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Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

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Chapter 1 : C1 part4

Different World Nation Alchimyra -The Weakest King and the Unrivaled Army

Chapter 1 part 4


Suddenly, in the game [Tactics Chronicle],

This game, which is rich in fantasy elements, has several differences from ordinary historical war games.

One of those differences is that depending on how you develop your subordinate characters, you can achieve literal feats of invincibility, allowing you to single-handedly overwhelm hordes of enemies, like in those famous “Musou” games.

When you reach the rank of a commanding officer of a great nation, you can even witness the spectacle of charging alone and effortlessly scattering foot soldiers.

For example, there was a player who was deeply immersed in role-playing. They diligently trained a group of ten subordinates and challenged a military force of ten thousand soldiers, achieving a true feat of invincibility.

It seems there is a manga with a story where ten heroes overthrow a nation, and this player, who is an avid reader of that manga, said that their experience mirrored that storyline.

However, after that, although his country had annihilated the enemy’s main force, they did not possess enough soldiers to occupy the enemy’s city, and it was easily retaken by the enemy’s sabotage unit.

As they attempted to reclaim it again, their once thriving capital was brutally ravaged by overwhelming force, ultimately resulting in their country becoming a vassal of another. Reality can be harsh.

However, even a certain country that became a joke managed to achieve invincibility at one point.

If that is the case, there is no reason why the military superpower [Alchimyra], which has become the world’s dominator, cannot replicate the same feat. The commanding officers possess power that far surpasses the ten heroes of his country.

Their combat prowess is such that those skilled in widespread destruction can single-handedly take on armies numbering over a thousand.

However, on the other hand, the combat capabilities of the king player in [Tactics Chronicle] are nonexistent.

The various physical abilities and stats, including vitality, in [Tactics Chronicle], are comparable to or even lower than those of an average person in the real world. They cannot be trained or improved.

Furthermore, the attack power is systemically set to zero, rendering any attempts to harm the enemy futile.

In essence, this game intentionally establishes the king player as the weakest entity, while empowering the subordinates. Consequently, the slightest hint of rebellion would determine the fate of Helian, leaving no room for escape.

-In other words, it’s extremely terrifying.

“Gather around, my fellow commanding officers.”

Without showing a hint of fear, he casually addressed the arrayed commanding officers.

Reminding himself not to speak with a trembling voice, as it wouldn’t befit a king, Helian projected an air of nonexistent dignity.

By the way, the injury on his palm was treated by the Third Legion Commander before the audience began, leaving no trace behind.

As for the incident when he felt unwell in front of Lieve, he dismissed it as a sudden bout of dizziness, assuring that he is perfectly fine now. Since even a brief examination by the Third Legion Commander found no abnormalities, Leve did not pursue the matter any further.

Furthermore, it became apparent that characters other than Leve possessed their own distinct “personality.” The conduct of the Third Legion Commander who provided treatment was clearly not that of a generic AI but rather displayed a distinct persona of their own.

“I would like to have a conversation about various matters if time permits, but we don’t have the luxury for that now. Let’s get straight to the point.”

Briefly stating the introductory words, Helian directed his gaze towards the assembled commanding officers.

The military forces of [Alchimyra] are composed of a total of eight legions, each led by a top-ranking legion commander.

While the highest commander of the army is King Helian himself, the discretion and detailed instructions for situations where individual orders are not given by the king are entrusted to each legion commander.

There is no particular obsession with the number eight. Some countries have more than ten legions, while others have only five or six.

In the case of [Alchimyra], it simply came down to creating the appropriate legions as needed for the governance of the nation and, consequently, for conducting warfare. As a result, they ended up with a total of eight legions.

And now, before Helian, there are four of the eight legion commanders kneeling in front of him.

First Legion Commander:

The leader of the elite unit known as the [Royal Guards], whose main duty is to assist the king in various aspects.

Leve, also known as the [Moon Wolf Managarm], serves as a close aide to the king and holds the position of the overall commanding officer.

Second Legion Commander:

The leader of the land combat force primarily composed of beastmen and knights, known as the [Beast Knight Order].

Balran, a knight with a lion-headed helm and clad in pure white full plate armor, is known as [Sword Lion Sverlebe].

Third Legion Commander:

The leader of the specialized unit known as the [Holy Spirit Corps], consisting of experts in healing and support.

Elthina, an Ancient Elf with distinctive golden hair that reaches her waist, holds this position.

Sixth Legion Commander:

The leader of the predominantly demon-based military unit specialized in espionage, sabotage, and other covert operations, known as the [Demon Phantom Legion].

Camilla, the captivating Nightmare Queen with deep eyes and an enchanting demeanor, assumes this role.

These are the legion commanders who have gathered during the audience.

The first to third legion commanders are the evolved forms of the monsters that Helian had with him since the beginning of the game. Due to their relatively calm personalities, they were chosen to attend the meeting.

As for the sixth legion commander, Camilla, her specialization in the field of information led to her inclusion as a member.

Regarding the other legion commanders, their strong individual quirks and focus on performance during the recruitment process made it clear that they should continue to concentrate on their respective tasks, so there was no need for them to attend the audience.

Summoning the courage to meet all eight of them at once is quite daunting.

“Gathering here has a specific purpose. As you may already be aware, our country is currently facing an unprecedented situation. Therefore, I would like to discuss how we can deal with it.”


Four voices responded simultaneously.

Their synchronized response was so perfect, as if they had practiced it beforehand. Despite the gravity of the situation, there was a slight sense of satisfaction.

…We didn’t actually practice, did we?

“First, let’s talk about the phenomenon that has struck our country.”

He recalled the speech techniques he had learned in his university presentation lecture.

During the lecture, he had thought that there would be limited opportunities to apply these skills, but now he was grateful for taking the course seriously.

Feeling the weight of the four pairs of eyes on him, he couldn’t help but feel the pressure, but he knew he mustn’t stumble or look down. He faced forward and spoke confidently. It was the fundamental principle of speech techniques.

“Our country, which was supposed to be surrounded by grasslands, is now covered in dense forests. This phenomenon has never occurred since our founding. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the current situation… Leve, explain the current situation.”

“Understood. I will provide a detailed explanation in chronological order.”

As a precautionary measure, he used a key keyword to give instructions, but Leve’s response did not include the key keyword.

It seemed that fixating on the key keyword was pointless after all.

Internally shaking his head, Helian switched his mindset.

From this point on, it would be better to act as if he were interacting with PC players rather than NPCs.

“I understand that some parts of the information I’m about to convey may overlap with what has already been communicated to you, Helian-sama. Is that acceptable?”

“…Has it been explained to the other commanders?”

“Yes. The information I reported earlier has been shared with them for the most part.”

“Then time is of the essence. We don’t need details about security and reconnaissance results. Just focus on the other aspects.”

“Understood. I will begin the explanation.”

He responded with a casual nod, as if to acknowledge the gaze that was discreetly directed at him.

(…Is this the right way for a dignified king to act?)

He felt a sense of unease, but it was too late to change now.

He had no choice but to continue with this style.

“Firstly, as previously reported, it is confirmed that the city is completely enveloped by the forest, with no visible roads extending from the city gates that should have been properly maintained.”

According to the investigation, this applies to all the main gates in the east, west, south, and north.

Furthermore, it is not that the roads are obscured by the forest, but rather they abruptly cease at the boundary of the city walls, creating a distinct break.”

“Therefore, it is highly likely that the capital was somehow severed and displaced… in other words, it is most likely a teleportation phenomenon.”

With this, the possibility of it being a teleportation event is nearly confirmed.

Teleportation phenomena themselves are occasional occurrences known as bad events.

During a certain war, there was an incident where a unit conducting a winter march and crossing mountains for a surprise attack was teleported several hundred kilometers away.

I remember that losing the entire elite unit was a significant blow.”

“Next, regarding the situation within the city, there is minimal damage to the buildings. The most notable incident was a small fire caused by a startled resident mishandling oil. There were a few injuries during the commotion, but they have all been treated by the medical team of the Third Legion.”

With that being said, it can be concluded that the situation within the country is relatively calm for now.

It is not hard to imagine that numerous issues will arise as time passes, but currently, there are no pressing problems that require immediate attention. And if that is the case――”

“What is the pressing issue outside the country?”

“Yes. We have been limited to long-distance investigations to avoid provoking external forces, but it seems that the forest itself has an illusory jamming effect, hindering our progress. Both magic and skills are being disrupted.

Based on the results of long-range observation without using aerial skills, we have identified the presence of some artificial structures in the northeast direction, but the rest remains concealed by the forest.”

“I see.”

Crossing his arms, he pondered.

In the midst of not understanding the current situation they were in, they didn’t want to make any hasty moves. They needed information to determine how they should interact with external entities in the future.

“Let us assume that the fact our country is located here is unknown to the outside world.”

Over an hour has passed since the translocation, yet there has been no contact from other forces.

Presumably, at this moment, the presence of [Alchimyra] has gone unnoticed by other powers.

“It is a significant advantage that our existence remains unknown. I have no intention of carelessly relinquishing this advantage. In this current situation where we know nothing about the external forces and the extent of their threat, it becomes even more crucial.”

In [Tactics Chronicle], nations that underestimate the importance of information usually meet their demise. Whatever actions we take, they must be based on solid information.

“To operate under the assumption that we can act freely without any threats or anyone knowing our existence would be dangerous. Therefore, our immediate goal is to investigate the current situation while keeping our country’s existence hidden and acquire surrounding information as quickly as possible. Does anyone have any objections to this plan?”

With a hope that it would be understood that they are not acting out of cowardice, the commander gazes at the other leaders. Fortunately, no one raises any objections.

Suppressing the urge to heave a sigh of relief, they keep the mask of the king on and proceed with their inquiry.

“From this point onward, let’s keep that in mind. The long-range investigation using magic was supposed to be entrusted to the Fourth Legion. How have things progressed? It was mentioned that the forest has an illusionary effect, but even the elite magic unit of the Fourth Legion couldn’t penetrate it?”

“Yes. I have received a report from the Fourth Legion commander. The foundational structure of the illusionary spell is completely different from the spell systems we are familiar with, which makes it challenging to unravel.”

As for the intricacies of the spell systems, I have no understanding whatsoever.

However, I comprehend that it’s not something we can resolve immediately.

The commander of the Fourth Legion, who oversees a corps specialized in magic, possesses the characteristic of being a “confident individual.” When it comes to the field of magic, she rarely says “can’t.” Even when given a time-consuming problem, she usually specifies a timeframe for providing a solution, such as “I will have an answer by tomorrow.”

Given that she, as a “confident individual,” admits uncertainty about when the issue can be resolved, it is unlikely that a prompt investigation through magical means will be possible.

By the way, the subordinate monsters have up to eight “characteristic traits” that greatly influence their personalities and behavioral patterns. These traits can be both positive and negative. For example, notable positive traits include “diligent,” while negative traits include “selfish.”

However, it was mentioned that if brute force were an option, anything would be possible.

When I asked about it as an experiment, there was a boastful response along the lines of, “If we forcefully control the magical essence in the surrounding area through ritual magic or overwrite the nature of the forest with even more powerful enchantments, we can do anything…!”

That approach would be a sheer display of brute force, a complete overpowering tactic. It’s like saying, “Since we couldn’t find the right key to fit the keyhole, we’ll just break the lock itself.”

However, it’s not just the Fourth Legion Commander who prefers brute force.

Most high-ranking commanders among the magical creatures—likely due to their overwhelming power—tend to rely on forceful solutions when faced with difficulties.

Even Leve, for instance, had a tendency to favor physical actions when dealing with minor troubles. In fact, during a report in the office, Leve made a statement along the lines of “I silenced a complaining dragon by punching it.”

If there were a personality trait called “brute strength,” it’s likely that more than half of the legion commanders would possess that trait.

It becomes rather frustrating to wonder why I ended up appointing individuals with such personalities as legion commanders. I find myself wanting to complain to my past self, saying, “Think more carefully!”

Suppressing a sigh, I respond to Leve.

“Reject the brute strength approach. If there are threatening forces around, it would only expose our presence if we resort to such methods. While there is a possibility that our existence is already known, there’s no need to create flashy signs that confirm that possibility. We should consider the situation around us, but for now, we cannot afford to make careless moves.”

“In that case, I thought ahead and told them to ‘restrain themselves, you clever brutes.’ I will formally communicate the prohibition of brute force tactics as an official order from Lord Helian.”


For some reason, Leve began wagging her tail.

Though her expression remained composed, the swaying of her fluffy tail from side to side, making faint sounds, reminded me of a large dog urging, “Praise me, praise me.”

As a side note, Balran, the Second Legion Commander kneeling beside her, seemed annoyed, his face contorted.

Well, it doesn’t matter.

In any case, it’s helpful that emotions are easily discernible.

When reading her reactions, it becomes easier to determine the appropriate course of action.

The fact that Leve and I were in agreement suggests that exercising restraint in using brute force is the right choice for our nation.

“From aerial observation, there seemed to be something resembling a man-made structure in the northeast direction…”

“Yes. At the altitude within the boundaries of the capital’s barrier, the details were unclear, but there were indications of a structure within the forest.”

“Hmm,” Lord Helian nodded, placing a hand on their chin.

Assuming the pose of deep contemplation, Lord Helian reflected on their actions and words thus far.

“Am I behaving like a true king up to this point…?”

I hope my subordinates aren’t exasperated by me.

Glancing briefly at the four corps commanders lined up, it seems that no one has taken offense.

However, Lord Helian’s assessment is merely wishful thinking. It cannot be relied upon too much.

Nerves on edge, Lord Helian secretly breaks out in a cold sweat.

There is a reason why Helian is so attentive to the reactions of his subordinates.

In this game, there is a system of ‘rebellion’ orchestrated by the subordinates themselves.

Unlike a certain popular game where once captured, they become loyal companions, there is no guarantee that once someone becomes a comrade, they won’t betray you.

If their happiness level remains extremely low or their loyalty falls below a certain threshold, there is a possibility that they will rebel without mercy.

And if a rebellion occurs, if Helian confronts the traitor one-on-one, his death is almost certain at that point.

As mentioned before, the player in the role of the king is designed as the weakest entity without combat abilities. Aside from a few abilities as the king player, they are just a frail ordinary person who can easily be killed when directly facing monsters.

And they, the “mighty monsters,” bow their heads to Helian, the “weak human,” because he is undoubtedly their “king.”

In essence, if Helian is deemed unworthy of being a king, it would be no surprise if he were betrayed at any moment.

Naturally, he has no choice but to immerse himself in the roleplay of being a king.

These are comrades he has spent many years together with. He wants to believe that they won’t betray him so easily, but since the transition, he hasn’t had a proper conversation with any of the other generals except for Leve.

There is no guarantee that they have the same personalities as in the game, nor is there any assurance that they have pledged their loyalty as they did in the game. Wait, hold on, this is a game. Or perhaps it’s just a dream of the game. So, it’s okay. I’m not sure what exactly is okay, but it has to be okay. It has to be.

It’s dangerous to dwell on these thoughts any further, so Helian shakes his head to change his mindset.

“Understood. If we want to avoid further provoking risks from outside the country and continue with the investigation, it means we need to take action. In that case, Sixth Division Commander, Camilla, the Nightmare Queen, would you be willing to take charge of the investigation beyond our borders?”

The Sixth Division Commander, Camilla, raises her head in response.

Dressed in a Victorian-style gothic attire, exuding an enchanting aura, is a female-type monster.

Although she appears to be around seventeen years old, resembling a young girl in terms of physical age, the atmosphere surrounding her is undeniably that of a mature woman.

Her crimson eyes are so deep that one might feel inclined to fall into them, and her facial features are closer to bewitching than simply beautiful. Additionally, her chest is notably large in proportion to her height, whether it’s due to the design of her outfit or intentionally loosened straps, revealing a tantalizing cleavage that seems somewhat constricted.

If she were to interlock arms with someone while wearing a smile, there wouldn’t be a man capable of resisting her invitation.

However, at this moment, her bewitching visage is slightly furrowed, and her eyebrows are lowered in apparent distress.

“My lord, if it is your command and yours alone, then I and my legion shall exert all our might. That is only natural… However, if I am asked whether we can explore the forest, I must admit there is a slight issue.”

An issue?

The Sixth Legion, led by Camilla, was established for the purpose of espionage and gathering intelligence in other countries. When it comes to information gathering, they surpass any other legion.

So, what is the problem that Camilla, the leader of the Sixth Legion, is referring to…?

“I apologize for conveying our inadequacy… but neither I nor the members of the Sixth Legion have ever conducted investigations in uncharted territories. If asked whether we have confidence, it pains me to shake my head…”

Camilla timidly expresses her regret.

Meanwhile, Helian is filled with a sense of frustration, as if wanting to bury his head in his hands.

“I’ve made a mistake…”

Indeed, they are specialists in espionage and intelligence gathering, but their focus is different.

Firstly, the creation of the Sixth Legion happened more than fifty years after the founding of the kingdom. By that time, through exchanging maps with other countries, the uncharted territories had become scarce, and the prototype of a world map was already taking shape. The purpose of establishing the Sixth Legion was specifically for the espionage battles during the Cold War era.

In other words, the operational scope of the Sixth Legion was primarily designed for hypothetical enemy nations, with a focus on espionage activities involving human intermediaries. Their espionage and intelligence gathering capabilities were specialized in that area, and they have never even experienced exploring uncharted territories that no one has investigated before.

It was a mistake on Helian’s part to rely on the keyword of specialization in the fields of espionage and intelligence gathering and entrust the task to the Sixth Legion.

“Oh, no, of course, I understand that it is a difficult situation to allocate personnel. If there are no other suitable candidates, then my Sixth Legion will do its best—”

“No, your concerns are valid. Honest remarks like these are appreciated in this setting. I am glad to hear your sincere advice, Camilla.”

As Helian murmured to himself, emphasizing the need to act like a king, he carefully crafted his words.

“Then let me ask you. Leve, the commander of the First Legion, Balran, the commander of the Second Legion, and Elthina, the commander of the Third Legion. Do you remember when we conducted the exploration of the uncharted territories in the past?”

“We certainly remember, as it was right after we descended into the world alongside Your Majesty.”

“Of course, I remember it vividly, my liege.”

“I can recall it as if it were yesterday as well.”

The three individuals who were questioned responded affirmatively.

What Helian asked about was from the early days… It was the time when Helian descended into this world with three accompanying monsters and wandered through a world where everything was unfamiliar. The memories of exploring the unknown world with just three monsters leading the way are still vividly remembered.

Although it’s unclear how those events were interpreted by them, if they remember, it’s better to rely on those who have experienced it.

We considered using soldiers from each legion for the investigation, but the number of individuals with experience in exploring uncharted territories is extremely small. Besides, it would be unwise to venture out in groups, attracting attention from other forces and revealing our presence.

Furthermore, we don’t even know what kind of threats lurk outside.

If, by any chance, there were powerful monster bosses roaming around, it could lead to unnecessary sacrifices. In the current situation, where we are cut off from the satellite cities and have no prospects for reinforcing our forces, we should strongly resist any early depletion of our resources.

In that case, it would be wise to deploy only the three legion commanders who have experience in exploring uncharted territories and represent our highest combat strength.

With the possibility of exposure to other factions minimized, even if we were to be discovered, a small group of just three individuals could easily pass themselves off as travelers or lost wanderers.

At worst, even if an unimaginable threat lurked in the forest, as legion commanders, they could simply retreat and ensure their survival.

As I considered entrusting this task to the three of them, concerns about the domestic situation crossed my mind.

Currently, major issues have not arisen, but we have just experienced an unprecedented catastrophe of “the entire capital being teleported.” We have no idea what may happen within the country in the future. In that case,

“Very well, then. Second Legion Commander, Balran, I entrust you with maintaining domestic security and preparing for defense in case of emergency. Given the current situation, we cannot afford to remove you from your role in maintaining law and order.”

Balran, the Second Legion Commander tasked with maintaining law and order, nodded solemnly.

He belonged to the species known as the “Sverlebe,” a high-end class of beastmen. In appearance, he was a bipedal lion adorned in full plate armor from head to toe.

Currently, he had removed his helmet and held it by his side. Interestingly, the helmet itself was shaped like a lion’s head, so whether he wore it or not, his appearance hardly changed—a feature that was not meant to be a joke but rather a result of pursuing optimal functionality.

With his characteristic trait of “chivalry” and being a professional in close combat, he boasts the top-tier performance among the Eight Legion Commanders when it comes to defense. Under the current circumstances, it is out of the question to remove him from the country’s defense.

Furthermore, he possesses the characteristic of “discipline,” making him the most suitable candidate for maintaining domestic security in a time when the nation is in turmoil.

“As for the exploration of the uncharted territories, it will be entrusted to the First Legion Commander, Leve, and the Third Legion Commander, Elthina. I rely on both of you to fulfill this task.”


The voices of the two female Legion Commanders echoed as they accepted the mission.

Their synchronized response sounded harmonious, but at the same time, it felt like they were burdened with a bit too much enthusiasm.

In a sense, they carried the fate of Alchimyra on their shoulders, so it was understandable. However, excessive tension could hinder their overall performance, which was a concern when venturing into unknown territories.

Although I possess no combat abilities, Helian contemplated that he could at least help alleviate the tension among them.

If there was something he could do, he should do it.

It was the duty of a king, as their superior, to relieve the tension of his subordinates and prepare them mentally to maximize their abilities.

“There’s no need to feel overwhelmed. Just think of it as another early exploration, similar to the ones we undertook before. Recall those times. If there is any difference now, it’s simply the absence of Balran.”

As Helian intended to reassure them, both Leve and Elthina, who had been bowing their heads, looked up with surprised expressions. They wore matching looks of astonishment.

(Wh-What’s this? Were they really that taken aback by my concern for my subordinates?)

Helian felt slightly taken aback, but once he had opened his mouth, he knew he had to see it through to the end. He regained his determination and continued his speech.

“In addition, compared to back then, your abilities have improved tremendously. Just stay composed and unleash your usual skills. I trust all of you.”

…He had delivered his lines, but how would they respond?

Internally, he was sweating nervously, but the two army commanders, who looked straight into his eyes, lowered their heads again with a determined expression, tightly pursing their lips.

“We understand your instructions,” they replied in a tone filled with even more determination than before.

Moreover, he couldn’t help but sense a stronger sense of tension emanating from them compared to earlier.

…Uh oh. Did I mess up?

Instead of relieving the tension, it feels like it has worsened.

But there’s no turning back now. I have to keep pushing forward just as it is.

“For the Sixth Legion, select five members specialized in covert operations.

Have them accompany the research team in a concealed manner and designate them as communication personnel in case of unforeseen events.

Camilla, I entrust the selection of personnel to you. As for yourself, continue gathering and controlling information within the country.”

“Understood, my lord.”

With an enchanting smile, Camilla, the commander of the Sixth Legion, nodded in agreement.

Her captivating gesture might have captivated Helian’s gaze under normal circumstances, but he had no room for such distractions at the moment.

“Then, with this, the audience is concluded. We will depart from the northern gate for the foreign investigation in fifteen minutes. Leve and Elthina, make your preparations. As for the other legion commanders, continue with your respective duties.”

Feeling the urge to escape, Helian departs from the audience room.

And among those left behind in the audience room, the two legion commanders selected for the investigation engrave a certain phrase from the king deep in their hearts, filled with a profound determination.

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