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Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

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Chapter 1 : C1 part15

Different World Nation Alchimyra -The Weakest King and the Unrivaled Army

Chapter 1 part 15 “This is Not a Dream”

I had a dream.

Vaguely, I had a sense that this might be a dream.

However, it wasn’t explicitly confirmed as a dream.

Therefore, there are no rules to freely do as I please without considering the consequences.

There’s no justification for slacking off.

So I take action.

If I’ve decided to do it, I’ll give it my all.

Regret should not be left behind.

It seems that the enemy is approaching.

A vast army, it appears.

Elves, beastmen, numerous spirits, dwarves, giants, a horde of dragons. Even ghosts, undead, demonic creatures, and fairies—various races gathered together—a mixed-race army that felt familiar somewhere.

On the other hand, our forces are few.

In front of the throne, there are splendid chairs made of gold, but unbelievably, five out of eight seats are vacant.

Furthermore, the two remaining seats that had pieces on them are already broken and reduced to debris.

They must have been destroyed by that army.

It’s not surprising.

The disparity in strength is too severe.

On the last remaining chair, there was a magnificent piece made of crystal.

The finely crafted piece, down to the smallest detail, takes the form of a wolf.

Apparently, it represents my entire fighting force.

…What a severe handicap this is.

While the opponent has assembled over a thousand different pieces, our side has only one. The reserve piece is the reliable and strongest Queen, but the difference in numbers is clear.

Throughout history, regardless of how great a hero may be, there is no record of a single rider defeating an entire army.

The power of numbers is truly formidable.

That is precisely why people yearn for tales of invincible lone heroes and pursue stories of fantasy. If it cannot be achieved in reality, at least it can be recorded in the realm of imagination.

Such an endeavor is a perfectly natural outcome.

Everyone has experienced it at least once.

Sometimes drawing on paper, sometimes indulging in daydreams, and sometimes simulating in a fantasy world game.

That is why Helian did the same.

In the realm of [Tactics Chronicle], a miniature world where romance is pursued,

Growing together with companions, aiding one another,

Striving to become the desired embodiment,

Realizing the invincible lone hero,

Tasting both bitterness and sweetness,

Crushing the strong and aiding the weak,

Bringing peace to the world,

Extending a hand of love to dear neighbors,

Yet obstacles blocking the path are obliterated through sheer strength,

Immersed in the taste of victory.

These achievements, seemingly impossible in reality, have been continuously fulfilled by Helian, blessed with some fortune and unwavering efforts.

However, it seems that those glorious days have finally come to an end.

The lone piece, taking the form of a wolf, bravely leaps into the midst of the enemy’s ranks.

That piece rampages like a force of a thousand.

However, after slaughtering thousands of knights, it is shattered and scattered before the army of tens of thousands.

Crushing the remnants underfoot, the “Banma Forces” advance and finally reach the king’s castle.

Now, Helian has no remaining pieces.

Checkmate in a hopeless position.

The king piece, the king, has no power to fight.

Unlike the pawn soldiers, there is no room for growth.

Having lost all the forces, only the weakest piece, the king, remains in a pitiful state.

It is a situation that cannot be salvaged unless the game board is completely overturned.

However, I refuse to give up. I will not surrender or retire from the match.

Though it may be futile struggling, surrendering now would feel like spitting on the loyal pieces that have stood by me until the end, and tarnishing the history Helian has crafted thus far.

I had long been prepared for this.

While spinning a 150-year history, I always knew it could eventually lead to this.

I thought I had already made the necessary preparations to embrace the conclusion.

But I’m scared.

Emotions scream as the ending looms before me.

This isn’t what was promised.

There was never such a harsh sense of reality in the miniature world I loved.

No, I don’t want this.

I don’t want to die.

How did it come to this?

What have I done?

This kind of ending is too much.

However, as if mocking Helian’s desperate plea, the situation unfolds before them.

The Banma army surrounded the throne.

Terrifying creatures, unbeatable by humans, glare at the king piece, Helian.

With heavy footsteps, one piece steps forward from the Banma army.

That piece had horns protruding from its head.

That piece had a face resembling a demon.

That piece had red skin.

That piece tightly gripped a bloodied mace.

The piece swings its weapon.

A crude mace approaches with deadly speed.

There is no means of evasion, and the weakest piece, Helian, cannot possibly endure such an attack.

Thus, the king piece, Helian, is crushed by the blood-stained mace, its entrails scattered—


They jolted awake.

Ragged breaths.

The heart screams, pulsating violently.

“Ugh… Ahh…”

Their chest aches as if experiencing arrhythmia.

Pressing a hand against their chest and curling their body into a fetal position, they catch sight of clean, pure white sheets.

Where am I?

Enduring the pain in their chest, they manage to lift their head.

What comes into view is not an unfamiliar ceiling but a familiar wall.

“…This place.”

A king-sized bed, too large for just one person to sleep in.

An extravagantly adorned chandelier.

An elegant canopy.

Adorning the walls are huge paintings made from repurposed screenshots from the early days.

This place is a chamber in the castle, the private bedroom reserved for the king.


Startled by a bewildered voice, they turn to their left.

There stood Leve, with a face on the verge of tears.

An unfamiliar pattern of emotional expression, a thought out of place, briefly crosses their mind.

“Oh, thank goodness… You’ve finally awakened!”

Leve’s amber eyes shimmered with a hint of moisture.

The transparent droplets that welled up at the corners of their eyes soon transformed into tears, gracefully trickling down their ethereal cheeks.

At last, Helian came to the realization that he was lying in the embrace of his own chamber, surrounded by the familiarity of his bedroom.

“――――A… dream?”

There was no sight of the encroaching army.

No horde of menacing creatures surrounding him.

Within the confines of the room, there stood only the first loyal subordinate, who wept in concern for the king’s well-being.

“What… what has happened?”

He pressed his right hand against his forehead, replacing it from his chest.

A clammy sensation of unpleasant sweat lingered on his palm.

As he did so, fragments of memories began to resurface, recounting the process that led him to this moment.

Several pieces of memory flashed in succession:

The celebration of the founding of the kingdom,

The teleportation,

An audience,


Encounters with elves,

Inter-species war,


Rebellion, and then…


He remembered.

Consciousness surged within him, abruptly awakening.

Instinctively, he placed a hand on his head.

Fortunately, his skull remained intact, unharmed.

Yet, this fact did not align with his memories.

Wasn’t he crushed to death, his head completely destroyed?

“――What about the ogres!? What happened to the rebels!? What on earth has happened!?”

His last memory was of the blood-stained mace looming before him.

Could it be that even that was just a dream?

“Please calm down, Lord Helian. You mustn’t get up just yet. You have been asleep for over half a day.”



He had no memory of sleeping.

He had no recollection of making his way to the floor on his own.

No, that means… if his memory serves him right.

“Was I… killed by that red ogre?”

As Helian cautiously voiced his soliloquy-like words, Leve lowered their gaze and reluctantly answered, “Yes.”

Upon receiving that response, Helian let his upper body collapse heavily onto the bed. The luxurious bed, made with no regard for expense, sank silently and gently embraced his body as it fell forcefully.

I understand.

The memory of being killed by the ogre is a reality.

King Helian was slain by the rebellious ogre.


“――Did the automatic revival activate?”

In the game [Tactics Chronicle], the equation of the king player’s death leading to an immediate game over does not hold true.

Although there may be penalties or limitations, the king player can be revived.

That’s why Helian has been resurrected.

He was killed by the rebellious ogre, and then, he came back to life.


Calling out the name of the nearby subordinate.

Leve gracefully brushed away the tears from their cheek with gentle fingertips and softly replied, “Yes.”

“Is the throne safe? What happened to the rebel group? And that red ogre, what happened to him?”

“The throne is secure. The elite forces of the Second Legion, led by General Baran, are currently fortifying its defense. As for the rebels, they have been completely annihilated without leaving a single trace. After crushing their skulls, we obliterated their remains, so there is no doubt about their eradication. Now, regarding the red ogre… it seems he possessed a unique ability.”

Unique Ability: A special skill inherent to a character, independent of their race or job. These abilities are often rare, with strong and exceptional characteristics that are not easily manifested. Sometimes, a single unique ability can completely overturn the power balance.

So, that red ogre had such a unique ability.

With slightly trembling hands, Helian opened the Tactical Virtual Window and called up the Character Status, displaying a translucent virtual window in front of him. In the small frame on the left side, the image of the red ogre appeared. On the right side of the screen, various stats and abilities obtained through battles, investigations, and defeats were listed.

Helian read aloud the contents listed under the “Ability” section.

“The ability ‘Last Stand from the Underworld’… It allows for a single counterattack after death…”

Its effect is simply to “launch a guaranteed hit attack against the closest enemy.”

Being a guaranteed hit attack, once the unique ability is activated, it is already determined that the attack will hit the “nearest enemy.”

And right in front of that ogre, there stood Helian, who had carelessly approached him.

They had defeated him.

The subjugation itself was a success.

Fifth Legion Commander Galdi had undeniably killed the traitors.

That’s why Leve and Elthina let their guard down.

And yet, it led to such an outcome.

“I deeply apologize!”

Leve suddenly dropped to their knees and bowed their head.

The overwhelming sense of remorse and regret couldn’t be concealed, as it was encapsulated within their words of apology.

“I have been entrusted with the role of your escort, yet I have failed so miserably… There is no excuse for my actions. I am prepared to accept any punishment, no matter how severe. Please, administer the penalty.”

Leve, with their head lowered, was ready to accept whatever punishment may come their way.

Even though the king had been revived, it was their fault for letting him die in the first place.

They had betrayed the trust of the king who had assigned them as their protector.

It was an unimaginable grave offense.

From her perspective, capital punishment would have been a fitting consequence.

Therefore, she awaited the king’s words, fully prepared to accept the command, “Off with your head.”

“Leve, come closer to my side,” he said.

She promptly complied, excusing herself and rising from her seat to approach the bedside.

“Get on the bed. Come closer,” he commanded.

She hesitated for a moment, feeling that it would be disrespectful to climb onto the king’s bed, but the king’s words took precedence. She obediently climbed onto the bed and leaned closer to him.

The king’s hand reached out. She didn’t know his intentions, but she was prepared for any punishment. Leve remained silent, unmoving, as she stared at the approaching hand—only for it to vanish from her sight. What followed was an unexpected action from King Helian that left her thoughts suspended in disbelief.

“Uh…uh, ah, huh?”

Her thoughts had come to a halt.

Yet, words escaped her lips.

In other words, it was an instinctive reaction, a perplexed voice that seemed to say, “I have no idea what’s happening,” triggered by the sensation of his hand touching the dog ears on the top of her head.

What Helian had done was nothing out of the ordinary.

He had simply placed his hand on Leve’s head.

And as if to confirm the sensation, his palm glided over her cheek, moving his right hand towards her face.

In the process, his finger that had been resting on the dog ears slipped and the ears, which had been slightly deformed under the pressure, sprung up in an alert position. Ignoring Leve’s confusion and complete frozen state, Helian continued to stroke her white cheek.

The warmth that transferred through his palm. Slightly hot. With a gentle pressure from his fingertips, the soft and moist skin yielded to the shape of his fingers. It had a pleasant resilience. Sliding his palm further down, it reached her neck, carefully avoiding the silver choker, and his fingers touched her pulse point. The fingertips sensed the rapid beating of her heart, pounding like a bell.

Then, he wrapped his arm around her slender neck, leaning in closer to rest his face against the nape of Leve’s neck. Inhaling at such a close distance, a faint fragrance tickled his nostrils. Remaining in that position for a moment, her pulsations transmitted through his arm began to accelerate at an extraordinary speed.

Slowly pulling his face away from her nape, he raised his gaze and met Leve’s wide eyes, which blinked in surprise. Within the amber depths of her close-proximity eyes, he could see his own reflection. Leve’s cheeks were lightly flushed with a tinge of crimson, and her breaths were becoming uneven.

Silently ignoring her state, Helian proceeded to wipe away the tear that lingered at the corner of Leve’s right eye as a final confirmation. His fingertip felt slightly damp. He then licked his finger.

“It had a faint, slightly salty taste.”

“……..?! …Ah! …Ah!?”

Leve seemed to have lost her ability to speak.

Considering the sudden and peculiar behavior, it’s understandable that she would be at a loss for words.

It’s only natural for her to react this way, given that a wo-man named Le-ve actually exists in reality—such confusion is an utterly natural response.

Helian closed his eyes for a moment.

He let out a sigh and then gently opened his eyelids.

From sight to hearing, smell, touch, and even the yet unexplored sense of taste.

He recalled the unmistakable sensation that could only be real.

And as he looked at Leve, still opening and closing her mouth.

As he witnessed her first-ever display of emotions.

As he observed that incredibly realistic and lifelike expression, impossible to be captured by a binary program of zeros and ones.

And so, to hold back the overwhelming emotions that threatened to spill from the corners of his eyes, Helian directed his gaze towards the ceiling.


Certainly, there was no approaching army in sight.

There was no horde of monsters surrounding the king.

The legion commander was still alive, and the kingdom remained unharmed.

What I saw earlier was indeed just a dream.


“This… is not a dream, is it?”

Even after waking up, I haven’t returned to reality.

Hence, I spoke those words, acknowledging the truth.

I recall the intense events of this day, which seemed too vivid.

And in doing so, I realized the numerous facts and events that deviate from the world of [Tactics Chronicle].

“The senses that were supposed to be dull in the game became real.

If I cut my palm, blood overflows, and pain becomes a real sensation that assaults me.

The key phrases lost their meaning.

Characters started to act on their own judgment, clearly possessing their own consciousness.

I gained unimaginable information in a forest I had never seen before.

I was told a history that doesn’t exist in the game, and I learned that there are many humans, supposed to be exclusive to the king players’ race.

Even after waking up, I haven’t returned to the real world.

The numerous experiences I had throughout the day were filled with a sense of reality that was not a mere illusion.”

“And above all, the person in front of me right now…

Throughout the day, the one who stayed by my side, Leve, was undeniably a real human being.

With all my senses, including taste, I have reconfirmed this fact.

Therefore, at this point, Helian had no choice but to acknowledge it.

There was no option but to accept this cruel reality.

This is not a dream.”

The fact that our castle has been transported to an unfamiliar land.

The inability to return to the real world.

The tragic situation resembling a poorly written play that the half-elfs are facing.

The ogres who rebelled and met a gruesome death.

And now, the presence of NPC characters like Leve, who possess unique personalities.

All of this is real.

It is no longer a game.

Not a dream.

This is undeniably reality.

However, it is not the real world.

It is not even within the realm of [Tactics Chronicle].

It is a different world that bears a striking resemblance.

Right now, I find myself in an unfamiliar place, amidst events that could only exist in manga or novels.

I have been transported to another world.



Even though I expected myself to be overwhelmed by confusion, I strangely remained calm.

Instead of succumbing to madness and screaming in disbelief, I didn’t.

Perhaps deep down, I had already accepted it long before.

The fact that I tried to convince myself that this was just a dream is evidence that I actually understood it as reality.

That’s why tears didn’t flow.

That’s why anger didn’t erupt.

However, I must admit, I’m reaching my limit. It’s starting to wear on me.


I called out.

But there was no response.

When I looked to the side, there was Leve, completely frozen, seemingly in a state of panic, her mouth opening and closing rapidly.

With a faint smile, I called out once again.


“Ah… Yes!”

This time, there was a response.

Unfortunately, her face turned bright red.

Her triangular ears on top of her head were moving in a flurry, and her fluffy tail exhibited an indescribable behavior.

In hindsight, I feel like I may have done something outrageous, but I’ll set that issue aside for now.

“Other than the Ogre rebellion, were there any major issues?”

“Y-Yes! Uh, no! Well… um…”

“You don’t have to rush to answer. Take a deep breath and respond calmly.”

“I-I’m fine! I’m calm! Yes, I am composed!”

I let out another wry smile.

If she truly was calm, there wouldn’t be any “um” in her response.

Leve was supposed to be a composed and level-headed character, like an capable older sister type. The presence of “um” creates quite a contrast.

“I… I must report. While there have been some minor issues, there have been no immediate and grave problems that would shake the kingdom.”

“I see… What about the other legion commanders?”

“They are still carrying out the royal orders. Commander Elthina of the Third Legion and Commander Galdi of the Fifth Legion are issuing instructions to their respective legions while awaiting your decision, Lord Helian.”

“Then, let Commander Galdi continue to maintain public order. If another rebellion were to occur, they should handle it autonomously unless I personally issue further instructions.”

“A-Are you sure about that?”

It was a question about whether it was appropriate to entrust Commander Galdi, who had failed to quell the rebellion, with such a responsibility.

However, considering the recent incident… no one could have predicted the Red Ogre’s counterattack, not even someone else. Neither Leve nor Elthina were able to anticipate it.

The same would likely be true for the other legion commanders.

The Unique Skill, a special ability, is a highly valuable and rare power. Moreover, it’s inconceivable to be attacked by corpses when there are no undead monsters or necromancers present. Such exceptional circumstances are beyond anyone’s prediction.

If it weren’t for the “Last Stand from the Underworld,” Galdi would have fulfilled his duty without fail. Therefore, there should be no problem in allowing him to continue in his role.

Besides, there is no surplus of available forces that can be allocated elsewhere. There is simply no room to spare in terms of manpower.

“I don’t mind. Let Lieutenant Elthina handle the aftermath of the rebellion, including building repairs and taking care of the injured, as well as fine-tuning the coordination between the different legions. Instruct her to respond flexibly within the boundaries that don’t contradict my orders.”

Elthina assumes the role of internal affairs during peacetime.

Moreover, being a holder of the “Harmony” ability, she is well-suited for the role of mediator.

Although it should be the responsibility of Chief Legionnaire Leve, who is also in charge of overall operations, there was a desire to keep her close at hand.

“Notify Commander Balran, the leader of the Second Legion, that the rebellion has been quelled. As for the protection of the throne, you can return to the normal security arrangement. Also… I need some rest. Leve, I entrust you with my personal guard.”

“Understood. After relaying the message to each legion commander, I will await your orders indoors–”

“No, I request that you wait outside the door. I want to be alone for a while. If I need anything, I’ll call for you.”


After a brief pause, Leve bowed her head and spoke the words of acceptance.

As she was about to leave through the door, our eyes met, and I noticed a hint of concern in her wavering gaze.

She closed her eyes, seemingly with a tinge of frustration, and silently closed the door.

The king’s bedroom was a sanctuary of sorts.

Once the door was closed, it became completely soundproofed, and the only person besides Helian, the king himself, who could open the door through proper channels was Leve, his trusted confidante.

That’s why Helian, feeling rather disheveled, turned over in bed and buried his face in the pillow.

Sleep was out of the question.

There was no time to dwell on his troubles.

But deep down, he longed for just a little rest.

He wanted to relax without a single thought.

That simple desire was Helian’s modest… yet earnest wish.

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