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Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

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Chapter 1 : C1 part13

Different World Nation Alchimyra -The Weakest King and the Unrivaled Army

Chapter 1 part 13 “Rebellion”

Helian took immediate action.

The group, having left the village behind, was currently rushing towards their homeland using the shortest route with the guidance of Helian’s detailed map and Elthina’s expertise in navigating through the terrain of the forest.

The covert soldiers who had been waiting outside the village were also tracking the group. However, despite their agility, they were no match for the speed of a commander like Helian. Although both groups were following the same return route, they were mostly separated from each other.

Helian, hindered by his limited mobility, once again found himself in the clutches of Leve. However, he had already relinquished his pride and recognized the insignificance of dwelling on trivial matters. His urgency to return to his homeland overshadowed any personal concerns.

The magical artifact they possessed received a distress signal from Helian’s friends, compelling him to reunite with them. He fervently pleaded for permission to depart without delay, knowing that time was of the essence.

Upon conveying their urgent mission to Leve, Helian and his companions hastily bid farewell to the village. Although their departure was not as seamless as they had hoped, they understood the necessity of their actions. It was acceptable for others to harbor suspicions; they were determined to make amends and rectify any doubts. Thus, they found themselves immersed in a situation where they had to devote every effort to address the pressing issues plaguing their homeland.

General Balran, the commander of the Second Legion, was given a simple order: “Defend the throne at all costs. Do not let anyone touch it until my return.”

The throne must not be taken under any circumstances.

While the loss of the throne does not guarantee immediate success for the rebellion, it would result in various disadvantages.

First and foremost, if Helian, as the king player, loses possession of certain abilities, they will become unusable.

For instance, support virtual windows such as the “Map” or “Communication Chat” will be rendered largely inaccessible, making it difficult for Helian to communicate with the legion commanders and others.

Furthermore, there will be a continuous decrease in the overall “Happiness” and “Morale” of the citizens, along with a severe decline in “Dominance” separately. Additionally, if a rebellion occurs and the rebellion forces’ “Dominance” surpasses that of King Helian, after capturing a city, the control over that city will be wrested away from King Helian and fall into the hands of the rebellion forces.

Moreover, the rebellion taking place this time is not occurring in a satellite city but in the capital itself, the heart of the nation. If the capital falls under the control of the rebel forces and certain conditions are met, it will be deemed a “Revolutionary Success.”

If that happens, it will be the end.

The demise of the nation.

As a country ruled by human player kings, it will result in “extinction,” and the game data of the corresponding player will be completely erased.

In this game, there are no kind concepts like save points. The success of the revolution signifies an outright game over.

“Damn it…!”

Helian strained his voice.

He wanted to scream, questioning why. He wanted to protest that the situation was different from what was promised.

He prioritized maintaining security, even leaving behind General Balran of the Second Legion, only to be deceived by this rebellion.

Weren’t they claiming that security was being upheld? They said they had calmed things down despite the chaos caused by the teleportation, thanks to the efforts of General Balran and General of the Fifth Legion.

Furthermore, he had left behind all the other legion commanders except Leve and Elthina. So why did things turn out like this?

“Who betrayed us?”

Balran is an ally.

If Balran were a traitor, he could simply ignore Helian’s messages and aim for the throne. There is no need to inform about the rebellion that has occurred.

Levee and Elthina also show no signs of betrayal. If they wanted to betray, they could kill Helian right here and now. However, they are making every effort to return to the homeland at full speed, which undoubtedly affirms their allegiance.

The First Legion Commander, Leve Flekiurz. The Second Legion Commander, Balran Zaifreet. The Third Legion Commander, Elthina Verzandi.

These “Three Beginnings” have been walking the same path as Helian since the dawn of this journey.

Currently, they are the only ones who can be trusted without a doubt.

…But what about the other legion commanders?

Among the legion commanders, there are those who possess personal traits of “selfishness” and “egotism.” Additionally, some exhibit a leaning towards “chaos” in their nature.

While personal traits have a detailed influence on a character’s personality and behavioral patterns, nature tendencies have a broader impact in terms of overall direction.

For example, Elthina, with a nature tendency of “harmony,” prefers actions that resolve conflicts among subordinates, exerting a positive influence. On the other hand, “chaos” tends to disregard or ignore the effects on others, leading to unpredictable and erratic behavior.

Furthermore, among the legion commanders, there is only one who exhibits a nature tendency of “evil.” This individual has a unique characteristic of being more inclined to acquire rare and unique skills specific to “evil.” However, they also tend to choose despicable actions more readily.

…These individuals require special attention. It is difficult to discern their true intentions.

When it comes to Levee, engaging them in one-on-one close combat should yield some results.

Leve has served as a trusted aide to the king for many years, and there is a reason for that. They have been intensely trained and possess the highest overall level among all subordinates.

The only one that poses a risk even in close combat, even for Leve, is the Seventh Legion Commander. However, the key is to eliminate that individual first. Even if that proves impossible, if they alone are the traitor, it can be dealt with. The real problem arises if multiple legion commanders have betrayed us.

…Wait. What am I thinking…?

We can’t assume that all the legion commanders have betrayed us.

Balran only said that “a rebellion has occurred.”

It’s possible that all the legion commanders are still loyal, and it’s only a fraction of the soldiers who have turned traitor.

Please, let it be so. I beg you. Let the legion commanders remain on our side.


Clutching onto Leve desperately, Helian prayed.

To put it bluntly, riding on Levee at full speed was a nightmare. Without exaggeration, the world seemed to be spinning.

Just moments ago, the terrifying sight of the ground appearing above their line of sight flashed before them. Repeatedly defying gravity, they raced through the gaps between trees at high speed. It was a sprint that prioritized speed above all else, with movements so elusive that it was impossible to discern their exact running style.

This was not because Levee disregarded the condition of her passenger, Helian, but because it was Helian himself who forced her to return at top speed. Having given such an order, Helian had no choice but to endure the murderous vibrations and gusts of wind in silence.

As Helian’s sense of time began to distort, the group finally reached the main gate of their homeland.

“I am Leve Flekiurz, the First Legion Commander! Open the gates! Immediately!”

With a commanding voice, Levee announced to the gatekeepers, and after a brief moment, the heavy gates began to creak open. Squeezing their bodies through the narrow gap, Leve and Elthina leaped into the heart of the capital.

Their destination was the royal palace in the center of Alchimyra, the capital.

The scenery rushed past them at high speed.

Though their vision was blurred, there were no signs of flames.

They couldn’t spot any damaged buildings.

There was no sign of any invading force advancing towards the king’s stronghold.

However, they couldn’t let their guard down.

The rebels might not even be concerned about the city.

They could be making a beeline straight for the castle.

They might have already infiltrated the castle.

Anxiety was building up, clouding their minds.

Without wasting any time entering the castle through the main gate, Leve leaped before the gate.

The powerful legs of the Moon Wolf Managarm propelled Leve and Helian’s bodies up to a height of thirty meters above the ground.

A momentary sensation of floating.

Followed by the distinct feeling of falling, as if their insides were being lifted from the depths.

Providing Helian with a thrilling sensation far surpassing any roller coaster, Leve silently landed on the eastern terrace of the castle.

Kicking through a window, they infiltrated the castle. Racing through the grand hallway, trampling over the red carpet, until finally reaching the throne room.

There were no enemies in sight.

With careful precision, Leve helped Helian down from their back.

Despite staggering, Helian once again set foot on the ground of their own stronghold, using both of their legs.

“What’s the situation!?”

As soon as the door swung open, Helian exclaimed.

Inside the throne room stood a group of soldiers clad in full-body armor, with a strong presence of half-beast warriors.

And there was Balran, the commander of the Second Legion.

The throne was vacant.

No one was seated.

They were safe.

They had made it in time.

“My lord…!?”

Balran and the soldiers, who had quickly poised their weapons assuming an intruder, lowered them.

“What’s the situation? Has anyone touched the throne!?”

“Hah! Immediately after receiving your orders, we took up our positions to guard the throne and assembled an elite force. Not a single person has laid a finger on the throne.”

“What about the other legion commanders!?”

“In response to the rebels, the Fifth Legion Commander took charge of their own forces along with a portion of the Sixth Legion, acting independently. The other legion commanders are still following royal orders.”

So, all the legion commanders were present and accounted for.

Feeling a wave of relief wash over them at the fact that not a single commander had betrayed them, they instinctively placed a hand on their chest.

However, it raises questions as to why only the Fifth Legion Commander is handling the rebels.

Why aren’t the other legion commanders taking action?

Even if King Helian had given them instructions before their departure, is it necessary to blindly follow those orders in such an urgent situation? Or perhaps… could it be something else?

Could it be that this is not actually an emergency?

“What’s the situation with the rebels? Who led the rebellion?”

“They are ogres, my lord. The leader of the rebels… we don’t have a specific name for them. They had an unusually red complexion, so we could refer to them as the Red Ogre.”


Are they affiliated with the Fifth Legion?

Wait, come to think of it, there was a group of ogres that attacked us recently.

Could it be…

“Did the rebellion originate from the faction of ogres we recently annexed?”


“Are there any other individuals who initiated the rebellion?”

“There are none.”

Overwhelmed with relief, a sense of dizziness momentarily overcame him.

Had there been no one around, he might have collapsed right then and there.

“…Ah, come to think of it, they were there. Those who seemed poised to take advantage of the chaos and incite rebellion.”

He recalled the foolish ones who recklessly attacked just before the grand founding celebration, where all the legion commanders were gathered.

They were swiftly defeated even before deploying the legion commanders, leading to their surrender… and reluctantly, the ogre faction was annexed.

While it was technically possible in the game to disregard their surrender and exterminate them, Helian had always treated surrendered enemies with respect. As a playstyle, except for a single exception, he had adhered to a strategy of self-defense.

Even though they were crude individuals who attacked at an inconvenient time, right before the grand founding celebration, once they surrendered, there was no choice but to annex them.

However, immediately after annexation, the loyalty and happiness of the captured creatures were at zero, so it was necessary to suppress any rebellious tendencies to prevent triggering any potential bad events.

Due to the inability to hold the grand founding celebration, which was intended to diminish their rebellious tendencies through event effects, the rebellious spirit of the Ogre faction remained entirely intact.

Then came an unprecedented and colossal bad event—an entire capital city being transported. This provided them with ample grounds to launch a rebellion.

However, Helian felt relieved.

It can be said that he was relieved from the depths of his heart.

The reason being that if the rebels were only the Ogre faction, there would be no issue at all.

Frankly speaking, there was no need for the commanders themselves to deploy.

It was reported that the Fifth Legion Commander was personally taking care of the situation, and their forces were more than sufficient.

It was only natural for the other legion commanders to continue with their respective tasks, unaffected by the rebellion.

The power difference was clear, and there were no discernible factors that would lead to their defeat.

If the Ogres possessed even a modicum of intelligence to assess the power gap between them, they wouldn’t have initiated a rebellion in the first place.

(So, it turns out there was no need to rush back… I suddenly feel exhausted.)

At the very least, I should have confirmed who instigated the rebellion beforehand.

Helian, prioritizing his return to the kingdom, had only given minimal instructions to Balran and neglected to gather detailed information about the situation. Along the way, he had closed all virtual window interfaces that could hinder his movement, rendering him unable to access chats or receive updates.

However, it’s clear that I should have inquired about the situation in more detail. It’s a testament to my lack of composure. I feel so embarrassed and frustrated by my own incompetence.

“Your Highness?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just a bit tired.”

As the tension subsided, my legs began to tremble, reminding me of the fatigue that had suddenly hit me.

But don’t dismiss it as mere clinging. Far from it.

After all, I was subjected to speeds much faster than any ordinary motorbike, maneuvering through acrobatic stunts. The strain it put on me exceeded even Helian’s imagination by two-fold.

I was desperately clinging to Leve’s body, trying my best not to be shaken off.

“Hm? Leve, is it just my imagination, or do you seem rather cheerful?”

“What are you talking about, Balran? We may have confirmed that the rebels are insignificant pests, but we are still in the midst of a rebellion. It’s absurd to suggest that I would be in high spirits under such circumstances. Where do you see any reason for that?”

Leve speaks those words with a composed expression. The color in their eyes is as cold as ever. However, behind this calm and collected advisor to the king, their bushy silver tail is wagging vigorously.

“If asked where to look, I’d say ‘Look at that tail right there,’” but it seems Leve themselves is unaware. Balran had a slightly troubled expression.

…Well, it doesn’t matter.

While Helian didn’t understand why Leve was in a good mood, knowing that it wasn’t an emergency, he had no intention of reproaching Leve for their lack of tension.

The fatigue was overwhelming, making such matters seem trivial.

“What’s the status of suppressing the rebels… no, never mind. The forces of the Sixth Legion are deployed, right? Let’s gather information from here.”

Helian displayed the tactical virtual window and called up the map.

From the projected blueprint of the royal castle in the air, he tapped on the unit marker of the subordinates belonging to the Sixth Legion, who were stationed in the castle’s command room.

Among them was a subordinate of the Vampire clan, who possessed the unique skill of building an information network utilizing bats. He was entrusted with the task of utilizing this skill to gather information from the various creatures under the Sixth Legion. He should have near real-time updates on the status of suppressing the rebels.

Since he was not within close proximity… not within 50 meters of the king player, he couldn’t automatically engage in data sharing. However, being within a certain range… within a radius of 1 kilometer, he could manually share information.

“Authority Virtual Window, Function Window: Unlock, Open.

Ability Activation, Ability On: Data Sharing, Direct Connection, Direct Access.

Target Input, Target Selection: Direct, Select.”

Opening the Authority Virtual Window, if Helian requested information sharing from him, the updates on the Map and Power Distribution Chart would be refreshed in a matter of seconds.

To observe the developments in real-time, he would maintain the state of “connected access.”

“Have the rebels… been mostly eliminated?”

A flashing combat symbol appeared in a corner of the Map.

In that area, red light dots representing enemies were surrounded by green light dots representing allies, gradually diminishing their numbers.

It wouldn’t take more than five minutes until all the red enemy dots were completely gone.

“Will you be heading to the scene?”

Balran inquired.

It wasn’t a crazy idea for the king himself to personally participate in the subjugation. However, this was a discussion for after the extermination.

When the rebels are annihilated, there is an effect of restoring security by commending those who raised their heads with their defeat at the scene.

The occurrence of a rebellion itself is extremely rare, and even if it happens, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m always near the scene. However, as a playstyle of doing what can be done, Helian had decided to go to the scene whenever possible and hold the “Rebel Suppression Commendation” event.

If I were to deviate from that plan this time, my subordinates might look at me strangely. I have no choice but to go. Although I refer to it as the “scene,” there shouldn’t be anything to worry about once the rebels have been suppressed.

“…Yes, that’s right. Once the suppression is complete, I will head to the scene. Balran, continue guarding the throne until I declare the success of the suppression. Leve and Elthina, I rely on you to continue being my escorts.”


In just a little over three minutes, the red dots disappeared from the <Map>. The rebels had been successfully suppressed.

Helian urged his fatigued body forward, mustering his remaining strength as he made his way to the scene.

Unaware of the tragedy that awaited him there.

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