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Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System

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Chapter 122

——I am reborn from the pile of corpses, destined to be exiled on the edge of the world, alone and unable to redeem myself.

In the morning, the sunlight is bright but not shining. Through the cracks of flowers and trees swaying in the breeze, it sprinkles on cangshuiyao, as if she is in another world, crystal clear and dreamy. At this glance, Gu Jue clearly saw for the first time how far the road to her was. It was a completely strange world to him. Years and memories cast a distance that he could never cross.

It was just like one ordinary morning when he stepped into Fanghua garden and saw her sitting quietly under the peach blossom tree.

How he wishes, today and yesterday It’s really no different.

Cangshui Yao’s mahogany Yueqin, which has always been in her hands, has disappeared without a trace. It has lost the melody that used to hover among the lush flowers and trees, and the whole courtyard is silent.

“Come and sit down.” Her voice made Gu Jue calm down at this moment.

Gu Jue came to the peach tree and asked, “where’s Miss Wu Yue?”

Cang Shui Yao was silent for a moment and said in a soft voice: “Mr. Lu is right. Those who have left should let their souls embark on a new journey and force them to stay in the world. They are just deceiving themselves.”

“You gave up…” Gu Jue blurted out.

Cang Shui Yao looked at him in a twinkling of an eye and said to him, “you really know.”

Gu Jue explained: “yesterday I used divination to Lao Taijun. I didn’t expect to succeed. Lao Taijun told me where she went the night of her disappearance, and I found it there…. ” From his sleeve he took out the two crumpled animal skin papers, “the second half of the story. And The secret of the night moth. ”

Cang Shui Yao’s eyes flowed through the confused figures on the two pieces of animal skin paper, and the familiar scenes seemed to reappear in front of her eyes.

Gu Jue could not help asking: “since you have given up reviving Miss Wu Yue, then, you Are you Will it be all right? ” His voice is not forbidden to put light, “moth mother It doesn’t exist, does it? ”

Cang Shuiyao raised her eyes from the animal skin paper and returned with a calm smile.

Gu Jue’s heart finally fell silent.


“Do you also think that man is a bold, ruthless madman?” Cang Shui Yao asked him suddenly.

Gu Jue was stunned. He guessed vaguely: “that man? You mean “Chief Qinghuo?”

Qinghuo, the head of the Guijing clan, was obsessed with the art of bringing the dying back to life, and even killed the whole clan! To anyone, this man is an unforgivable sinner.

Cang Shui Yao lowered her black eyelashes. “Who was born cruel in this world? If you have not experienced the loss of despair, who is willing to place all his life on an illusory expectation… ”

“…… “Shui Yao?”

“Actually I am the one who has sinned. ”

“Shui Yao…” Gu Jue’s heart beat uneasily again.

Cang Shuiyao held out a hand to him, “I, the ghost mirror clan, is the” Youyin “vein among the many branches of the Wuyue clan. The way of heaven is like a majestic monarchy. Hegemonic people never allow small human beings to be involved in the fields controlled by heaven. We never dare to interfere in the life and death of the world, but heaven still takes everything from us The punishment was The starting point of evil. ”

Her eyes are dark and endless, containing a deep bottomless whirlpool, which absorbs people’s mind. Gu Jue’s body was dominated by unknown forces. She raised her arm and held her hand.

The whirlpool turns rapidly, everything in front of us turns into a picture, blurred and twisted. After the whirlpool, a strange world becomes clear.

His ears resound with clear laughter, accompanied by water jade Ding Dong, more and more clear. The sun is as bright as fire, spreading all over the world and shining warm colors. A huge peach blossom tree is full of pink peach blossoms, reflecting the brilliant spring light, flashing a dreamlike crystal.

The two girls singing and dancing under the peach blossom tree are the most gorgeous colors in the world.

Although she was wearing special national costumes and looked a few years younger than the familiar one, Gu Jue recognized that one of the two girls was cangshui Yao.

And the other one The appearance of the silk puppet is almost the same as that of cangshuiyao. It must be her sister, cangwuyue.

The sunlight is quickly covered by the clouds, the figure dancing under the peach blossom tree fades out from the picture, and the peach blossom tree returns to the tranquility. The moon is hanging high in the night sky. The moon is like a wide net. It is spread on the top of the mountain and stone trees. Beside the paths where the fields intersect, there are full of flowers and plants. The glowing insects are swimming among the grass leaves, scattered with tiny clear awns.

The old wooden houses opened one by one, and people ran out. They were dressed in strange clothes, greeting each other with incomprehensible language, and they were excited to go in the same direction.

A broad stone platform was built on the vast open space, and more than ten young people were covered with ghost like masks, with strong upper bodies. In the high pitched hymn and the thick drum sound of animal skin, they launched a bold and masculine dance full of ancient flavor.The stone platform was surrounded by men, women, young and old. People talked and laughed. Children cheered and danced with the Nuo dance on the stone platform. Gradually, Gu Jue seemed to be able to understand their language. Some cognition was poured into his mind, and he vaguely realized that it was a sacrifice.

At the end of the Nuo dance, a middle-aged man with tall stature and sharp features came to the altar. Although he didn’t say a word, his majesty spread out like an invisible wave, and the noisy people stopped and looked at the altar respectfully and attentively.

That man It’s Qinghuo.

The world is silent. Gu Jue sees what Qinghuo says. Then he retreats. The young people who performed Nuo dance before play all kinds of ancient musical instruments that have been lost for thousands of years. The figure that makes his soul tremble appears on the altar.

Cang Shui Yao gracefully makes a gesture that looks like the etiquette of the ghost mirror clan, and then dances in the mysterious and solemn music.

Light pink peach petals fall from the sky with the sacrifice dance, and the girls dancing on the altar are surrounded by the colorful rain of flowers, which is very beautiful. Cang Shui Yao’s face is always showing a vivid smile, which Gu Jue has never seen before. In his impression, although cangshui Yao often has a soft and gentle smile, she can always catch the vast sadness of loss in a moment when she looks down.

In front of her smile so carefree, people can’t help but feel happy.

If only she could smile like this all the time

Gu Jue couldn’t help but think so. At this time, as if heaven were mercilessly laughing at his heart, there was a sudden explosion in the night sky without any warning, and then the sky fire was raging down.

The thatch on the wooden house and the trees in the forest ignited in an instant. People cried and screamed in panic, animals hissed, the tree house collapsed and the earth cracked All the sounds mixed together, turned into flash floods, drowning the night!

Looking at the chaos, Gu Jue saw the slender figure of cangshui Yao kneeling on the altar, staring at all this at a loss

The picture went dark and fell into darkness. When the light came on again, the scene was very different from before.

Gu Jue can barely distinguish that this is still the previous place, but the original paradise like village, I do not know when it is full of huge ancient plants, the landmark of the ancient peach tree is missing, the sense of lifelessness from these plants without any cover, forming the most natural estrangement, as if isolated here in another world.

It was still on the altar, where green and Huo’s eyes were red and chanting. The shabby altar was decorated with scarlet blood and white bones. There was a wide gap in the middle of the altar, and the rich black air was rising from it.

Under the altar, the people of the ghost mirror clan are bound by the invisible force, despairing and crying in fear. Gu Jue immediately found cangshui Yao in it. She was several years older than before when she danced the sacrificial dance, which is probably what she looks like now. And her sister Cang Wu Yue, is holding Cang Shui Yao’s waist tightly, shivering against her sister’s arms crying.

Gu Jue subconsciously foresees what will happen next, and his first thought is to stop it. However, he forgets that he is in empathy at the moment, and he has no entity, even no illusion.

He is just a wisp of divine consciousness. Through cangshuiyao’s memory, he can see the most profound and emotional past in her memory, which can’t change any history

He saw that the crack on the altar was becoming wider and wider. With the explosion of Yin Qi and hell fire, there were a large number of night moths flashing purple light.

The altar, as well as the people of the ghost mirror clan under the altar, are all shrouded in the black fog, in which there is a shrill scream, lasting for a long time

For a long time, this nightmare like suffering finally ended.

There is no wind in the air, the dark fog is gradually dispersed, and the hell fire is extinguished. The Qinghuo on the altar and the Guijing people under the altar have become a miserable corpse. The blood flows into a river, and the dead night moths are closely attached to the corpse, and the purple light is dim

Gu Jue looked at the purgatory like picture, and her thoughts seemed to have stopped. Even though he had known the result, he could not calm down when the scene was so clear.

He didn’t come back to reality, which means that it’s not over yet.

Surrounded by the cold breath of death, a question rang out in his ear: “you Want to live? ”

Before he could react, he heard Cang Shuiyao’s voice: “you can Let’s all live? ”

“I can only bring you back to life.”

“…… I have Dead? My sister Wu Yue Dead, too? Daddy Aung Mother Yao, brother Shuisheng Everybody Are they all dead? ”

“Yes, you are all dead. But I can make you live and live forever. In the long run, maybe you can find a way to revive the people you love most. ”

“…… Who are you? “”I’m a moth mother. The only one is the real night moth. At the same time, I am also a People who come back from the dead. I rose from the previous moth mother and became a new moth mother. Maybe It can’t be called human any longer. ”

“Why Will you choose me? ”

“Mother moth needs inheritance, and I don’t want to live anymore. You need a person to be a new moth mother and open the door from the underworld to the sun so that the night moth can continue to breed. You are the most suitable person

“…… If I survived, I would Become a moth mother? I’m alive Will it no longer be human? ”


“But I will have a long life and a chance to revive Wu Yue? ”


“So I Yes. ”

“When a new moth mother is born, it is always accompanied by the death of the previous moth mother, who is always away from reincarnation. When this life comes to an end, you will never have another life. Have you thought it over? ”

“I Accept… ”

After a long silence, the cool voice rang out again: “so Come to the altar. Open the gap between yin and Yang and take over the inheritance from me. Before the birth of the next moth mother, you are the only moth mother in the world. ”

Night, sinking into the silent darkness, as if the dawn will never come again.

Among the corpses piled up under the altar, a thin figure trembled for a moment and got up with difficulty.

In the dark night, cangshui Yao drags her scarred body, step by step stepping on the footprints of blood stained red, stepping on the bones of the people and stepping on the altar. The crack connecting the Yin world opens again, as if the sealed taboo opens again, and her figure is submerged in the surging purple light

Suddenly, the sky twists and turns. When you open your eyes again, the dark night has been replaced by the bright morning light.

Gu Jue stroked his forehead and found that he was sweating and breathing quickly.

The hand in his hand was taken away, and he looked up. At this moment, cangshuiyao’s pale face coincided with the helpless and firm girl standing at the crack of the underworld on the altar.

She gave him a touching smile I lied to you

Blood overflowed from her lips, and Gu Jue’s heart suddenly sank into the bottomless abyss. He grabbed her hand and opened it. In the palm of her hand, there was a small ice moon lute. Half of the body of the moon lute was deep into the flesh and blood, freezing her arm as cold as ice. The cold air immediately spread all over her body along his hand!

“This is…!”

“It’s the coldest thing I got many years ago Only the most cold magic weapon in the world can kill the night moth. ”

“Is this your Yueqin? You’ve been carrying your own weapons with you? ” Gu Jue’s heart is as painful as a knife.

“The power of this magic weapon You can only kill me at most. If you want to kill the moth mother Then I need to add the most cold flame in my soul. ” Cang Shuiyao tries to pull out the ice moon harp that stabs into his palm. The ice moon harp turns into a dagger frozen with ice.

She took Gu Jue’s hand and put the dagger into his hand. “There’s no time My soul has already fused with the moth mother, and my consciousness will be assimilated by it to prevent any act of harming the body. Only when I die can I have a chance to kill the moth mother. I need you Help me

Gu Jue whispered with difficulty Can I help you? ”

She said so easily, but for him it was a great pain! Help her. That’s for him to kill her!

“Why You’re going to treat me So cruel? ” Gu Jue looked at her fiercely.

Cang Shui Yao, who has always treated people with a gentle smile, looks sad for the first time, “I Please

Gu Jue’s eyes were full of pain. He bit his lips for half a moment, suddenly put one hand around Cang Shuiyao’s shoulder and pressed her tightly in his arms. The other hand held the ice dagger tightly and pierced her heart!

The gushing blood all splashed on his blue clothes, a few drops of hot liquid even splashed on his cheek, and the smell of blood filled his breath.

Cang Shui Yao’s body seemed to have a violent spasm, his head sank on his shoulder, and the disordered and intermittent breathing reverberated between them.

“…… Wu Yue clan A prophet, someone predicted for me today I don’t believe it, but I still listen to what he said. I left what happened that night on two rolls of hide paper. I still came to the sun mountain when the time came I want to revive Wu Yue, deceiving myself and integrating my own soul into her body, so that she can occasionally show her feelings of being a living person in front of me Fantasy we return to the past, no divine punishment, all the disasters have not happened The longer I live, the more I dare not face the truth Now, I finally have the courage Give up… ”

Gu Jue didn’t let go of Cang Shuiyao and didn’t look at her. He didn’t want her to see the surging tears on his face at the moment.

He felt her head on her shoulder heavier and heavier, and her breath weaker and weaker. Each stroke was like the sharpest needle in the world, penetrating into the most vulnerable part of her heart, and the blood flowed.”I am the real sinner. It’s me Uncover the seal of taboo again, let the night moth thousand que think that it is a disaster This is my redeemable sin. I have liberated the ghost in Wu Yue’s body She’s free, maybe now she’s in reincarnation The legend of the night moth It’s finally coming to an end. Thank you And I’m sorry… ”

Gu Jue asked in a low voice: “what are you Do you have the slightest respect for me… ”

Cang Shui Yao was silent for a long time. She slowly closed her eyes and said, “this life is too long. I’m proud to pursue an ethereal dream, my heart I’m too tired Tired to There’s no half room to carry anything If there is If there is Come on I’m sorry… ”

The long wind in the sky, the whirling branches and leaves, and the rain of flowers blowing down a tree.

A half open bud fell on the pale palm of the hand, but with the slender hand dropped to the ground, rolling to the crystal fingertips.

The shadow under the tree disappeared, but I fell in the breeze.

Gu Jue stood by the door with a negative hand, and his eyes stayed there for a long time. Gu Qingyan didn’t know how many times he called: “fourteenth uncle!”

Gu Jue finally came back to his senses. “What did he say just now?”

Gu Qingyan’s eyes were full of doubts, but he never talked much and said, “I just said that this year’s xianmeng is bigger than other Xianmen families. There are so many people coming here, and your family may not be able to arrange it. Now we still have more than two months to prepare. Some of the courtyards can be rebuilt. As for Fanghua garden, I plan to saw that peach blossom tree and build more guest rooms. What do you think of Uncle 14? ”

“…… Indeed, it needs to be rebuilt. ” Gu Jue thought for a moment and said.

Gu Qingyan said, “that’s the decision.” he turned around and told Gu Qingfeng and Gu qingce, “this garden is more troublesome. Let’s arrange someone to saw that peach blossom tree first…”

“Instead of sawing off the peach blossom tree and rebuilding the guest room here, I will transform the guest room here into my room.” Gu Jue said over Gu Qingyan’s voice, and then, in the three people’s surprise, strode into the garden without looking back, “I live in many courtyard rooms, which can be used as guest rooms. From now on, Fanghua garden will be my residence. That’s it. ”

He came to the peach tree, raised his hand and gently stroked the rough trunk. The huge peach tree swayed in the wind with a “rustle” sound, like singing melodious and graceful songs to welcome his arrival.

He listened to the sound quietly, and his thin lips began to bend.

Twenty years, thousands of days and nights.

As time goes by, he can finally stand under the peach blossom tree with calm mood, facing the sunny morning 20 years ago, and her voice and smile on that day.

If there is Come on Life

If there is an afterlife

The next life So what?

A hundred years is but a moment, and no one can escape from the established destination. Some memories are deeply rooted in the heart, some people are deeply rooted in their hearts. Since they can’t be forgotten, it’s better to remember their whole life. In the future, the peach blossoms and the breeze will accompany them, which is a kind of perfection for him.

The author has something to say: the author: as the final boss of this article, what do you have to say?

Gu Qi: Yes, the author.

Author: go ahead, I’ll meet all the requirements!

Gu Qi: I want a name.

Author: OK, the interview is over!!

It’s really painful to name! It’s painful! How convenient it is to call a code number! How convenient!

So Gu Qi is not only (probably) the first final boss in history who was angry to death, but also (probably) the only final boss in history who was forgotten by the author to take a character’s name!

Gu Qi: wronged! I want to turn the author into a night bug!!


the beginning of this chapter is followed by the end of chapter 116. The purpose of cangshui Yao’s going to Zhuri mountain, the secret of Guijing clan, the past of cangshui Yao, Cangwu Yue sisters and the ending of Gu Jue are explained in this chapter. Because the pit of this story can be guessed vaguely in the text, and about what the night borer Qianque is, Siqin has been popularized in the text, so in order to avoid the repetition of the plot, we put these in the chapter

PS: this chapter has been modified, adding a scene of cangshui Yao sister dancing under the peach blossom tree at the beginning of the empathy, cangshui Yao is the sister control, and she is the most important How can there be no Cangwu Yue in my memory? As for the peach tree can grow so big, this article overhead, don’t take common sense inference!! Peach tree is able to grow to the size of banyan tree, right!

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