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Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

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Chapter 1 : C1 part16

Different World Nation Alchimyra -The Weakest King and the Unrivaled Army

Chapter 1 part 16 “Assessing the Current Situation”

After ten minutes, or maybe fifteen.

Lying face down on the pillow, Helian pondered, thinking it hadn’t been thirty minutes yet.

He shifted his weight onto his right hand on the wrinkle-free sheets and turned over.

Fortunately, the pillow wasn’t wet.

If it had been wet, it would have been a blow to his masculine pride.

Being dragged into an unreasonable situation and lamenting without taking any action, that was the role of a tragic heroine, not something that suited his character.

But wait, wasn’t I carried by Leve in a princess carry all the way back to the castle? Remembering that I had already been treated like a heroine, I covered my face.

As for my male pride, it might have been completely shattered at that point.

Well, whatever.

The fact that such trivial matters are starting to occupy my mind…

It’s about time I switched my mindset.


With a shout, I swung both hands downward and raised my upper body.

My heart was strangely restless.

I had expected it to take a bit more time to shift my mindset, but I inexplicably felt calm.

I wondered why, tilted my head for a moment, and quickly arrived at an answer.


I had faintly sensed it all along. The reality of this situation.

After witnessing unbelievable events for a full day, somewhere in my heart, I had begun preparing myself to accept this unfathomable world.

Perhaps it was instinctual, a means of self-preservation, compelling me to switch gears.

Either way, it seems that the human mind is quite adept at adapting to circumstances. The inherent self-preservation ability found at the core of living organisms is truly remarkable.

In particular, the human psyche is considered to be among the most exceptional in the animal kingdom. I remember learning about it in a lecture at university, although it was outside my field of specialization. I took a course in clinical psychology out of sheer curiosity, hoping it might prove useful in some way.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to recall that in another world…”

With a bitter smile tinged with irony, Heryan held both hands in front of his eyes.

He then slightly pulled his palms away from his face and brought them down, slapping his cheeks with full force.

A resounding thud echoed in the room.

…Perhaps I exerted a bit too much force.

However, thanks to that, I’m fully awake now.

“Now, think.”

The time for escapism has come to an end.

From here on, it’s time to face reality.

It’s time to accurately acknowledge this situation that should be impossible in reality.

Lift your head.

Look forward.

Start with what you can do and translate it into concrete action.

There’s no point in wallowing in indecision here. It won’t resolve the situation.

“If that’s the case, the first thing to consider is…”

The objective.

It’s crucial to determine the course of action before proceeding.

“The pursuit of the reasons why this happened… No.”

That’s not it.

That is merely a process towards achieving the objective, but my actual objective itself is…

“-Returning to the real world.”

That’s right.

I want to go back.

I want to return to reality.

Certainly, I devoted most of my youth to the game [Tactics Chronicle].

There were times when I was listed as a potential addict on some forums. Becoming a champion in various worlds is more or less the same for everyone, I suppose.

But at least in Helian’s own awareness, he is not an addict.

He never made a commitment to dedicate his entire life to the virtual world.

He simply loved [Tactics Chronicle] as a form of entertainment, as a game, as a miniature world.

That’s why he want to return to the real world.

And for that to happen…

“Finding a way to return.

So, how do we go about finding it?

Currently, there are no clues for investigation.

This brings us back to the initial question of ‘why did the transfer happen?’ One might come up with a clichéd and obvious speculation that something in the Abyss Forest, where Alchimyra appeared, could be the cause.

However, such a mundane guess seems to be the only idea that anyone can think of.”

“If only I had read more of those kinds of books, knowing this would happen.”

Thanks to the resurgence in popularity, I often came across advertisements for isekai novels online or in bookstores. However, I was too busy playing games instead of using that time to read them. I only casually skimmed through a few books about transmigration, borrowed from a friend.

Lacking much interest, I merely skimmed through the borrowed book, so my knowledge in that area is fragmented at best.

Thinking that if I had immersed myself more in books about isekai reincarnation or transmigration, I might have found some hints—am I just being influenced by the so-called gaming mindset or manga mindset?”

“Although it’s already become an archaic term, bordering on fossilized language, the kind of things that only happen in games or manga are actually happening to me. In that case, considering games and manga as a source of hints might have some merit.”

However, there’s no point in regretting past actions.

With my superficial knowledge about them, it’s doubtful that I can come up with any good ideas… No, that’s not entirely true.

“…That’s right. I don’t have to know everything myself. If I don’t know, I can ask someone who does.”

It occurred to me.

I might not be the only one… who has experienced an otherworldly transmigration.

In those creative works that once dominated the shelves of bookstores, there were certainly stories about being caught up in the transmigration of the original transmigrator.

With the resurgence of the trend and recent advertising campaigns, I remember seeing books with such storylines being republished. Perhaps, I am in a position where I have been caught up in such circumstances.

“Perhaps it’s a possibility…?”

Helian didn’t consider himself a special person.

In middle school and high school, he had never been involved in roles like class president or leader. At best, he had played a supportive role as vice president or something similar.

He wasn’t devoted to any extracurricular activities and, naturally, he was a member of the go-home club, without any memories of receiving any kind of recognition or awards.

In short, he was not the type of person who could bask in the dazzling spotlight as the center of attention on the stage. That had been proven throughout the eighteen-plus years of his life.

Therefore, I don’t believe that I am the only one who was transferred. I can’t think that way.

Since I myself have been transferred, there is a good chance that other players have also been transferred.

If that’s the case, as one of my short-term goals,

“Contacting allies… no, reaching out to people who have been in similar situations. Yes, searching for those who have experienced being transported to another world…”

If there are others who have been transported to another world, there should be some traces or clues. Although I don’t see anything of that sort around me, there’s a possibility that they have been sent to completely different locations. If such individuals exist, we should be able to cooperate with each other.

However, if there were no individuals in the same situation—although I really don’t want to think that I’m the only one in this world—I would have to search for a way to return on my own, starting from scratch.

In that case, I would need to investigate the Abyss of the Deep Forest and the phenomenon of transference in this world, and continue my search for a way to return.

But regardless, I must first familiarize myself with this world before anything else. Without that knowledge, I won’t be able to make any progress.


Let’s solidify our plan, leaving the details for later.

First and foremost, our ultimate goal is “returning to the real world.”

As a short-term objective, we’ll focus on “searching for other transmigrants” as a means to achieve that goal.

If we can’t find any other transmigrants, we’ll shift our focus to “independently searching for a way to return.”

Furthermore, as a foundation for achieving these objectives, we’ll prioritize “gathering information about this world.”

I think that covers it.

“…No, there’s one more thing.”

Ah, yes.

Come to think of it, there’s one more crucial aspect.

A fundamental principle that we must never forget and constantly keep in mind.

And that is “survival.”

I don’t want to die.

I don’t want to die in a world like this.

If I were to die, I would at least want to die in the real world.

I can’t bear the thought of dying alone in a world where there are no family or friends.


Holding myself tightly with both arms, I try to suppress the trembling body that starts shaking involuntarily.

What comes to mind is the sensation of “death” that I experienced firsthand earlier.

That was terrifying.

I was terrified to the core.

There’s no one who wouldn’t be scared.

Even though I was revived, that was undeniably the sensation of death.

The murderous intent that said, “I’ll take you down with me.”

The actual fear of being subjected to violence.

The overwhelming sense of despair that a tiny human like me couldn’t resist.

The deadly weapon, the mace, approaching right in front of my eyes.

The scent of death lingering in my nostrils.

The head that shattered like crushed tofu, and the brain matter scattered carelessly.

And above all else—the sensation of death devouring the “life” called Helian.

It was a horrifying sensation.

Words cannot express it.

The “death” I was meticulously subjected to in slow motion surpassed the realm of expressibility in human language.

I never want to experience something like that again.

Although I didn’t feel any pain since I died in an instant, it was akin to torture.

Even though I can be revived, I never want to die again.

I don’t believe my mind can endure that again and again.


“The number of revivals is limited… If I die five more times, it’s over…”

In the game “Tactics Chronicle,” the equation of the player’s death = instant game over does not apply to the King Player. Although there is a death penalty, the King Player can be revived.

Certainly, that’s true.

However, the issue lies in the death penalty. When the King dies, all the stats of the allied monsters in the army decrease by two ranks, inflicting a debilitating status ailment. This essentially means a halving of our combat strength. Furthermore, it takes 24 hours for the decreased stats to return to normal.

“The highest rank for stats is usually S, so no matter how powerful a monster may be, if the King dies twice, all stats will plummet to D rank or below. At that point, our combat strength is practically nonexistent.”

“Furthermore, the ‘Life Stock’ for storing lives has a maximum of six.”

“Since I died earlier, I have five remaining.”

“If I die five more times, it will trigger the game over condition.”

“In the game, it was possible to replenish lives with a costly in-app purchase called ‘Life Refill Continues.’ However, now that the system website is no longer accessible, that option is no longer available.”

――And in [Tactics Chronicle], game over meant the deletion of save data.

There was no mercy or paid item to revive the data.

The company behind the game staunchly adhered to the belief that “game over means the end,” regardless of any complaints they received. While there were several measures in place to prevent easy game overs, once you experienced a game over, there was no turning back.

No matter how much one cried or protested, the data deleted by the game over would never be restored.

“Then, if I experience a game over in this world, what will happen to me…?”

I don’t want to think about it.

What awaits there is the true “death” for Helian, I suppose.

“There are also other game over conditions.”

If we categorize them broadly, there are three conditions:

If the capital is seized by rebels, resulting in a successful revolution, it leads to a game over.


If the control over all cities is lost, resulting in a collapse, it leads to a game over.


If the “life stock” for storing lives is depleted and resurrection becomes impossible, resulting in complete death, it leads to a game over.

Here are the three conditions.

In essence, if the “King Player’s country” is destroyed, it’s game over.

Among them, Condition ①, a revolution by rebels, is the most critical.

Once you establish your dominance and power, it becomes less likely to face a game over from the other conditions. However, no matter how prosperous your reign may be, if rebels seize control of the capital, the game is instantly over, resulting in total collapse.

“The faction of the Ogres aside… there shouldn’t be a sudden betrayal.”

Helian was conscious of governing with good policies, even if it meant a slightly less efficient rule.

Thanks to those efforts, the loyalty and happiness of the citizens can be considered quite high.

Particularly, Helian had been extra cautious in fostering loyalty among the military commanders.

The castle’s defenses were also well fortified, so it’s unlikely that a mere uprising of ordinary monsters would lead to the complete takeover of the capital.

However, at the same time, there was also a lingering fear that if Helian were to be deemed unfit as a “king” in this world, they would easily be ousted from the throne.


No, it’s no use.

It’s not good to keep thinking about this issue right now.

Continuing to dwell on it will render me unable to act.

Fear will paralyze me and prevent me from doing anything.

I won’t be able to communicate with the legion commanders and the creatures anymore.

That’s not acceptable.

So, think of something constructive.

Ask yourself what should be done from now on.

Devote your thoughts to moving forward and taking steps.

There’s no time to dwell on a broken spirit right now.

“…there are other things to consider.”

I must engage in another line of thought.

Something constructive and not evasive.

Yes, for instance.

It could be part of the information gathering aspect we established earlier, regarding “gaining knowledge about this world.”

Such as conducting an evaluation of the abilities of [Helian] in this world.

“…I was able to revive. Just like in the game.”

Well then,

What about other abilities that were possible in the game?

“What are the differences between [Tactics Chronicle] and this world? Can I still use all the abilities of the king player that were available in the game?”

Firstly, the representative virtual windows are still usable.

<Strategic Tactical> for combat support and information reference.

<Authority Function> for functions like information sharing and data sharing.

<Communication Chat> for remote communication and coordination.

<Basic Home> for accessing logs, cameras, and other features.

At least these abilities are still usable.

It is also similar to [Tactics Chronicle] in the sense that others cannot see the virtual windows.

There are other commonly used virtual windows, such as the settings system virtual window, which allows for fine adjustments like brightness and audio settings, as well as logging out and calling the GM. However, these features are mostly meaningless now.

“Virtual Window: Unlock Open”

A virtual window summoned through voice commands is projected in the air.

By tapping and interacting with the semi-transparent screen display, it was possible to access base information.

There are three main types of operations for summoning virtual windows: direct manipulation, mental manipulation, and verbal commands. It seems that all three functions as intended, just like in the game.

As an experiment, I tried using mental manipulation to access the <Base Status> of the capital city. I noticed that the happiness level had deteriorated compared to when I checked it before heading out for exploration. This might be due to the impact of the rebellion occurrence as well…

In reality, the happiness level had likely deteriorated to some extent even before embarking on the exploration.

Indeed, when I checked the happiness level before going on the expedition, there was hardly any change before and after the transition.

However, it wasn’t that the happiness level hadn’t decreased, but rather that Helian hadn’t been able to grasp the fact that it had decreased as information data, hence it wasn’t reflected in the status screen.

However, with the current efforts of internal information gathering, primarily led by the Sixth Legion, the latest information data has been collected, and finally, the results have been reflected in the <Base Information>.

In the game [Tactics Chronicle], only “known information” can be visualized.

Just like in the real world, where we gather information through news, newspapers, and word of mouth, players also need to actively gather information.

In modern-day Japan, politicians sometimes make outrageous mistakes and cause a stir in the news due to their judgments based on outdated or manipulated information, risking their positions. This can be said for the king player in [Tactics Chronicle] as well.

Moreover, when it comes to happiness, it’s not a simple concept. In reality, it comprises multiple elements—a game-like representation of various undisclosed numerical values—that exist behind the scenes.

Therefore, it is necessary for the player themselves to speculate on the reasons for the increase or decrease in happiness… In this case, it can be assumed that the citizens became anxious due to the transference and that it decreased as a result of the series of rebellions.

While it is possible to conduct surveys among the citizens or order the Sixth Legion to gather more detailed information for further investigation, it is not necessary to go to such lengths at this time.

Understanding the cause doesn’t require immediate action at this moment…

Let’s prioritize understanding the current situation for now.

Next, regarding “<Information Sharing Data Sharing>”:

This aspect functions similarly to “Tactics Chronicle”.

For subordinates within close proximity… within a range of fifty meters, to be exact… automatic information sharing and data exchange are in effect.

Furthermore, within a certain range… within one kilometer to be precise, it was possible to manually execute information sharing and data exchange by interacting with subordinates under Helian’s influence. This was demonstrated when accessing the Vampire Clan affiliated with the Sixth Legion during the recent uprising.

Typically, only the information available at the time of connection is reflected. However, if the connection is maintained, the data will continuously update in real-time, just like within close proximity.

Although simultaneous connections were limited to a maximum of eight entities… it is necessary to verify if that remains the case at present.

The verification of the information sharing and data exchange capability during combat situations is equally necessary.

Although there is a constraint that limits it to a maximum of eight subordinates actively participating in combat, regardless of the distance between them, it is possible to engage in information sharing and data exchange. Moreover, just like within close proximity, the information is continuously updated in real-time.

During the previous exploration and combat scenario, all subordinates, including stealth units, were in close proximity, so it remains to be verified whether this ability can be utilized in such situations.

Additionally, there is the capability of information sharing and data exchange between different bases. However, since there are currently no bases other than the capital, this capability holds no significance.

Regarding <Communication Chat> and <Command Orders>… they seemed to work to some extent.

Balran was able to engage in communication using text chat.

Giving instructions to each subordinate also worked without any issues immediately after the transfer.

By the way, issuing instructions to subordinates doesn’t always guarantee the desired outcome for the player. Depending on the NPC’s abilities, personality, and the situation at hand, how they execute the instructions and the results obtained can vary.

This remains true even in the current manifestation, if I may use that term—though it’s somewhat dubious. However, it is necessary to be more cautious and precise in giving instructions.

In the past, there was an instance where I assigned a reconnaissance mission to a subordinate with somewhat disappointing “intelligence” status. It ended up in a major disaster. Repeating the same mistake in this world would be far from amusing.

“How about the <Subordinate Revival Friendly Revive>?”

In [Tactics Chronicle], not only players but also monsters can be revived.

However, the nature of reviving for monsters is quite different from that of the king player, and there are also many constraints involved.

Firstly, the targets that can be revived are limited to citizens of the player’s own country or vassal states.

For example, if you accidentally killed a rare monster you encountered in the wild out of failed capture and excessive force, you cannot revive it because it is not a citizen of your nation.

Furthermore, only monsters whose full names are known by the player can be revived.

This is because the specification of revival targets uses an input-based method where you type in the name, rather than a selection-based method from a candidate list.

If even a single character is mistaken, revival cannot be performed.

Since it is humanly impossible to remember the full names of tens of thousands of subordinates, only the essential subordinates can be revived naturally.

Furthermore, monsters that have been deceased for more than 24 hours are not eligible for revival.

Even if one were to remember the full names of a million subordinates, simply entering those names would easily exceed the 24-hour time limit.

And finally, there is a restriction on the number of revivals allowed.

Each subordinate can be revived up to two times.

There is no way to increase the revival limit through items, equipment, or any other means, and upon the third death, the character data of that monster will be irreversibly erased, resulting in a merciless demise.

However, if a reincarnation occurs, the count of previous deaths resets to zero, providing an opportunity for two additional revivals after experiencing two deaths. However, reincarnation comes with the drawback of resetting the character’s level to 1, making it an impractical method to abuse.

Furthermore, the ritual of reincarnation can only be performed at a dedicated facility located in the eternal neutral nation, suggesting that it is likely an impossible feat in this world.

“Can’t afford to test… for now. It’s on hold. Now, what else…”


A rumbling sound echoed from my stomach.


Come to think of it.

Since the transference, I don’t recall having a meal.

“…Even in a situation like this, I still get hungry.”

It was a simple and obvious law of nature.

First and foremost, I should take proper care of my physical well-being, or so it seemed.

With a wry smile, I reached out and pressed the only magical item, a doorbell, placed on the side table, capable of conveying sound outside the room.

Within seconds, a gentle knock resounded, and Leve entered the room.

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