you.”

Depending on how you interpret it, the statement could be somewhat provocative, but it doesn’t seem to have any ulterior motives.

Feeling relieved that they were able to gain some trust.

Having learned the circumstances, it’s natural that they were initially cautious of our group.

After all, a human man accompanied by an elven woman.

And with the other companion being a woman as well, it wouldn’t be surprising if they misunderstood Leifa’s initial statement and assumed that Helian was traveling with slaves.

By the way, I decided to go with the setup that I’m an outsider who knows nothing about the current situation around here.

Leifa scrutinized me from head to toe, but she didn’t ask any further questions and provided the explanation earlier.

I’m afraid I might be bombarded with questions later, but since Leifa didn’t inquire about anything, there’s nothing I can do as Helian right now. I won’t volunteer unnecessary details that might expose my true identity. For now, it’s best for me to prioritize listening to their conversations.

On a side note, Elthina only chimes in with occasional nods during their conversation, while Leve remains completely silent. To avoid any slip-ups in our setup, I’ll leave the conversation entirely up to Helian.

“By the way…”


“Your eye color is quite unusual. I’ve never seen black eyes before.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, and your hair is black as well. While black hair is occasionally seen, I’ve never come across a human with black hair. It seems very rare.”

“I see…”


This conversation is taking a bad turn.

It seems that there are few people with black hair and black eyes in this area. After all, Leifa has blonde hair and green eyes with a Western-looking face. This conversation could easily lead to questions like “Where are you from?”

That would be problematic. The truth is, I don’t even know the names of the local regions. I could come up with a random hometown as an answer, but that would only lead to more questions about my journey, such as “Which direction did you come from?” or “Why are you here?” or even “What is your purpose for traveling?” I can’t think of a plausible way to deceive them and cover up all of these topics. If I continue like this, my traveler persona will fall apart.

In a panic, I quickly changed the subject.

“But you know, Leifa, you seem quite mature. Your way of speaking and your demeanor are refined… There’s a certain elegance about you.”

“Oh, really? I think I’m just normal… Oh, wait, are you perhaps mistaken about my age?”

“Huh? Ah, I see, as an Elf, your age might not match your appearance… Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No need to feel awkward about it. It doesn’t bother me. As you guessed, I am older than I appear.”

I had a feeling.

Being a Half-Elf means having the longevity characteristic of the Elven race.

If that’s the case, there could be a significant difference between Leifa’s physical age and her actual age.

While it may not be as pronounced as in Elves, there’s a good chance she’s older than Helian.

“I’m fifteen years old. Are you surprised?”

“…I was surprised.”

I was actually surprised that her age matched her appearance.

She really is just a kid, after all.

Well, I’m not even twenty myself, so it’s a bit strange for me to say that, but her age is equivalent to around ninth or tenth grade in Japan. I don’t understand why she said it with a slightly proud expression. What age did she think she was being perceived as?

Looking at her again, her height is a bit shorter compared to typical tall Elves. Elves, even the women, are usually over 165 centimeters tall, and Elthina herself is 169 centimeters, quite tall. On the other hand, Leifa appears to be around 160 centimeters.

Perhaps, from an Elven perspective, they gauge someone’s age based on their height. If that’s the case, I can somewhat understand Leifa’s peculiar reaction… or maybe not, it’s hard to say, yeah.

“Ah, could you wait for a moment?”

“Hmm? Sure, go ahead.”

“We’re about ten minutes away from the village, but I think it would startle everyone if I brought you all there without any warning. So, I’d like to call for my companions as a prelude.”

“Oh, I see. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please go ahead.”

I’m relieved that she’s considerate enough to avoid causing a commotion. I watched, expecting her to use a whistle or something similar, but Leifa took out a jade-colored stone from her pocket and placed it on the ground. Then, using a small twig that had fallen nearby, she began drawing some kind of pattern on the ground around the stone.

As the geometric design took shape—

“…Your Majesty, it’s a magic circle. Let’s stay alert, just in case,” whispered Elthina, speaking softly enough that Leifa couldn’t hear.

So, it’s indeed a preparation for casting magic.

In the game “Tactics Chronicle,” there were several ritualistic spells that required drawing a magic circle to activate. It seems that the magic Leifa is about to cast falls into that category.

Could it be a signal or a marker to call their companions? It seems quite elaborate for that purpose, though…

“I apologize for the wait. I will call our companions now.”

Calling companions now?

The nuance of the words caught their attention.

“Perhaps… is this a summoning circle?”

“Yes, it’s a magical ritual to summon those who recognize each other as companions. The circle is necessary to amplify the magic power. I apologize for the delay.”

“Summoning companions?”

What is that?

Such magic does not exist in “Tactics Chronicle.”

While summoning magic exists, it can only summon summoned beasts created through magical power. It is not possible to summon existing living characters.

Regarding character teleportation or translocation, the fundamental principle in “Tactics Chronicle” is that it requires the use of the Transference Gate Teleportal. However, the girl before us claims to be capable of summoning companions through magic.

Come to think of it, the same goes for the magic used by the Elf man earlier.

He threw a pebble and performed wind magic, but that magic was also unfamiliar to me.

As someone who has thoroughly played the game, there shouldn’t be any magic that I don’t know. What could this possibly mean? The more information I gather, the more discrepancies I find compared to my existing knowledge.

While Helian is perplexed by this, Leifa closes her eyes and clasps her hands together, as if praying, to prepare for magic. Leve and Elthina brace themselves, ready to respond to whatever may happen with this unknown magic.

“I beseech you. A faintly whispered call that beckons. O friend, my dear friend. If you too recognize me as your comrade, then come forth now, guided by my voice――’I am the Guiding Companion, Callfellow.’”

The magic circle shimmered with an emerald light, converging into a single beam of light.

For a moment, a dazzling radiance lingered before fading away, leaving behind the figure of a graceful woman.

“Lady Leifa! Ah, I’m relieved you’re safe――Wait, an elf!?”

The woman, presumably a half-elf, who emerged from the magic circle swiftly grabbed the bow she carried on her back and deftly drew an arrow from her quiver, all in one fluid motion.

“Stop, Wenri! These individuals are the kind travelers who helped me. Lower your bow immediately.”

“But, but, aside from that beastman, they are elves and humans! It’s dangerous, please step back!”

“I told you to lower your bow. This is an order.”

The woman, reproached by Leifa, reluctantly lowered her bow while still holding onto it and the arrows. It seemed to be her compromise.

However, amidst all this, the Helian found himself wanting to address a different issue.

The fact that the summoned woman obeyed Leifa’s command implied that Leifa held a higher position than her. However, it was clear that Leifa was younger than her. While Leifa was fifteen years old, the woman appeared to be in her mid-twenties.

In a military context, it was possible for younger individuals to command older ones based on rank. In that sense, it was not entirely impossible for Leifa to be in a superior position to the woman. However, it was a bit difficult to imagine a young girl like Leifa being a military officer.

Furthermore, the woman who appeared addressed Leifa as “Lady Leifa.”

“I apologize. Many individuals in the village are on edge at the moment. I acted rudely, and I sincerely apologize once again.”

“No, it’s alright… It’s really alright, but Leifa, there’s something I want to ask you.”

“Yes, what is it?”

Leifa responded with a friendly smile.

Though feeling uneasy, the Helian asked the question with a bead of sweat rolling down their back.

“Can you tell me your full name?”

“Of course. My full name is Leifa Lim Lateswood.’”

Layfa Lim Lateswood…

The name of the Half-Elf’s country is also Lateswood.

It’s highly unusual for someone to bear their country’s name as their surname.

In other words, the true identity of the girl, whom they thought was just a regular Half-Elf…

“If you continue walking a little further, you will reach my country. It may be a humble village with seemingly nothing, but please allow me to express my gratitude for your assistance. As an individual and as a member of the royal family, I warmly welcome you.”

The genuine smile that was once there now feels unsettling.

In every word of Leifa’s previous conversation, there seemed to be some underlying meaning.

This is getting complicated, and Helian found himself once again in a dilemma.

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