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One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

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Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Top Ranking, Jiang Fan



“No way! Did I read it wrong? One hundred percent? Full marks?” 

“Brother, you read that right, it is indeed 100 points!” 

“You can’t go wrong with the list, right? How is this possible?” 

“Xiao Li, stop crying, lookup, Jiang Fan has got another hundred points!” 

“Jiang Fan? It’s Jiang Fan again, and he got full marks again?” 

“Jiang Fan created a civilization of ordinary people. I still believe that the second subject has a perfect score. But how is it possible for the third subject?” 

“Could it be that Jiang Fan is handsome and the examiner is a woman, so he was given this perfect score?” 

“Don’t talk nonsense, the college entrance examination is very strict, and it is impossible for the examiner to know which candidate he is evaluating!” 

“Crazy! it’s crazy! Two hundred! Two full marks! First in both subjects! This Jiang Fan is crazy!” 

“Is this a record breaker?” 

“Nonsense, it’s okay to say that the second subject, the highest in history before the third division is only 90 points, which is a whole ten points.” 

A series of fierce discussions sounded on the college entrance examination square in Jiangcheng, almost everyone looked up and stare at Jiang Fan and the amazing number behind him. It is even more exaggerated than the results of the second subject. In theory, a full mark in the second subject is achievable. The previous high school entrance examination results are also very close to full marks. 

Everyone who gave Jiang Fan full marks, although it is suspicious, it is not unacceptable. For this third subject, to get full marks, it’s simply impossible. Even Fang Zhenting next to Jiang Fan’s eyes widened. He carefully read that column of numbers several times. “Jiang Fan, you are too exaggerated.” Fang Zhenting said, “I didn’t even get 68 points, yet you got a hundred!” 

“I’m also considered one of the top five geniuses in Jiangcheng, why is there such a big gap. No, it’s impossible, why did he get full marks again?” Tang Qingqing looked at the dazzling 100 number. She just can’t believe her eyes. This is completely beyond imagination. 

“100 points?” Bu Jingyue clenched her right hand and bit her lips lightly. She got 85 points. It’s a very, very high score. It is almost on par with the previous top scorers in the college entrance examination. For this time, it’s not surprising to be able to rank in the top 20 in the province. Even the top ten are possible. But Bu Jingyue’s thoughts were completely not on Tang Qingqing and Jiangcheng’s top college entrance examination champion. Her goal is the rest of the geniuses of the whole province. However, Jiang Fan’s grades gave her a heavy blow. The 100 points don’t just break an all-time record. It also directly opened a huge gap with her by 15 points. If it is placed in the competition for the top spot in the college entrance examination in previous years. There is a huge difference in the test scores for one subject. 

Not just Jiangcheng Gaokao Plaza, the other cities’ college entrance examination squares also found something wrong with the list. That extremely dazzling number behind someone. 

East Star City, Sky Crystal City, Amber City, Purple Star City, and all five hundred and eighty cities. There is an uproar right now. One can hardly believe his eyes. “One hundred percent again? Crazy, crazy, the strongest candidate in history this year is crazy.” Bai Jiaoyang listened to the discussions of the people around him and involuntarily shook his head. Especially not far away, Wei Qingqing is biting her lips. He even cheerfully said: “Haha, this is really interesting, this Jiang got two full marks in Fan, and after two subjects, this is a lot of points.” 

“Jiang Fan!?” On the East Star City College Entrance Examination Plaza. The girl in black looked at the name for a long time. In this third subject, she also did well in the exam. Although it can’t compare to another super monster, it is acceptable. However, suddenly a full-point monster appeared. He got full marks in the second subject. And in this third subject, he got full marks again. 

A group of Tianjiao people from East Star City is behind them. At this time, it was impossible to suppress the surprise in their heart. A tall man walked up and said, “Could it be that there is a mistake in the hanging list? I have never heard of this. It is said that a candidate from a small city like Jiangcheng can actually get two full marks?” Others also showed their doubts. This is kind of incredible. It’s like there’s a problem with the operating mechanism. 

“Can’t be wrong.” The black-clothed girl shook her head and said, “The list has been running for countless years since the college entrance examination, and I haven’t missed a single time, besides…” The black-clothed girl paused for a moment, then continued: “Even if there is a problem, do you think those examiners and bigwigs don’t know? This double perfect score, there must be someone reporting it right away. If something goes wrong, then for the first time, they will have a powerful planet master to deal with. It’s been three minutes now, which means there is absolutely no problem with this list.” 

Listening to the explanation of the girl in black, everyone gradually released their doubts. indeed, this is the high school entrance examination and arguably the most important event of the year. All parties are concerned. Not just ordinary people. But also those big men and powerful planet masters staring one by one. There is no way such a big hole could have appeared. That is to say, the fact that the second and third subjects are full marks is true. 

All geniuses are naturally strong in psychological quality. After the initial shock, they just thought of another very important question. “This Jiang Fan has a full score in the second subject, and the third subject is also full. It doesn’t matter how he got it, and now the list has recognized this score, adding up the two subjects, it is 200 points!” 

In the Amber City College Entrance Examination Plaza. For the first time, Lei Shen showed a hint of worry and talked with Wang Shan next to him. The results for the third subject of the two are also very good. One is in the top twenty and Wang Shan is in the top five. All are expected, but suddenly there was Jiang Fan. The plan that the two has before all had to be forced to change. 

“Also, I checked it out.” Raye glanced at the crowd around him and continued. Besides the two, there was also a large crowd. Listen curiously and attentively. Everyone knows that the news of Lei Block is very well-informed. 

After the results of the previous second subject come out. The first to find out where Jiang Fan came from. 

“This morning, Jiang Fan also got full marks in the “Planetology” theory exam, that is to say, he got a perfect score in three subjects. The total score now is full marks. The total score of the three subjects is 350 points and this Jiang Fan has already got it all!” 

All around Tianjiao frowned slightly. They are not worried about themselves. Instead, they are worried about Lei Kuan and Wang Shan, the two most outstanding geniuses in Amber City. Especially Wang Shan, who is considered by many teachers, the hope to win the provincial championship. 

This year’s performance is also very good. Full marks in the theory course in the morning. In the afternoon, he got 95.2 points for the second subject. And for the third division, he scored 87 points. Both subjects are high marks. Even if it’s not number one, the gap with several other competitors is not too big either. 

But after Jiang Fan’s two full marks came out, that’s different. For the third subject, he pulled out the gap of ten points. Plus the second subject, it’s almost twenty points. 

“Fortunately, it was Jiang Fan who got full marks in both subjects, not the other big monsters.” Wang Shan breathed a sigh of relief, his face still relatively calm. 

“Haha, if it’s those big monsters,…” Lei Tan smiled and said: “Then there is no suspense in this year’s college entrance examination general champion!” 

“But this Jiang Fan should not be underestimated.” With a hint of solemnity on Wang Shan’s face, he said, “He has pulled us by nearly 20 percent now, and it can be said that he is far ahead. This difference is not so easy to catch up.” 

“That being said, but…” Raye shook his head and said indifferently, “According to the results of my investigation. This Jiang Fan was in the Jiangcheng competition. The planet he built already has tens of thousands of people. So I guess he may have bred some high-yielding plant species. That’s why the third subject’s assessment score is so high.”Wang Shan nodded slightly. 

“So,…” Lei Tan continued: “Your worry is unnecessary. This Jiang Fan should have used ordinary people’s civility to get good grades in these two exams, but,…” Lei Tan smiled lightly and said, “For tomorrow’s exam, it’s not that easy. What is the real strength of a planet? It can’t be judged by the second and third subjects.” 

“Tomorrow?” Wang Shan glanced at the list in the sky. A look of anticipation flashed in his eyes. 

And on the eighth floor of the Planetary Association. After the initial strange look, the teachers are also slowly accepting this fact and discussing it very lively. After all, this is history. Full marks for the first and third subjects of the college entrance examination. Plus full marks from the second subject. It’s a double major. Breaking two college entrance examination records in a row. No one is not shaken. 

“Fun, fun.” A teacher showed a smile on his face and said, “I didn’t expect that I would be able to gain so much in Dongyang Province this time, and I actually witnessed history with my own eyes.” 

“That’s right.” Another teacher nodded and said, “No matter what the final result of this candidate named Jiang Fan is, but relying on full marks in these two subjects. He has been engraved in the history of the college entrance examination. It should be famous in the entire Dongyang Province now. I heard that Jiang Fan created a civilization for ordinary people, and there are no extraordinary species on the planet.” 

An old teacher said: “Ordinary people’s civilization seemed to rely on the advantage of many people at the beginning, but there is no potential later.” 

“Indeed, when other extraordinary civilizations develop later, it will be difficult for ordinary people to beat them.” A teacher nodded in agreement. 

Tang Yushu, who was sitting beside him, had a strange expression on his face. Still warning from time to time on the projection about Jiang Fan’s results. The time when he was in Dabi flashed in his mind. At that time, Jiang Fan was just a very unremarkable student. Except for being handsome, he is just like any other ordinary student. 

“This Jiang Fan” Tang Yushu thought to himself and said, “You can give me such a big surprise, I thought it was Tang Qingqing who could compete with Bu Jingyue this time, but I didn’t expect that the little guy appeared again! ” 

“Anyway.” The middle-aged supervisor spoke up. He is in a very happy mood now. He also spoke for Jiang Fan: “Now Jiang Fan’s overall score is far ahead, not compared with those peerless geniuses, but in Jiangcheng, it has already opened the pace by more than 20 points!” Other teachers heard this. There was a slight silence. 

On the contrary, Tang Yushu nodded and responded first: “This score is quite large. If it weren’t for the civilization created by Jiang Fan, the ownership of Jiangcheng’s champion can basically be determined in advance.” 

“Twenty points is fine.” A teacher objected: “No matter how crucial the exam on the first day is, the important thing is the second day!” Most of the other teachers nodded in agreement. The total score for the college entrance examination is 750. Add up the three subjects on the first day, it’s only three hundred and fifty. And the next day’s exam, there is only one class. For this class, in previous years, it was the easiest subject to widen the score gap. With a little bit of carelessness, you can lose a few tenths of points. It can be said that this last class is a subject that decides the winner and the champion. 

In the conference room of No. 7 Middle School. It’s just exhilarating. After seeing Jiang Fan’s amazing results. At first, everyone was astonished. All can’t believe it. Some teachers thought it was a mistake in the list. But after a few minutes, there is still no news. One by one hold hands and jumped in joy. 

“Full score!” Teacher Liu Yue was also very excited. 

“Good boy, it really caught us off guard.” Qiu Yunfei was very excited. 

The joy is beyond words. The hope is that Jiang Fan can get more than 70 points and fight for a place at a top university. No one thought of it. But an explosive result came directly, this made a lot of school leaders and teachers happy. They again saw the glimmer of hope of winning the top spot in Jiangcheng’s college entrance examination! 

Not the same as before. Because Bu Jingyue’s ranking on the Tianjiao list is too high. Everyone thinks that Jiang Fan and Tang Qingqing have hope, but the hope is not too high. However now, it is not the same. 

“All three exams on the first day are over.” Teacher Liu Yue is compiling data on all the candidates from the No. 7 middle school. The Gaokao Square just announces everyone’s results. There is no specific ranking. There are also no summaries. Overall scores and associated rankings. Each force needs to do it by itself. The first thing that comes together is the performance comparison between Jiang Fan and Bu Jingyue, which are most concerned by everyone. 

“Jiang Fan’s three subjects are full marks. The total score is 350. And Bu Jingyue,…” Teacher Liu Yue paused for a while, then quickly calculated: “The theory is a perfect score, the first subject is 92 points, the second subject is 85 points, the total is 327 points. On the first day, the difference between the two of the three subjects was twenty-three points!” Teacher Liu Yue’s tone has a hint of joy. She also took the college entrance examination and won the championship. Naturally, she is clear about what does this gap represent. There was excitement in the conference room. 

“It’s still the first day.” Tong Zhensheng pressed his hand and said calmly: “Everyone knows that Bu Jingyue obtained the heart of the stars and created a brand new clan, so, the next day’s exam will not be so easy.” 

“Hey, it’s a pity, if Bu Jingyue didn’t have the heart of the stars, then basically now he can look forward to the position of the champion.” A teacher sighed. 

“No way, they have a good teacher.” Qiu Yunfei smiled and said, “However, don’t worry about this champion. With Jiang Fan’s current grades, it shouldn’t be a problem to be admitted to a first-class university. The key is the exam for the fourth subject tomorrow. As long as it’s not too bad, there should be no problem with the top 10,000 people in the province.” 

“Okay, it’s not too early, everyone should leave first, go back and have a good rest, tomorrow will be the main battlefield.” Tong Zhensheng finally said. After everyone left, Tong Zhensheng and Qiu Yunfei looked at each other. They all saw the seriousness in each other’s eyes. The exam the next day is not going to be that easy. The test is the real strength. Once lost, it doesn’t matter how good the exam is on the first day. 

A roar sounded in the “Tianjiao News” branch of East Star City. 

“What do you bastards do? A genius who can get double full marks and break two records is ranked in more than 9,000 by you, and almost fell off the list?! 

In the conference room. A middle-aged fat man was furious. The editors below are silent. No one dares to speak up! Everyone knows why the middle-aged fat man is so angry. On the first day of the just-concluded college entrance examination. To everyone’s surprise, an unknown person from Jiangcheng got full marks in the second and third subjects and ranked first of all. And by the way, he broke the record. This candidate named “Jiang Fan” has a rank of just over 9,000 on the Tianjiao list. Dropped a thousand places from the first issue that was just on the list. 

Outside, Talent rankings that are similar to the Tianjiao list, I don’t know how many. Tianjiao list is because of its accuracy that it stands out and is recognized as the most authoritative ranking. The overall ranking of the final college entrance examination of each year. It’s almost the same as the Tianjiao ranking. However this time, there is such a big hole. 

“It’s not bad.” The middle-aged fat man glanced at the group of editors, and said coldly: “You guys still have the vision to put this Jiang Fan on the list, otherwise I’ll fire you guys directly now!” 

“Director.” A young editor, Guadi, said: “This is indeed our negligence, but we heard that this Jiang Fan candidate created ordinary civilization. In the early stage is really strong. There is a certain advantage in the evaluation of the second and third subjects, but tomorrow’s exam is hard to say. Our rankings may vary, but generally, there is no problem!” 

The middle-aged fat man thought for a moment. The expression on his face was no longer so angry. That’s true indeed. But he still said coldly: “Hmph, if this Jiang Fan’s final ranking is too low, and he even gets a place in a super-first-class university, then you can just pack your bag and get out of there!” 

“No, no.” The young editor hurriedly said: “Many bigwigs outside have already made guesses. It’s not bad that this Jiang Fan can squeeze into the top 3,000 at most, and it is impossible for the top 500. If Jiang Fan can get a place in a super-first-class university. I’ll cut off my head directly and kick you as a chamber pot for the supervisor!” 

“Jiang Fan, see you tomorrow.” 

“See you tomorrow.” 

Jiang Fan and Fang Zhenting said their goodbyes at the entrance. 

The Gaokao Plaza closes at 6:30. All students will not leave at that time, but they will be sent directly. Jiang Fan walked out of the passage and come to the seventh playground. He saw Teacher Liu Yue waiting outside. ”Let’s go, I’ll take you back.” Teacher Liu Yue had a smile on her face. “Thank you.” Jiang Fan naturally did not refuse. 

Soon, Jiang Fan returned to his community. Go upstairs and went into his home. Jiang Fan made himself a bowl of noodles. While eating, he is exploring in his consciousness to see what’s on the blue star! 

The Great Wilderness Army is preparing for the final battle. All the generals look serious. They know that the days of the glorious battle are not far away! Guiguzi, Zhang Liang, Zhuge Ming Wangmeng, and other advisors were selected for the final list. Also in a huge conference room, against a piece of information and scholars from the surrounding extraordinary research groups are discussing tactics one by one. The essence of tactics is naturally to take advantage of strengths and avoid weaknesses. Guiguzi and others are very clear. The huge difference between the Great Wilderness Army and the Extraordinary. 

If they are not fully prepared by that time, they might meet with various sudden situations. The extraordinary research team is naturally formed. In this group of researchers, there are as many as a hundred people. All are the best of the best. They also participate in the trials of the alien expedition in the past few years to prove themselves. 

And Yan is in her own room. Look out the window in the direction of the planet passage. Then the air vibrated slightly and Jiang Fan starts showing the text. “The Glory Battle will start in three days!” 

Yan was slightly surprised and immediately, a look of joy flashed in her eyes. “Okay, Father God, I must be the best prepared!” There was a flash of determination and confidence in Yan’s eyes. For the promotion of the Great Wilderness Army. For the past eight years, Yan is sparing no effort. The Xia State’s treasury revenue. Most of it is spent on this. There is almost no development in other fields. 

Jiang Fan is also watching. These few years, whether the Great Wilderness Army is equipped with weapons or combat effectiveness, they are all very big. A lot of Jiang Fan’s unexpected weapons were also invented. 

Originally, Jiang Fan was a little bit worried. After all, he didn’t know about the other geniuses in the province. But after seeing such a substantial improvement in the Tianhuang Army. The only worry left also disappeared. Jiang Fan changed Blue Star’s time flow slightly. Wait until tomorrow’s exam time, which is exactly three days later. 

“The next day is the real fight.” Jiang Fan remembered what the outside world said. By that time, all geniuses will use all means and cards. The competition will be crazy. Of course, Jiang Fan didn’t dare to be careless. He went to bed early to stay in the best shape, while waiting for the arrival of the next day exam! 

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