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Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

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Chapter 1 : C1 part12

Different World Nation Alchimyra -The Weakest King and the Unrivaled Army

Chapter 1 part 12

“Boiled rice”

Latestwood, a nation inhabited by half-elves.

A bustling crowd had gathered in the heart of the settlement.

“A beast man? Who’s that? They don’t seem to be from Latestwood. Could it be the return of an adventurer?”

“No, they appear to be one of the travelers.”

“Besides the beast race, there are elves and humans among them. In total, there are three travelers.”

“An elf!? Is it safe for them to enter the village!?”

“It seems they are regarded as heroes by Lady Leifa. She personally extended an invitation to them.”

“Lady Leifa… well, if she vouches for them, we have no choice.”

“…Hey, by the way, what on earth is that beast man up to?”

At the center of the bustling crowd, Leve stands out.

She places a large pot, taken from the village’s storage, on a base constructed with firewood and stones. With a composed demeanor, she retrieves a <Magic Item Pouch>, hanging from her chest, and shakes it upside down over the pot.

In an instant, a cascade of small granular objects pours out from the pouch’s opening. These granules are none other than nutritious and delicious high-performance 【food】—white rice.

“What… What!?!”

“What’s happening?! It keeps pouring out!”

“There’s no way that could fit in such a small pouch… right?”

“A magical item… But even so, that quantity…”

With a rustling sound, the rice continues to scatter into the large pot, quickly filling the bottom with a blanket of white. Leve then tilts the opening of the <Magic Item Pouch> upwards, shaking it a few times, and then swiftly points it downwards again. This time, a substantial amount of refreshing water forcefully spews out from the pouch, directly into the pot.


Witnessing this unbelievable spectacle, the onlookers were left dumbfounded, their mouths agape.

Ignoring the speechless gazes of the crowd, Leve proceeds to ignite the firewood using the magic spell <Ignition>. After that, she adds several pieces of meat and vegetables to the large pot and begins stirring its contents with a large ladle.

Occasionally, she adjusts the flavor by adding seasonings, working towards a satisfactory taste. Once she reaches a level she is content with, she stows away the <Magic Item Pouch> in her chest. With the other hand holding another large ladle, she meticulously continues to stir the contents of the pot.

The pot is quite sizable, and the strain on Leve’s hand gripping the ladle must be significant. However, she shows no signs of sweating, maintaining a cool composure as she stirs.

Within minutes, a delightful aroma starts wafting from the pot.

「…What’s this? Is she trying to hold a community meal or something?”

“Mom, it smells so good!”

“Hush. Stay still.”

As people who had been observing from a distance are drawn by the enticing aroma, Leve quickly finds herself surrounded by over a hundred people.

However, everyone keeps their distance, observing the mysterious traveler without taking a step closer.

In the midst of it all, a young girl slips through the gaps in the crowd, peeking curiously at the scene unfolding before her.

“Big sister with the doggie, is the food ready?”

It was Lillifa.

With a cheerful and sunny smile on her face, she casually approached Leve.

The people, captivated by her natural demeanor, forgot to intervene and simply watched her every move.

“It’s not doggie, but it will be ready soon. Would you like to taste it?”

“Is it okay?”

“Yes. It’s according to Helian-san’s instructions. Here you go.”

Though stumbling over her words in an odd way, Leve transferred the nutritious rice porridge from the pot to a bowl. The bowl was filled generously with ingredients such as meat and vegetables.

After Leve had taken a taste to ensure it was safe, she handed the bowl to Lillifa, making sure the crowd could see it.

“Wow, it looks delicious! I am grateful for the blessings of the Sacred Tree!”

As a pre-meal ritual, Lillifa recited a unique elven prayer before tasting the rice porridge. Instantly, a different kind of smile appeared on her face—a blend of surprise and joy, different from her previous smile.

“This is delicious! What is this? It’s incredibly tasty, Dog Lady!”

“I am not a dog, but I’m glad you find it delicious.”

“Come on, everyone, try it! It’s even more delicious than the castle’s food! Come on, come on!”

Prompted by Lillifa’s beaming smile, the onlookers who had been observing from a distance started approaching Leve, one by one.

Leve handed each person a bowl, and the distribution of the meal to the crowd began.

Once the flow started, it couldn’t be stopped.

In no time, a long line formed in the central square of the settlement.

+     +     +

…It seems they have somehow accepted us.

As members of the traveling party that includes despised elves and humans, there was undoubtedly some level of caution and wariness from the villagers. However, with the success of the communal meal, Helian let out a sigh of relief.

He had been observing from a distance, careful not to agitate the villagers. Thanks to Lillifa taking the lead and enjoying the porridge, it seems they have been accepted by the people.

Even now, Lillifa is using her whole body to convey just how delicious it was to the villagers. It’s a behavior befitting of a child, and her heartwarming presence soothes the hearts of those who watch.

If it weren’t for the series of events and the promise they made earlier, Helian would have thought of Lillifa as nothing more than an innocent child. It was such a natural performance… or so it seemed.

Watching this scene, Helian’s conscience creaks ever so slightly.


Exercise restraint.

Helian reminded himself of the situation he was in.

He had told Lillifa that he would help within his capabilities.

This was fulfilling that promise.

Providing a communal meal to the people, who likely hadn’t had a satisfying meal, was Helian’s way of assisting within his current limitations.

In the <Magic Item Pouch> of Leve and Elthina, there is a large stock of provisions.

Among them, white rice is an excellent source of sustenance, invaluable for maintaining the morale of soldiers during marches.

Running out of food would result in the debilitating status ailment of <Starvation>. This condition not only causes a decrease in basic stats but also leads to a severe deterioration in loyalty, happiness, and morale.

During military marches, it is crucial for the troops to be fully equipped and armed. Falling into a state of <Starvation> under such circumstances and risking rebellion would be the worst-case scenario. Some soldiers even have valuable equipment loaned to them, making them formidable allies but a significant threat if they were to become hostile forces.

That’s why, since acquiring the <Magic Item Pouch>, Helian instructed to always fill one-fourth of its maximum capacity with provisions during expeditions. Usually, there would be an excess supply left unused, but it’s better to have more than to run out. Helian, being a player who preferred to have a generous safety margin, considered it a reasonable approach.

In the distance, Leve can be seen releasing a considerable amount of provisions from the <Magic Item Pouch>. However, since their intention is to return home immediately after this, there is no need to worry about a shortage of food.

By the way, Helian has obtained proper authorization from the highest authority figure, Leifa, regarding this food distribution.

Upon returning from their consultation, Helian approached Leifa with Lilifa by their side to discuss the matter of providing food.

At first, Leifa was extremely reluctant, thinking, “It’s completely inappropriate for us to be the ones receiving thanks.” However, with both Helian and Lilifa persistently pushing the matter, Leifa eventually relented more smoothly than expected and accepted, saying, “I apologize. I appreciate your kind offer.”

Perhaps because it was in front of the people, Leifa didn’t bow their head, but their response conveyed a profound sense of gratitude.

It seems that the food situation in Latestwood was indeed severe. The influx of people who had escaped from the capital resulted in a population in this settlement that far exceeded its capacity. If this situation continued for three weeks, it was only natural for the food situation to deteriorate.

Shaking his head as if trying to dispel the emerging negative emotions, Helian turned to the girl beside him and asked.

“Then, are there any legends or tales related to the Demon Lord in the Abyss of Deepwood?”

In a corner of the settlement, keeping a distance from the crowd, Helian engaged in a conversation with Leifa for the purpose of gathering information.

Initially, he had intended to ask Wenri or other half-elves, but it was Leifa herself who offered to be his conversation partner. She mentioned that it was a way to show her gratitude for the help she had received and to contribute in any way possible.

Helian considered that as the highest leader, there would be countless tasks to handle. However, he deliberately chose not to touch upon that matter.

Even if Leifa had some ulterior motives, it was irrelevant.

Helian’s cooperation would strictly adhere to the promise he made with lilifa: to help within his “capabilities.” He had no intention of getting involved further in their issues. As the king of a nation, there were boundaries he was not permitted to cross.

In that case, it would be best to focus on information gathering without dwelling on unnecessary matters.

No, it is imperative to do so.

“Yes. According to Elven folklore, the Deepwood Abyss is believed to have been the domain of the Demon King in the past. There are various legends such as the ‘Forest of Lost Souls,’ ‘Land of the Elusive,’ and ‘Forbidden Realm,’ so the truth is uncertain. However, Deepwood Abyss has been considered a forbidden land since ancient times.”

In response to the question, Leifa answered with a fluent tone, as if reading from a textbook.

“Of course, even without such legends and folklore, there are hardly any curious individuals among the Elves and Half-Elves who would willingly approach the Deepwood Abyss.”

“…And why is that?”

“Occasionally, powerful demonic beasts emerge from the Deepwood Abyss. These creatures are so formidable that even a group of ordinary forest-dwelling beasts would be no match for them. There have been attempts to subdue them, but successful cases are rare. Usually, diverting their path is the best we can do.”

“What happens to the beasts that are not subdued?”

“Most of them rampage for a while and then disappear back into the depths of the Deepwood Abyss. For the Elves, it’s akin to a natural disaster. We have no choice but to wait for them to hide and depart. Of course, the same applies to us…”

This settlement is located dangerously close to the Deepwood Abyss.

However, asking “Why would they build a town in such a dangerous place?” is a futile question.

For the persecuted Half-Elves, it’s likely that this area was the only land available to establish a base, with no other viable options for them.

“Moreover, the Deepwood Abyss has an enchanting effect that misleads people. If you venture too far into the Deepwood Abyss, you may never find your way back.”

“I see… So, if there are no curious individuals among the Elves or Half-Elves who approach the Deepwood Abyss, are there others from different races who do?”

“There are humans who do. They are commonly known as adventurers. They come here with the intention of obtaining special materials that can be found in the Deepwood Abyss.”


An intriguing keyword emerged, but for now, it was best to keep it in the back of the mind and prioritize gathering information about the Deepwood Abyss.

“Some high-level adventurers even go out of their way to search for the Abyssal Beasts within the Deepwood Abyss. It seems that the Abyssal Beasts in the Deepwood Abyss contain abundant magical energy, resulting in a higher likelihood of encountering individuals with unique materials.”

“So, does that mean a considerable number of adventurers come to [Latestwood]? Given that this country is located close to both the human territories and the Deepwood Abyss, I assumed there would be some interaction between them.”

“Yes. From our perspective, it may seem like madness, but there has always been a certain number of people who dream of striking it rich or making a name for themselves in any era. Of course, they often leave behind valuable foreign currency when they visit, so their presence is appreciated. It may sound selfish, but that’s how it is.”

“As a ruler, it’s only natural to share that viewpoint.”

Being aware of Elthina’s gaze from behind, I spoke lines that seemed appropriate.

In reality, from the perspective of a ruler, whether they are adventurous or enthusiastic, they are valuable customers who enrich the country’s economy. I agreed with that line of thinking.

Keeping the money circulating within the country alone would eventually reach its limits. Helian had experienced this firsthand in [Tactics Chronicle].

“However… I don’t see any sign of those adventurers.”

“About a month ago, there was an attack by a horde of Abyssal Beasts on the eastern border city. Emergency mobilization was issued to nearby adventurers, and they all went to the border city. It seems to be a considerably large-scale attack, and they are facing a difficult situation over there. It happened just before [Noblewood] launched a war against our country three weeks ago… I can only say it was bad timing.”

“The border city…?”

“It’s a human frontline city built on the border separating the human territory from the demon race’s territory. It’s also called the shield of humanity.”

“I see…”

I had anticipated this to some extent, but the stories I heard were completely unfamiliar in the game [Tactics Chronicle].

“In [Tactics Chronicle], there are indeed the demon race as a species. In fact, Camilla from the Sixth Legion is also a type of demon.”

However, on the other hand, I have never heard of a “demon territory.” There were countries ruled by NPC demons, but the nuance is different from “territory.”

…There are many other things I want to ask, but my head is starting to feel overwhelmed.

I’d like to believe that this isn’t a problem with my own mental capacity. Anyone would feel this way when encountering such significant events in such a short period of time.

I already have a slight headache. However, I have no intention of stopping the information gathering, but I need to calm down for a moment here.

Quenching my thirst with water, I observed the scene in the square.

The people gathered in the square seemed to relax as they enjoyed the meals served by Leve.

“It seems to be well received… That’s good to hear.”

Leve, an aide to the king, had been trained not only as a specialized combatant but also as a versatile character capable of contributing in various fields. In addition to combat skills, Leve had honed many other skills, including the <Cooking Skill>.

As I observed the people gathered around the large pot, it was evident that the <Cooking Skill> was fully at work. Both adults and children alike were enjoying their meals with satisfied expressions.

Even the soldiers, who had been on edge, eagerly approached the pot with bowls in hand, taking turns and expressing relief as they enjoyed the food.

The majority of the people were half-elves, but there were also individuals from different races among them.

“That one… Quite petite, but is it a Werecat?”

“Yes. The small stature is because they are a half-breed with the Kobold, the small folk. They recently became citizens of Latestwood.”

I see. With the blood of Kobolds running through them, the size made sense.

There were also beastfolk with rabbit ears and even a few Dwarves, although their numbers were scarce. The Dwarf had slightly less facial hair compared to regular Dwarves, so it’s possible that he, too, is a half-breed.

“…There are various races, huh? I was surprised to see not only many half-breeds but also Dwarves. Elves and Dwarves are typically at odds with each other, so is it different in your case?”

“Yes. It is true that this country was founded mainly by Half-Elves, but it was formed by various races coming together. And with everyone’s hard work, that’s how Latestwood was established.”

“So it’s a multi-racial nation, rather than a multi-ethnic one.”

Leifa chuckled, saying, “It’s not that grand of a thing, though.”

“Gathering together weak races who had no power and no one else to rely on… the formation of the country was the result of that. Well, because of such circumstances, there is no animosity between races. Living together, we may clash due to our respective customs, but we have resolved it through mutual understanding. We cannot survive without helping each other.”

Leifa spoke as if belittling themselves, but in essence, they had created a country relying solely on their own strength, without anyone else to depend on.

Helian could imagine the immense struggles they must have faced. No, it wasn’t a matter of imagination. They must have endured hardships beyond words. To casually speak about it as if they knew all about it would be an insult to their efforts.

Therefore, Helian kept their admiration for the remarkable country to themselves.

Leifa’s expression showed a hint of surprise, but she proudly and gracefully replied, “It’s our pride and joy,” accompanied by a gentle smile.

From then on, until Leve finished distributing the food, Helian and Leifa engaged in casual and lighthearted conversation.

Helian was on guard, expecting Leifa to ask for something or demand the provision of forces like Leve and Elthina. However, such topics were never touched upon.

They talked about trivial things like favorite foods, hobbies, or how Lilifa had always been spoiled and had poor manners. It was truly insignificant conversation.

Even in such a harsh situation, the fact that they could engage in such lighthearted conversation and maintain smiles made Helian admire Leifa as a true leader. They wondered if they themselves would be able to behave the same way if faced with the same circumstances. They had no confidence whatsoever.

…Speaking of which, I wonder how my own country, Alchimyra, is doing.

As I think about Latestwood and the princess sisters, I suddenly became curious about the state of my own country.

At the time before departing for the overseas investigation, the internal turmoil in the country had settled to some extent.

Moreover, all things considered, it has only been about half a day since then.

With six legion commanders in reserve, there is probably no need to worry about immediate matters… However, just to be safe, it might be a good idea to check the situation soon.

Just as the conversation paused, Helian shifted his gaze away from Leifa and pretended to be lost in thought as he looked up at the sky.

To avoid drawing Leifa’s attention, he activated the mind manipulation and unlocked the communication virtual window chat interface.

A translucent virtual window appeared in the air, but Leifa couldn’t see it.

In the game “Tactics Chronicle,” virtual windows were designed to be visible only to the individual. Even if another player was a fellow king, they wouldn’t be able to see someone else’s virtual window.

[Mode: Selection Select. Text Conversation Text Chat]

Next, he adjusted the mode to text chat using mind manipulation.

While players could communicate through voice chat with each other, when interacting with NPCs, they could issue instructions through vocal commands, but they couldn’t receive reports or responses in voice format. Text-based exchange was the norm in such cases.

Due to data limitations, the number of characters capable of engaging in fluent conversations is determined based on the scale of the respective nation. Since not all characters can engage in natural conversation, it is inevitable that text serves as the foundation.

Gazing directly at the floating communication virtual window chat window, he used ocular manipulation to select the group of the legion commanders from the destination access candidate list. From within the group, he chose the second legion commander, Balran, and initiated the call.

Shortly after, Balran responded to the call.

There were concerns about whether communication would be possible across the Abyss of the Deep Forest, but fortunately, it seems that there are no issues.

In the game, one would typically use the key language keywords to exchange information, inputting something like “【Report】the 【situation】.” However, there’s no point in being fixated on the key language keywords at this point. He typed the message as if he were communicating with a human.

“This is Helian. We managed to establish contact with the locals somehow, but has anything changed on your end? Are there any issues or problems?”

The text message was successfully sent.

Within seconds, a reply from Balran arrived in Helian’s inbox.

Impressed by Balran’s meticulousness, Helian read through the reply text and was left breathless. Forgetting that Leifa was right beside him, Helian widened his eyes and stood frozen in place.


Leifa’s perplexed voice went unheard by Helian.

The semi-transparent communication virtual window floated in the air.

There, reflected in the window, was Balran’s reply—a mere ten characters displayed in an impersonal manner. Helian, his face drained of color, stared intently at the virtual window, where the following words were written:

“An uprising has occurred.”

The words Helian feared the most had come true—the rebellion had erupted with surprising ease.

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