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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 255:

59. Queen, Gold Cup – The Hunt Begins!

The night shrouded the earth, dark clouds spread across the sky, the brilliance of the rising sun was still hidden in the mountains, and the brilliance of the stars was completely obscured, not to mention the shadowy moon that had already begun to fall.

In the center of the blood city, a huge ancient castle stands quietly here.

For millennia, the northern fortress of Kazdel has existed in the cold mountains even before the mobile city rose from the ground.

Whether it was the disaster of the collapse of the Sarkaz Empire, the nightmare of Xue Treading the world’s iron hoofs, the upsurge of Victoria’s colonization of the world, or the artillery fire after the rise of Ursus, none of them could shake the stability of the blood city, this castle still stands here.

And today, as usual, this undeniable castle once again ushered in a challenge.

“King…they have already left the Church family’s mansion and started heading towards the castle.”

At the top of the castle, in the grand throne room, a Gorefiend soldier respectfully knelt before the dark throne.

Her eyes have lost the spirituality of mortals, they have become pure black, and her face is full of enthusiasm.

However, she is not really dead, and reason and humanity still exist in her body.

She just followed her king, chose a path of sublimation, and voluntarily integrated into one of the great beings.

If all goes well, when the sun rises, they will be able to complete the supreme ascension like their king.

“Really, let’s go down… Then, the hunting ground is already paved, just waiting for our prey and sacrifices to step into it.”

On the throne, a gorgeous-looking woman with pale skin and curly hair with red eyes was holding a glass cup full of blood, and gently shoved the blood into her throat with her blood-red lips.

“And you look… without fear, Miss Annalise, mortal steel can’t kill you, and Originium’s disaster is completely insulated from you, but you’re not absolutely immortal, are you?”

In the surroundings of the splendid throne, the faint candles are constantly flickering, and countless words that modern Sarkaz people may not know at all are being engraved on the wall, flashing with a strange blood-colored brilliance.

It is the ancient Sarkaz rune. The long-lost Sarkaz witchcraft has been passed down to the present by the power of words. Countless scarlet rays of light form a cage in the center of the room, binding the prisoners in it. The power above is enough to make Any warlock marvels and longs.

In the cage, a woman with long reddish-brown hair is sitting quietly here. Her hands are folded on top of the elegant and luxurious dress, which makes her look extraordinarily elegant and calm, but her figure is slightly smaller. With illusion, as if there is no entity.

“Soon, you will become a part of me and embark on the path of ascension – the original sin of the Sarkaz people… I don’t know why my pedantic father believed this, but ignored the treasures that were close at hand.”

Playing with the gems on the luxurious clothes, Isabella, the current Gorefiend Lord, couldn’t help raising the corners of her mouth.

She is the monarch of the Gorefiend Court, a pillar of the kings of Sarkaz, and a member of the Senate.

Beautiful, cruel, but at least in her own eyes, she is visionary.

But what makes her unbearable is that she has always lived in the shadow of her father, and everyone is discussing whether she can inherit her father’s blood and stand the mantle of that wise monarch.

Isabella knew that of course she could—and could do better.

“Annalise, we’ve been together for nearly a hundred years, so you really don’t plan to say anything – maybe you should thank me, after all, this is your goal, isn’t it?”

After gulping down the blood in the cup, the Gorefiend Lord looked at the illusory woman in the cage.

Annalise, this is the name obtained from the knowledge of the Heavenly Pendant.

The Gorefiend Lord knew from a very young age that his old-fashioned and stubborn father had the “celestial thing” that fell to Terra when he fell to Terra in the first year of the calendar.

All countries in the world thrive on that gift, but the Sarkaz people have to sink and wander in the Land Forsaken by God.

Her father had conscientiously ruled the Gorefiend’s territory for several years, and the Gorefiend was suppressed by the outside world. Annalise had suggested countless times to unseal this power and let the knowledge in it guide the Gorefiend people to win dignity, but her father rejected them all. .

He said… the power that falls from the sky is the original sin of the Sarkaz people, and it is also the original sin of the Terra people. Unblocking it will only lead to more terrifying and nameless disasters.

And the current life of the Gorefiend is good enough.


Are the blood demons really living well? Maybe compared to other Sarkaz people, but it’s hardly dignified compared to cities other than Kazdel.

Blood-sucking beasts, incompetent madmen, and the Gorefiends are even more discriminated against than their Sarkaz counterparts, and are directly regarded as cannibalistic beasts—please, few Wendigos are left alive, and the Gorefiends suck. It’s just blood, it can’t kill people, and most of the time it will give money!

The blood city is a strong barrier, but it is also a cage that binds oneself.

And Isabella intends to free the Gorefiend from this cage, and even… become more perfect.

After her father died in the war against Gaul at the Battle of the Four Emperors, Isabella took over her father’s rule. Naturally, she found the “knowledge” from the dust-covered warehouse for nearly a thousand years.

“Holy Grail, Holy Grail, only the blood of the rebellious hunters can be filled with the blood of the rebellious hunters to perform the feats of the high-ranking ones and become successful…”

Looking at the huge golden cup that was almost made of pure gold by her hand, Isabella stretched out her slender hand and stroked it gently over it, feeling the mysterious power contained in it.

This is one of the “celestial things” that fell from the atmosphere with the fire from the sky more than a thousand years ago. According to my father, even if it ignited from high altitude friction, the golden cup has not melted, and even when it was discovered, it was still full of with bright red blood.

Now, that blood has been taken by Isabella, and together with her loyal subordinates, an undead army of Gorefiends has been created, and the knowledge in it has also been acquired by her.

Isabella knew about the race called the filthy vampire, and also knew the supreme beings in their eyes.

The superiors—what a mighty, what a supreme being, they exist in the world transcendently, completely different from the omnipotent and merciful Lord in the eyes of those Rutland fools, they are indifferent and ruthless gods.

And Isabella… wants to become a high-ranking person.

“You still don’t want to talk, what a pity, and I don’t know what relationship you have with that hunter – I hope you can be equally calm when he dies in front of you.”

Looking at the ethereal woman in front of her, Isabella shrugged with blood in her eyes.

Annalise, this woman has been around since she started studying the gold cup, as untouchable as a ghost.

She seems to be a ghost parasitizing on the golden cup, but she is quietly unbelievable. Only when she first met, she tried to dissuade Isabella from contacting the secret of the golden cup. After she was rejected by Isabella, she never again have spoken.

Isabella has tried countless experiments on her, but nothing has come of it.

However, the information contained in the golden cup has already told Isabella everything.

The hunter who came to the Great Knights Land was the legendary **** of slaughtering gods, who almost killed all the gods in the other world, but now he is extremely weak, just a mortal who will be killed.

Ever since the great knight led Kavalelaki and the huge fluctuations that even changed the astrological observation, Isabella knew that her chance had finally come.

Hunting him, usurping his authority, plus the strength she has accumulated over the years through blood sacrifices, Isabella can calculate that she will definitely be able to complete the ascension.

Become… God!

“You know, Isabella, I used to have the same thoughts as you, ridiculous thoughts.”

However, just when Isabella fell into the fantasy of the future, the ghost who had been sitting for decades, like a sculpture, suddenly answered Isabella’s question in a soft tone.

“Strength, godhead, ascension, becoming a high-ranking person, realizing the legacy of the Sumerians, and revitalizing our blood race… I will become a **** and a queen that everyone admires. What a beautiful vision, isn’t it?”

The illusory and slender fingers stood on her lips. The woman named Annalise kept her eyes closed. Her sudden speech even surprised Isabella.

“Ha… It’s strange. I almost think you’re dead. You really can’t sit still until the real death comes?”

Looking at Annalise who spoke out, Isabella was a little surprised and asked.

“Isn’t your vision also for ascension? Hunting and killing humans belonging to the inferior blood species, obtaining blood, looking for the carrier of the filthy blood, and finally giving birth to the son of the superior, and winning the gift of the superior… You are as despicable as I am. , Annalise.”

From the golden cup, the Gorefiend Lord got the identity of the woman in front of him, a queen who came from outside of Terra, delusional ascension, but ultimately failed – it is really sad.

“However, your results and mine are not the same. The Sarkaz people never bow to any existence. We only rob and hunt for power-so, I will succeed, and you will fail!”

Looking outside the castle, which had already floated over the city, accompanied by the dark clouds of thunder, the corners of Annalise’s mouth rose slightly in excitement.

But… the woman named Annalise remained calm.

“Ah, this expression is too similar, too similar, like the me who had no idea or purpose other than revitalizing the blood clan and fulfilling a long-cherished wish – the me in the past.”

Opening her blood-red bright eyes, Annalise raised her head proudly, as if to despise the sad girl in front of her.

“Everything has a price, Miss Isabella, there has never been a free lunch in the world, and prey and hunters may also attack and defend strange situations – do you really think that flying ascension is like a child’s play!”

The red **** eyes shone with brilliance like melting gold in an instant. Annalise, who was powerless, made the Gorefiend Lord clench his fists uncontrollably. .

“You said, I want to have the heirs of the superior, I have to admit, I did think so.”

The next second, Annalise’s expression suddenly softened, and even a hint of… happiness? !

“But now… I don’t think about such boring things anymore, I just want to give birth to a **** man, have a baby, no, have a lot.”

Touching his belly under his long skirt, the former queen of the filthy vampire looked into the distance outside the window.

She knew that her waiting would eventually come to an end.

“You don’t know what you’re facing, and you don’t know what you’re going to be like – listen to my advice, you’d better become, be cute, and maybe survive, after all, that’s a lecherous hunter, of course, the premise is You still have help.”

The eyes shot a confident light, and Annalise’s incorporeal body, which had no fluctuations, suddenly burst out with a strong energy, which radiated out of the castle, dazzling like a beacon in the dark night.

Before that, no one thought she had the conditions to control these powers.

“Enough—you’ve had your head blocked before, so let’s reminisce about the past!”

Before the sarcastic words were finished, the Gorefiend Lord on the opposite side was already in a rage, and his slender palm was violently grasped. wrapped up.

Annalise regained her silence again and stopped speaking, while the Gorefiend Lord took a deep breath and stood up from the throne.

“Except for that little brat Theresia, it’s a little unexpected… No, even her, it’s absolutely impossible to stop me – no one can!”

Under the candlelight, the shadow of the Gorefiend Lord stretched in two directions, one was as red as blood, and the other was as black as ink.


On the edge of the blood city, the Church family manor, the towering shield is still strong in the gradually decreasing cold wind.

The whole city was plunged into darkness and silence, and the Gorefiend residents did not dare to act rashly, so they could only huddle at home, looking forward to the next day when the terrifying creatures lingering in the city could leave.

Countless irrational Gorefiend zombies are still wandering around the manor. Some will be killed by bullets fired from the barrier, but they will soon turn into a pool of blood and flock to the distant castle.

These seemingly individual existences belong to one body, and soon, new zombies will be created out of thin air.

The undead army, the terrifying army, this kind of legend can only be achieved by Sargon’s longevity army, but now, it has been reappeared by the Gorefiend thousands of miles away.

But soon, the gate of the manor opened slowly after being besieged for a day.

Inside the manor was crowded, some were orderly Sarkaz warriors, and some were Sarkaz mercenaries who, although a little chaotic, still had a particularly high will to fight.


After discovering that the protection of the manor had disappeared and the door was opened, the irrational Gorefiend rushed towards the gate of the manor in an instant.

However, in the next second, the bright moonlight suddenly cut through the dark night and illuminated the earth.


The huge sword body dexterously slashed horizontally, severing the monster that swooped in front of him, and the blue-white moonlight shot out immediately, locking the blood that was about to escape, and annihilated into a pool of ashes. .

In just an instant, those swarming soldiers were swept away.

He took the holy sword back into its sheath and carried it on his shoulders. A man in a three-cornered hat and a black trench coat stood carelessly at the gate.

“It seems…a familiar feeling.”

Looking at the distant castle, Gao Qi raised his eyebrows.

[It’s her, hunter, we have to find her – I hope the battle last night won’t make you too tired. 】

[Do you also want to be ‘conquered’? Miss Doll! 】

[I don’t want it at all, pervert hunter! 】

After molesting the puppet lady, Gao Qi shrugged, turned around, and looked at the several girls with different expressions behind him, especially the three Sakaz girls who were avoiding Gao Qi’s gaze.

At least for a short time, my three little girlfriends probably don’t want to talk to Gao Qi anymore.

“Then—let’s start hunting!”


After watching the plot in one go, it’s great, I can only say it’s great, this is the plot of Tomorrow’s Ark!

However, I still want to report on my battle situation. The first few times I drew cards quite well, but this time I finally paid off my debt. The second treasure of the flame tail, I only came out of Linguang after 200 draws. At least I didn’t eat a well.

Then there is this plot, probably because of the increase in the amount of text, several plot lines are written very clearly, and there are no riddles for everyone when Kelsey’s wife is absent.

Although the doctor’s participation is not high, it can be said that the role played is just right. Not only did he fall in love with Zenomi, but he also picked up a small platinum-winner! ! !

In a word, although the plot of the event still continues the same routine, but there is more kingly way, it can be said that it is no longer “We have done a lot, but nothing has changed”, but “We have not changed anything, but we have done has meaning.”

Very refreshing, very satisfying – except for the Infected Knight and Platinum sacrificed in Chapter 2, no one was injured, which is really good.

After that, we will continue the plot evaluation. This time, there are a lot of things to say!

60. Last night, advancing with—Master

Expedition, this is really a somewhat delicate term.

Regardless of whether he came to Terra, or after he came to Terra, Gao Qi has experienced many battles.

However, in most cases, he took Titi, or other fellow travelers, and accidentally encountered enemies during the exploration.

The temple of the Foehn God, the warehouse of the Rhine Life Commander, and the ancient seal of the Casimir Knight King, before going, Gao Qi always intended to rely on himself and Titi’s strength to solve it – this is the most basic guarantee.

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