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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 243:

For things like trustworthiness, it’s better to take it slowly—he has time.

After hearing Gao Qi’s reply, Xenomi couldn’t help laughing at the doctor, and then she stretched out her slender fingers and gently tapped Gao Qi’s head.

“It seems that the master’s experience is still lacking. Alas, it’s still the same as before. I don’t understand the mind of a girl at all. How could I fall in love with such a person – fortunately, I bravely confessed with a straight ball, hey.”

Although he always likes to attract bees and butterflies, if he doesn’t show his love in an open and honest way, it is absolutely difficult for him to notice – this is Gao Qi, and it is also what Zenomi likes about Gao Qi.

However… As a slave maid, she doesn’t have much desire for exclusiveness. Facing those impulsive girls, she has already captured her happiness, and she doesn’t want other girls to give up because of hesitation. Happiness.

[After all, eyes and actions don’t lie, I’m afraid, they themselves didn’t realize what they were thinking… There’s no way, only a little help. 】

“Mr. Gao Qi, His Highness’s condition has stabilized. Now, she hopes to invite you to come over.”

And as the mudstone left, a tall black-haired sister Sakaz walked into the room, looking at the three people who were in the middle of the crooked, couldn’t help frowning.

“Then let’s go, Master, if you want to do something, you have to wait until tonight~~”

She blinked her eyes so playfully, Xenomi’s words made Gao Qi and Skadi nodded tacitly.

Although in terms of combat experience, Gao Qi and Skadi are far superior to Zenomi, but on another battlefield, the two together will definitely not be able to compare to Zenomi – she is really, really good!

Moreover, who would have thought that the three people present did not take the last step?

“Okay, I’m looking forward to letting it go first, it’s more important, isn’t it?”

The small ear above her head trembled, as if she was planning something, Xenomi gently took Gao Qi’s hand and pulled him and Scatty out of the room.

“Let’s go, let’s visit Her Royal Highness Theresia, she has talked with us a lot~~”

Looking at Gao Qi with a smile, the corners of Xenomi’s mouth rose slightly, as if thinking of something interesting.

Tonight, in addition to expressing similar feelings with Gao Qi, she also intends to… do some additional things that should not have been done by herself.

“Yes yes yes, slow down, slow down—”

Gao Qi, who didn’t know why, led Titi and followed, and soon came to his original bedroom.

“So, so, Kelsey and you are both Mr. Gaochie’s girlfriends!”

“No, no, no, that’s it!”

The next second, the words that came out of the room made Gao Qi stand still.

Facts have proved that when you lift a stone, you will always hit yourself in the foot.

48. The girl’s heart?

Outside the Church family manor, the legion-level spell shield is under heavy bombardment, but it is still strong. This kind of spell shield is formed by time and money, and no one can support it except the noble family and the national army. such a huge consumption.

In the courtyard, dozens of Sarkaz warriors are on standby there, waiting for the next instruction.

Most of them are the personal soldiers of Princess Theresia, real veterans of a hundred battles, whether they are great swordsmen or warlocks, they all carry out equipment maintenance with extremely high discipline, or help the courtyard fortify the defense.

The other part is the hired mercenaries. It is impossible for Mudstone’s subordinates to abandon the boss, and Hedley was not worried about W after all, so he sent Ines to follow him.

“Mudyan, ha, I thought that that night’s meeting was a goodbye. I’m so glad to see you again, in such a noble territory – oh my god. I’ve never smoked such a good cigarette in my life.”

Seeing the mudstone walking out of the big villa, a Goliath who was holding Church’s house and was constantly puffing up clouds immediately stood up, rushed up and patted her on the shoulder hard.

“To be honest, it seems that Mr. Gaoqi is really reliable. No wonder those Hedley people always say how terrifying he is – I thought he really planned to sacrifice himself to distract the enemy, but I didn’t expect that. And brought you out safely.”

Although they are members of the mudstone mercenary group, many old guys are actually elders of mudstone. As infected people, they don’t mind letting the strongest and visionary mudstone be the leader, but occasionally they will give them from the perspective of their elders. Mudstone offers some life advice.

“Ah, yes, Mr. Gauche is indeed… a very nice person—where did you get your cigarettes?”

And Mudyan just held a heavy hammer, nodded while wearing a helmet, and then walked to the side a little disappointed.

“Huh? It was sold to us by the eldest lady of the Church family. It’s a lot more expensive than the cigarettes I usually smoke – but isn’t the money just for spending? I can’t smoke it if I want to! Cough cough!”

The old smoker coughed twice, but he couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. He looked at Mudstone’s back, and seemed to notice something.

“Ha… It’s time to reach this age—”

Their leader, Mudstone, is the most powerful warlock in the entire village. Letanian spells and ancient Sarkaz sorcery have made her the object of admiration and respect by all, but in the end… her age, in Sakaz In the eyes of these people, it can only be regarded as a young adult.

“Tsk tsk tsk, I have to hurry up and find the old guys. This is what we are all about, and the mudstone can’t rot with us.”

It can be said that it is normal for a girl to be pregnant.

As for Huaichun’s object – there can be no second person.

After extinguishing the cigarette butt, the smoker suddenly felt that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

“Come here, Mudyan, after being separated for so long, your elder brothers and elder sisters are quite worried about you – talk about what happened along the way, especially about Mr. Gao Qi.”

Speaking of Gao Qi, the mudstone in the armor froze for a moment, then nodded.

“Mr. Gao Qi… That’s a lot to say.”


“Come on, come on, everyone, please take a look at Church’s gadget – a portable single-soldier spell shield!”

Not far away, in front of another group of mercenaries, the eldest young lady of the Church family, the nobleman Kelu Xier, at this time forgot the terrifying fierce battle not long ago, and was unfolding his thick jacket in front of the mercenaries, Just like the peddler who sells pirated discs, with a strange smile, he showed them a dazzling array of props.

“This kind of shield is equipped with a miniature spell casting unit. Even if Originium energy is not injected, it can directly cast spells by pressing the switch with its own Originium battery… There is also the sanity top liquid made by my mother, mustard flavor. It smells like chili peppers, one tube will keep you energized for a day, and there are even etched bullets with guns—all good things at a lower price than the average market price, you won’t have this shop after this village!”

There are a lot of small props in the jacket, although if Gao Qi sees these things, these things are the stuff of profiteers, but for the mercenaries who have never seen any high-end goods, these magic props can already be said to be extremely high. precious.

“Ms. Lucille, can we really buy these things? All forces in Kazdel strictly prohibit the sale of these resources—they are genuine.”

Standing in front of Kelu Xier, the handsome older sister with long black hair picked up an etching bullet and carefully felt the texture on it.

Ines, also came here with Thearesia at this moment—and they took over a new job from the merciful Highness Thearesia, who had forgiven the past for what the mercenary group had done.

There is no doubt that these are genuine arms supplies, and it does not seem too outrageous for these things to appear in the hands of the daughter of a marquis whose status is second only to the Gorefiend.

“Hi… Well, maybe we can plan more than just the next battle. If Hedley is here, he will definitely not miss the opportunity to purchase equipment—”

Hearing Ines’ words, Kelu Xier’s eyes lit up immediately.

“Then hurry up and sign the bill. You can have as much as you want, whether it’s Colombian gold notes or Casimir commercial coupons. Longmen coins are the best!”

In a hurry, she took out a large number of Warlock props, but Lucille was extremely excited, the pointed ears on both sides of her head swayed up and down, and she desperately wanted to sell these things—because it was her mother, not hers.

After meeting with Theresia today, and with the encouragement of Gao Qi’s elder brother, Ke Lucille is ready to leave the family and go to a new job to seek the realization of the value of life.

Although Her Royal Highness Thearesia has assured that her chief engineer will have a favorable treatment, Lucille still feels that she needs to make some material preparations when she leaves home for the first time.

As the youngest daughter of a family of warlocks, what she lacks most are these magic items that are extremely precious to outsiders – selling her mother’s inventory is a business without capital and profit!

“Buy the evocative spell units now, and get them back when you reach ten – it hurts, hurts, hurts!”

However, before Kelu Xier finished speaking, a pair of slender hands wearing fingerless gloves stretched out from both sides, pinched Kelu Xier’s small ears, and pulled them out to the sides.

“Gao Qi’s **** doesn’t look at you for a while, and your nature is exposed, right, you profiteer! It’s very happy to be a good baby in front of a handsome guy, it was very nice to be hugged by the princess on the way – now give it to me Here’s the person who pits me! Walk around and find Gao Qi to play with! If you want to pit him, pit him to the point of bankruptcy!”

“Yes yes yes yes – and what’s the matter with Big Brother Gao Qi, he is a good man.”

As soon as Lucille turned around, he saw two cockroach whiskers drooping, with a crooked face on his back, like the W of a bad sister. The cowardly nature of the squatting at home was immediately revealed, and he ran back to the villa with a jump. Inside.

“Really, Gao Qi is a good man. He has two girlfriends and dares to call him a good man, scumbag. I’m so troublesome… Ha, I thought it would be Hedley? Why, worry Me? I thought you really didn’t call me dead or alive at all!”

Looking at Ines in front of him, W’s ashen face still didn’t get any better, and he said hello angrily.

“You think too much, I’m just fulfilling the contract with Her Royal Highness Thearesia, by the way, to confirm whether you are missing arms or legs… It’s you, I have never seen you look so stinky, although your face has always been very bad of.”

Seeing that W was still alive and kicking, Ines felt a little relieved, but immediately raised her eyebrows curiously.

She and W have never dealt with each other, because the reason why this guy joined the mercenary group in the first place was to wait for an opportunity to assassinate Hedley to get a bounty. Ines never really trusted W.

Although W usually has a violent temperament, scolding the air, laughing and scolding like a rose with thorns, but Ines’ Originium skills can indeed see that under her fresh skin, hidden is endless. emptiness.

W, this guy doesn’t seek money or prestige, and he has no interest in food and meat trading. The more such a person who wants nothing, the more terrifying and unstable he is.

This is also the reason why Ines is jealous of him, and as the time together increases, Ines can see through the shadow that the hole in W is getting bigger and bigger, and it is more and more difficult to fill.

But now… Ines casually swept away with the Originium skill, but was taken aback.

In the shadow of W now, the endless emptiness has long been filled by chaotic light and shadow. Ines’ half-baked Originium skill can’t spy on people’s hearts, but she can guess based on years of experience, W now, it can be said that be terribly upset.

The emptiness and desirelessness of the past had long since disappeared, and now W looks like a very troubled adolescent girl.

Aware of this, Ines suddenly couldn’t help laughing—after all, W is also an ordinary Sarkaz girl.

The original alert disappeared without a trace. Looking at this old comrade-in-arms, Ines’ eyes suddenly showed a little love belonging to the eldest sister – she did not have a sister, but in her eyes now, W is a troubled little girl

“Why… you look like you’re having trouble?”

However, this sudden tenderness made W feel strange.

“…Look at your mother, bother you, don’t laugh so disgustingly – are you infected by that **** Gao Qi, why are you looking at me with such disgusting eyes, it’s annoying .”

The tail behind him slammed the air, and W raised his **** at Ines without hesitation. His face was full of disgust, but his eyes couldn’t help but glanced aside, as if he wanted to avoid something.

“Oh… Mr. Gao Qi, do you know how many times you mentioned his name just now? Yes, after all, he is handsome and playful, and he is very polite when dealing with people. Even if it is me, after getting along for a long time, maybe I can’t stand it. Stay—if you want, maybe I can give you some tips?”

Taking out a strand of hair and playing with it in her hand, Ines tilted her head and made a rare joke at W.

“If you like someone, even if you have two girlfriends, you have to go and grab them directly—this is a mercenary!”

And sure enough, as she expected, W’s red eyes finally showed a killing intent, and he directly took out his remote control detonator.

“Ines, you fucking… spying on me with your **** Originium skills again – I’ll blow you up right now!”

“Ha, do you think I’m afraid of you? Don’t leave a man with such a good condition. If you don’t go after me, you’ll get on!”

“Think beautifully, and I’ll blow you up right away!”

In the next second, the sound of intense explosions and the sound of staggering swords began to reverberate in the manor, and even the Gorefiend army outside the shield was startled, and the shelling stopped temporarily.


“Ha, it’s so lively, these people really can’t be idle.”

In Theresia’s ward, Gao Qi glanced at the scene outside the window, and then looked at the five girls in the room.

“Okay, stop staring at me like that, I’ve said it all, I joked with Warfarin about Kelsey, and about Warfarin, she had to compare herself with her best friend, I’ll do it It’s just a favor – you won’t believe it.”

Except for Ascalon, the security guard, who was silently hiding at the door, and Skadi, who was still nibbling on half an apple and didn’t care about anything but Gao Qi, the other three girls all squinted their eyes and used their Staring at Gao Qi with different expressions.

Warfarin’s pale Gorefiend face was completely red into an apple.

“Of course I believe you! You, you, you fooled me, I told you earlier, I even made up a love story for Her Royal Highness Thearesia after you met… I’ll just say, how could that old guy be like this? It’s easy to find men.”

Saying that, Warfarin couldn’t help touching her lips, and decided to kill him not to tell what happened to Gao Qi before.

“I didn’t touch your men. Although his body is indeed a bit special, it has nothing to do with liking it – but… this Miss Skadi seems to be a little unusual.”

Saying that, Warfarin looked at Skadi with a hint of curiosity, causing the little killer whale to move the chair awkwardly.

On the other hand, Xenomi, the real girlfriend, has a teasing smile on her face, and she has no sense of oppression at all when she catches an adulterer.

“Who knows whether to believe it or not… I haven’t met Ms. Kelsey, and I don’t know what kind of person she is – but I hope this is true, and the master’s excellence should be known to more people. After all, aren’t there still Seria-san and the others waiting for you?”

Xenomi not only knew about the three girls from Linguang’s family, but also the platinum rank, Miss Hinteria’s admiration for Gao Qi, whether it was about Gavier or Celia Homer, Gao Qi also knew nothing about it. Don’t lie to her.

So, Zenomi was very open-minded from the beginning, and didn’t care about Gao Qi’s excessive luck.

Of course, if there is an additional maid by the master’s side, Xenomi needs to take a good look at the other party’s professionalism.

As for Theresia, her face was also full of novelty and excitement. Although her face was still a little weak, her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

“That’s not necessarily – Kelsey and I haven’t seen each other for many years. When we meet again this time, she has indeed changed a lot. I feel that something must have happened to her.”

As the leader of the Sarkaz people, Thearesia’s life is a life of fighting and governance. She works 20 hours a day as basic, not to mention having time to cultivate personal interests.

It is now, while her body is weak and recovering, that Teresia is free to gossip with other girls like an ordinary girl.

And most importantly, not only Dr. Warfarin, a well-known old western doctor in Sarkaz, but also Miss Senomi and Miss Skady beside her, and no other Sarkaz people have excessive respect for her.

It’s actually quite rare to find so few people who can not look up to him and talk about topics that girls talk about.

“Miss Scarty, tell me, when Dr. Kelsey and Gao Qi get along, what kind of expressions do they usually have? Do the two usually interact with each other?”

Although she knew that Mr. Gao Qi might be embarrassed to be the target of gossip, but Theresia felt that this level would not make him annoyed.

And… it’s fun, isn’t it?

“Well, I think about it, I still lived with her for a long time.”

After eating Theresia’s meal for a week, and eating people with short mouths, Skadi was particularly fond of this beautiful and powerful woman who might not be able to beat her when the second captain came over. He nodded and agreed immediately, and began to think. .

After a while, her small face, which had always been extraordinarily indifferent, drooped down, hugged her chest, frowned, put on an expression of bitterness and hatred, and looked at Gao Qi in front of her.


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