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A Precious Pearl in the Imperial City

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T/N: I wasn’t home hence the delay in updates. Sorry! 

“Liu gonggong, us brothers all smell like hot pot. It wouldn’t be appropriate to see Father Emperor like this.” Huai Wang wiped his mouth and proposed, “Can we go back to our yards and change into clean clothes?”

“His Majesty has seen Your Highness’ doing all kinds of mischief when you were young. There’s no need to be concerned about these things.” Liu Zhongbao bowed and said with a smile. “Let us go, Your Highnesses.”

Huai Wang turned his head to look at Chen Wang. Father Emperor has always doted on fifth brother. Does he know what’s all this about in advance?

Chen Wang shook his head without a word. Why was he looking at himself? 

The four brothers stood up. They watched as the robust eunuch carried Yun Yanze onto a sedan and followed along obediently.

“If only we hadn’t eaten hot pot today.” Chen Wang sighed: “After eating it for three days in a row, Ben Wang is tired of it.”

The three other princes looked at him. Can you say something useful at a time like this? 

Entering the Taiyang Palace, Huai Wang looked around. The Imperial Guards were the same as usual, with no increase or decrease in numbers. The palace maids also seemed as usual. He touched the yupei at his waist, took a deep breath, and took the lead in going toward the main hall’s entrance.

“Everyone is here?” Emperor Longfeng looked at his five sons and continued writing without lifting his head. Huai Wang put his hand behind his back and furtively poked Chen Wang.

As the most favored son, it is time for you to step forward bravely.

Chen Wang moved two steps to the side. Even a favored son should know how to gauge his old man’s expression.

Did he look stupid enough to step forward at a time like this?

There was deathly stillness in the hall; the princes didn’t dare to speak out.

After about two incense sticks of time1Two incense sticks of time [两柱香时间] – A poetic way of referring to the amount of time it takes to burn an incense stick. Usually, it can be anywhere between 5 minutes and an hour but here, I think it is only 5-6 minutes for one and hence, 10-12 minutes for two., Emperor Longfeng finally spoke again: “Do you know why zhen called you all over today? Lao da2Lao da [老大] – Refers to Huai Wang, the eldest child., you say.”

Huai Wang’s heart was in turmoil but he pretended to be calm and shook his head.

Did Father Emperor discover the spy he planted in Qi Wang’s residence? Or did his private criticisms of Su Guifei and Yun Duqing reach Father Emperor’s ears?

Was it the matter of him accidentally breaking an imperial gift bestowed upon him?

Was it the matter of him forming connections with certain officials in secret?

Was it about him accepting bribes from his subordinates?

Or did he hear about him arranging for the position of a sixth-rank official for his Wangfei’s maternal cousin?

“And you, lao er3Lao er [老二] – Refers to An Wang, the second child.?”

An Wang quickly shook his head.

Emperor Longfeng looked at Jing Wang, but before he could ask, the latter shook his head frantically.

Qi Wang leaned against the chair. He covered his chest and coughed a little, his face pale.

“Father Emperor, don’t look at erchen.” Chen Wang said boldly, “You already know everything that erchen usually does. So there is no need for erchen to repeat them.”

The four elder brothers all turned their heads and looked at Chen Wang. From his tone, didn’t he seem quite proud of this? 

“Seems like you all are completely ignorant about your own matters.” Emperor Longfeng put down his brush as he spoke gravely: “Zhen is not dead yet. There is no need to keep thinking about this position!”

“Father Emperor!” Huai Wang’s immediately knelt on the ground with a pale face. The other princes, upon hearing his words, were all terrified and knelt on the ground without daring to raise their heads.

“Take a look yourselves.” Emperor Longfeng flung several thick booklets at his sons, and whether it was a coincidence or not, all of them landed on the four elder brothers while Chen Wang remained unscathed.

“Cultivating advisors and planting spies!” He sneered. “With your skills, if it were during the late Emperor’s reign, you would have long been thrown into prison. And you wouldn’t even have realized how it all happened.”

“Keeping the advisors in your own residences? Why? Afraid that zhen would know?” Emperor Longfeng picked up a scroll and hit Huai Wang’s head twice. “You have the ability to accept gifts from your subordinates, but you don’t know how to handle things properly?”

Huai Wang shrank, not daring to make a sound.

“And you, who excelled in both literature and martial arts from childhood, turned a blind eye to the Zheng family’s conduct and deeds.” Emperor Longfeng pointed at Qi Wang. “Do you know how your sixth imperial Uncle died?”

“He was killed by his brainless maternal family.” Emperor Longfeng laughed coldly. “He was deported to Youzhou but after a few days on the road, he suddenly died midway.”

“What you all are doing now is simply a child’s play compared to what zhen’s brothers did!” As Emperor Longfeng looked at his sons kneeling on the ground, his anger grew. He kicked Huai Wang, who took this opportunity to roll away and happened to hit Qi Wang’s wound, causing him to let out a suppressed groan.

“In the capital, if you don’t have the ability to keep secrets, don’t do things that will cost you your head. As princes, it is not wrong for you all to have ambitions, but what’s wrong is having ambitions when you do not have a brain.” His face was devoid of expression, but it was even scarier than anger. “It is zhen’s fault for being too good to you and raising you all into a bunch of morons.”

“You should be grateful that zhen is your father.” He walked toward the stairs and sat down on one, pointing to the scattered booklets on the ground. “Pick them up and have a look.”

The princes dared not move.

“Look at them!” Emperor Longfeng panted for breath as his chest rose and fell heavily.

Trembling, Huai Wang picked up one of the booklets next to him. After a few glances, he dared not continue reading: “Father Emperor, erchen admits his sins! Erchen begs for your mercy, he will never dare to do it again.”

Chen Wang went to the adjacent table, poured a cup of tea, and brought it to Emperor Longfeng. “Father Emperor, please quell your anger.”

“And you! Two spies were planted in your residence but you didn’t even notice.” Emperor Longfeng took a few sips of tea and then turned to admonish Chen Wang. “How do you manage your residence?”

“Two?” Chen Wang looked puzzled. “Wasn’t it three?”

“Erchen is not unaware that they are spies. Erchen was planning to find out who sent them, but you summoned us to the Palace before erchen could do so.” Chen Wang defended himself as he tapped Emperor Longfeng’s back gently. “This matter cannot totally be blamed on erchen, can it? Erchen never expected elder brothers to plant spies in my residence ah.”

With his forehead pressed to the ground, Huai Wang cursed in his heart. How can you not expect?

“Zhen is well aware of the things you have done.” Emperor Longfeng said expressionlessly. “If you all dare to repeat your mistakes in the future, zhen would not think twice about bearing the infamy of killing his own sons.”

Qi Wang covered his chest. His wound had split open. His innerwear was stuck to the wound, causing him great discomfort. He looked up at his inscrutable father and bowed his head respectfully.

Just how much does Father Emperor really know?

“Since zhen ascended the throne, he has sought renowned masters to teach you both literature and martial skills but all you have learned are these subpar underhanded methods.” Emperor Longfeng said. “Zhen is deeply disappointed in you lot.”

He stood up from the stairs after a moment of silence and spoke. “Issue zhen’s decree.”

“Huai Wang and Qi Wang have lost their manners in front of the monarch and angered…”

“Erchen begs for your mercy, Father Emperor,” Huai Wang knelt before Emperor Longfeng. “Erchen acknowledges his mistakes.”

“If you realize your mistakes, then correct them.” Emperor Longfeng looked at Qi Wang. “And what about you, lao si4Lao si [老四] – Refers to the fourth son, i.e. Qi Wang.?”

“Erchen… also acknowledges his mistakes.” Qi Wang bowed his head.


His biggest mistake was being too outstanding and stealing Yun Duqing’s limelight, thus becoming a thorn in their Father Emperor’s eyes.

Listening to Huai Wang’s plea, Qi Wang sneered inwardly. It was only natural for him to blame lao da. After all, the latter had been occupying the position of the eldest son and hindering Yun Duqing’s path to the throne.

In their father’s eyes, Yun Duqing was perhaps his only child. Even if he, Qi Wang, were to kowtow till his head split open, their Father Emperor wouldn’t miss this opportunity to pave the way for Yun Duqing.

Chen Wang saw Huai Wang’s forehead swelling from the repeated kowtowing and that he almost fell. He reached out to help him. “Eldest brother, be careful.”

Huai Wang lamented silently in his heart. A little kowtowing is nothing. Judging from Father Emperor’s tone, it is clear that he wants to strip off his ‘Wang’ title!

“In light of Huai Wang’s good attitude in admitting his guilt, his salary will be withheld for a year. He is also forbidden from leaving the Palace for half a year without a decree.” Emperor Longfeng’s gaze swept over Chen Wang, who was supporting Huai Wang. He closed his eyes and turned to Qi Wang. “Qi Wang… your qinwang5Qinwang [亲王] – Prince of the first rank. It refers to the children of the reigning Emperor. title will be revoked, and you will be demoted to junwang6Junwang [郡王] – Prince of the second rank. This title was granted to the non-blood-related members of the current emperor or extremely loyal subordinates.. Your salary will be withheld for a year, and you are not to leave the Palace without a decree too.”

“Guards, take Huai Wang and Qi Wang after half an incense stick’s time and cane them fifteen times.”

Qi Wang’s body shook as he knelt on the ground. “Erchen… accepts the command.”

“As for the rest of you…” An Wang and Jing Wang both kowtowed, not daring to lift their heads.

Emperor Longfeng glanced at Chen Wang: “The three of you have made quite big mistakes. You will be fined half a year’s worth of your salaries and must stay obediently in the Palace. You are not allowed to go anywhere.”

“Father Emperor,” In a low voice, Chen Wang reminded tactfully: “There is only a month and a half left till erchen’s wedding.”

Not allowing him to leave the Palace didn’t seem very reasonable, did it?

“Then get married inside the Palace,” Emperor Longfeng said impatiently, “There are plenty of empty Palaces here, it can accommodate you newlyweds.”

Huai Wang, who had just felt relieved for escaping the punishment, suddenly felt bitter. Did Father Emperor really want his adult son with a title to get married inside the Palace?

Wasn’t that a privilege reserved only for a Crown Prince living in the East Palace?

While other princes crowded inside the Zhangliu Palace’s little courtyards with their Wangfei-s, Yun Duqing would get a whole palace for his wedding?

Huai Wang’s heart was sore but he dared not show it. Not only did he dare not speak up, but he also had to praise Emperor Longfeng’s suggestion: “Father Emperor is right, fifth younger brother’s wedding is a major event. Doing it inside the Palace is not comparable to doing it outside.”

“This…” Chen Wang was somewhat hesitant. If his wedding ceremony was held within the Palace, many guests would not be able to attend, and it wouldn’t be as lively ah. 

Seeing that Yun Duqing still seemed somewhat unwilling, the other princes wanted to curse. What is there to be unwilling about? This is such a good opportunity! 

Just because he was favored, he could be so bold and act without worry?

At this moment, Mingyue Palace was much livelier than usual.

The birth mothers of each of the princes and princesses had come under the guise of paying their respects to Su Guifei. Even the reclusive Xu Fei arrived with a slightly pale face.

“Did everyone make an agreement to come together and greet Ben Gong?” Su Guifei sighed, “Why bother? Ben Gong has never paid much attention to these empty formalities. Do not do it in the future.”

After exchanging a few pleasantries, someone finally couldn’t help but ask about the princes and princesses: “Niangniang, this concubine heard that His Majesty has summoned all the princes to Taiyang Palace and prohibited outsiders from going near. Does niangniang know what this… is all about?”

“Imperial Concubine Zhang, if Ben Gong remembers right, you gave birth to Princess Roude, right?” Su Guifei lifted her finger and lightly stroked her chin, “How would Ben Gong know His Majesty’s thoughts? If Imperial Concubine Zhang is curious, why not go to Taiyang Palace and ask yourself? Ben Gong will have the servants prepare a sedan for you”

Imperial Concubine Zhang’s expression changed, “This concubine does not dare.”

“If you do not dare, does that mean Ben Gong does?” Su Guifei leaned back lazily: “There is no need to worry too much. His Majesty is the father of the princes and princesses. Would a father harm his own children?”

Su Guifei spoke with rare sincerity: “His Majesty is a benevolent and wise monarch. Even if the princes make mistakes, he will still consider the father-son bond.”

The concubines: “…….”

Who would believe such nonsense? They were all concubines in the harem, so what was the point of lying to them like this?

During the late emperor’s reign, how many sons and daughters were buried alive by him?

In the imperial family, there were no fathers and sons, only a ruler and his subjects.

“Niangniang, there is news from Taiyang Palace that half a year’s salary has been withheld from His Highness.” A maid from Mingyue Palace walked in and said, “The female officials from Taiyang Palace also said that in the future, unless ordered by His Majesty, you are not allowed to send anything to His Highness.”

Upon hearing this, the other concubines couldn’t help but reveal gloating yet soft smiles.

So it was Chen Wang who was being punished ah.

“Moreover, Huai Wang, An Wang, Jing Wang, and Qi Junwang have all received severe punishments…”

They were all punished?

Qi Junwang?


The gloating smiles of the concubines froze on their faces, their complexions turning deathly pale.

What exactly happened?

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