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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 161:

“Let’s eat quickly, I’m so hungry, Gao Qi, I’ll go eat first – do you have to fight after eating?”

“No, no, no, that’s fine. I’ve made your favorite food.”

Gao Qi hurriedly waved his hand to stop her, if Linguang would not be afraid in six years, now this little young Margaret really can’t stand the sword of Skadi.

Skadi really dared to smash it, and Margaret must have dared to take it. If it breaks a bone, the legend of the Brilliant Knight might not end early.

Then, Gao Qi looked at Margaret, who was slowly pulling out the shining long sword from the ground whose golden light was gradually extinguishing.

“It’s a really good sword, Margaret, is your weapon any good?”

In the confrontation just now, Gao Qi was 100% sure of the origin of this long sword, the sacred and pure power, although it was not as strong as the sword Gao Qi had used, but it was obvious – it was something Gao Qi was all too familiar with. the power of.

“You mean this sword? Well, although it’s just a replica, it’s really a good sword, and it’s been passed down for hundreds of years, so it’s considered an antique — my grandfather gave it to me when I was a kid. , but I can’t lift it. In this competition, although my grandfather couldn’t support me publicly, he still let me take it.”

Putting the long sword into the scabbard around her waist, Margaret stroked the pattern on the scabbard, showing a nostalgic look.

“This sword is imitated from the sword of the legendary knight king. The whereabouts of the real one have long been unknown. Even if it is an imitation, it has a very strong connection to the original stone technique, not to mention the sharpness – this represents the knight’s Highest glory.”

Speaking of this sword, the pride on Margaret’s face could not be suppressed. In fact, she is not sure whether she is qualified to use this sword to participate in the competition.

“There is a legend in our family that this holy sword will guide us to find the power of the king of knights, retrieve the true holy sword, and save Casimir from calamity – it’s just a legend, and no one believes it anymore. already.”

Xiang Gaoqi casually mentioned the legend that he had heard when he was a child, and Margaret also felt that it was just a story to deceive children.

“A legend… who knows?”

Gao Qi shrugged, but his eyes became sharper.

“However, Holy Sword, what a good name.”

For humans, most of the legends are to deceive children.

But for the power related to the superiors, legends—basically can be equated with facts.

Gao Qi knew that he had a new direction of exploration.

Tuk Tuk Tuk ———

And just when the few were going to eat breakfast together, there was a slow knock on the dilapidated wooden door outside the courtyard.

Immediately, a smiley and respectful voice came in from outside the door.

“Miss Margaret Linguang, if possible, I hope you can allow me to take some of your time and introduce our company – Ellen’s Choice.”

Withdrawing the weapon, Gao Qi raised his eyebrows.

It seems that something more interesting has come to you.

23: Charne and “The Good Times” (4k)

The Chamber of Commerce, one of the highest authorities in Casimir, governs the country together with the Supervisory Court and the National Council.

A businessman, a knight and a citizen of the aristocracy, whose rights and loyalty go up and down, apart from not being able to sell the royal land, the relationship between these three is not surprising in the eyes of Gao Qi.

Of course, this nominal government agency is actually composed of countless commercial enterprises, an organization that has been established for more than a hundred years.

After Casimir’s knights succeeded in overthrowing the knights from the aristocracy by relying on a lot of business profits, in order to protect their own interests, several large business families at that time jointly established a business association.

The Merchant Council kept wrangling with the Citizens Council and the Knights Council, restraining each other, while various enterprises seized the east wind of the explosion of knight competition and began to develop rapidly.

Relying on the entertainment project of knight competition, countless huge enterprises have sprung up.

“Alan’s selection, Charne is not from Meshko, but it’s normal to change jobs… Do you want to open the door, Margaret? You must know what he’s here for.”

Hearing the sound outside the door, Gao Qi, who had just wrestled with Margaret, collided with each other, and was sweating all over, stopped walking towards the kitchen, turned his head with interest, and looked at the broken wooden door at the door.

“I think I know that my aunt said they were helping the troublesome guys, and she said she would help me get rid of these troublesome guys, and I moved to this remote place specially. . . But now I’m pretending there’s no one at home, I’m afraid It’s too late.”

Frowning, Margaret hesitated for a moment, and finally walked out the door.

She could probably guess what the purpose of the person who came here was – this would be a deal that was destined to be unreachable.

“Sorry, Mr. Gaoqi, let’s go to dinner first, I may need to chat with this guest.”

Flicking the grass residue on her tail, Margaret put on a white jacket over her sportswear, smiled apologetically at Gao Qi, and then her aura suddenly changed, her golden eyes became serious and serious. Get serious.

Although the knight class has lost its aristocratic status, the Linguang family is a nobleman certified by the Knights Association. She naturally learned a lot of noble etiquette since she was a child. To deal with those who do not want to see more. .

But Gao Qi shook his head, turned back and waved to Scadi.

“Scarty, Shining, Nightingale—you eat first, I’ll be there in a moment.”

“Oh, you have to come quickly, the food will be cold in a while – come on, come on, the meal at Gao Qi last night was delicious, I used to be able to eat it every day! It will be repeated!”

Skadi, who was still yawning, nodded, and without thinking much, walked into the house holding the hands of Shining and Nightingale – she likes to show others how good Gao Qi is, and others praise Gao Qi. , Scottie will be extra happy.

“Okay, just leave me some, I’ll be there soon.”

He smiled at Scady, and Gao Qi continued to look back at the door. Gao Qi was quite interested in what happened next.

After all – Ciarne is half an acquaintance of Gao Qi, and it seems that he can’t be the spokesperson for the Cavaliers Tournament six years later.

Charne is the villain of an event, but not the real villain.

He is just a delicate, replaceable pinion in the machine of the Chamber of Commerce – in the end, he was also replaced for no reason.

Compared with the country of knights, the current Casimir is more suitable to be called the country of commerce.

The rose newspaper industry, which monopolized the national newspapers, networks, TV stations and other media industries, and the Brilliant Shield military industry, which has become bigger and stronger in the vehicle industry, has expanded its business routes to several countries. , not to mention Ellen’s selection of this high-tech lifestyle company.

These giants of various industries joined together to form the Business Federation, a corporate trust, which destroyed one commercial competitor after another and completed the final monopoly.

——Either allegiance to the Chamber of Commerce, or be crushed by the Chamber of Commerce, this is the principle of Casimir’s businessmen.

Complete monopoly leads to rampant trade protectionism. Rhein Life, an organization that has sold invention patents in various countries, only has a branch in the capital in Casimir – foreign businessmen are not welcome here.

However, the National Council and the Prison Council, which represent the citizens, have no objection to this, and even acquiesced in the rise of such a behemoth for decades.

The reason is very simple – they wanted to yell at them, but the business federation gave too much.

Who hates money? As long as the taxes are paid enough, some things will pass by turning a blind eye.

Although the current Casimir will not become a giant enterprise, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the trend of history is unstoppable. control this country.

Of course, for the business federation, they can’t let go of their foundation, which is the biggest cash cow.

——Competitive knight.

“It’s a pleasure to meet, Miss Margaret Linguang, please allow me to introduce again. I’m the deputy manager of the publicity department from Ellen’s selection. Just call me Charne.”

The door opened, and a gray-haired Kuranta man in a suit walked into the courtyard with elegant and calm steps.

Charne maintained a decent smile, looking at several people in the courtyard.

Ciarne is an active corporate employee. As the deputy manager of Allen’s selected publicity department, he has been responsible for recruiting the company’s valuable club knight seeds.

And this time, the chairman, who doesn’t often appear in front of the employees, personally issued an order, requesting that the rookie contestant who has attracted many eyes must be brought to Margaret Linguang.

Whether it is to get the chairman’s injury, kick the **** manager over his head, or become a stepping stone to the next company, he must complete this task in this recruitment operation.

[Heh, the young man born with a golden spoon in his mouth really regards knight competition as a game. 】

Looking at Margaret’s youthful appearance, and thinking of the information about Linguang’s family that he had investigated in advance, Charne felt that this work had already become most of the time.

However, the man next to him and the woman who appeared in the room just now were not expected by Charne. The Linguang family has always been known for its simplicity. with it.

“It seems that I am confused by the dilapidated scene outside the courtyard. This small courtyard is really unique. The garden designer you invited looks quite artistic.”

Hearing this, Gao Qi couldn’t help but nodded. Although it was a compliment, he was quite confident in his gardening skills.

Although the Yanan realm, even the plants are basically twisted into strange appearances, but Gao Qi took special care of the Mingshuhua in the Hunter’s Dream, and also moved in many other plants that were not corrupted.

However, although Margaret was very grateful to Gao Qi and Scatty for tidying up the courtyard, she did not care about other people’s comments on her residential environment.

“Mr. Charne, I can guess your intention here. I don’t know where you got my home address – but whether you, or anyone else, comes here, my answer is no.”

Margaret’s expression was extremely firm. She had already thought of this answer long before she became a competitive knight.

“I won’t become a business union, or a vassal or puppet of any enterprise. I just want to be a pure independent knight. Don’t waste your time, Mr. Charne-my friend and I still have a meal.”

Her eyes were not modest and powerful when she faced Gao Qi, but her sharp edge. Margaret seemed to particularly dislike the person in front of her.

Gao Qi knew that this was normal.

As if the resident would not like a door-to-door salesman, Margaret showed her self-restraint to this Gao Qi acquaintance in front of her without directly driving out the door.

As a star, idol, athlete and gladiator, the output value created by a top competitive knight is unpredictable. The company that signed and sponsored the competitive knight also made a lot of money.

Signed merchandise, advertising endorsements, live broadcasts, invitation fees, and the economic benefits brought by tens of millions of fans make the profits brought by successfully cultivating a famous knight far more than building a large factory.

If there is a champion of the knight competition, the company will take off directly, and the stock price will jump in place. That kind of frenetic soaring is unimaginable for any financial expert.

Therefore, Casimir’s business, in addition to its own business, must also have a knight’s club attached.

To be precise, it was the “Knights”.

Every year in the knight competition, countless talented knights will be absorbed, the useful ones stay, the useless ones get out, and the cruelty is even more severe than that of idol offices on earth.

After all, idols won’t lose their lives on the field, but in order to suppress players from other companies, it is unpredictable that these companies have made bad moves.

The legend who won the first three competitions, the Black Knight, announced before this competition that he would not participate, retired on the spot, and went to the southern effect, Kjerag, where the company was responsible for the security work.

The reason is very simple. No one wants to watch games without suspense. The three consecutive championships have already made many people dislike the Black Knight, so she chose to retire bravely.

After joining the Knights, the Competitive Knights got a smooth start compared to other independent knights who did not join the Knights.

Debut battles, exhibition competitions, business negotiations, advertising endorsements, everything is arranged by the company, they will provide the knights under them with resources commensurate with their potential, and train them to become a popular star.

Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. When a knight’s value is squeezed out, whether it is poor grades, retirement due to injury, or simply not planning to do it, he will be immediately discarded in the historical corner of knight competition. Nobody cares.

Margaret, on the other hand, is very aware of this fact, and her relatives have suffered from this disaster.

“Ah, I think I understand, Miss Margaret, your rejection of the Chamber of Commerce stemmed from what happened to the Whiplash Knight. I assure you, it was just a sad accident.”

Seemingly seeing through what Margaret was thinking, Charne put away his unpleasant smile and turned to a somewhat contrived expression of sadness.

“Although the Whiplash Knight was injured on the field, it was still a glorious victory – she also received a lot of money for it, that is”

As for this, Margaret just snorted coldly, her tone particularly disdainful.

“If it wasn’t for Zoffia who was the only one who visited her when she was hospitalized three years ago, I might have believed your words-you alienated the glory of knights and turned knight competition into slaves manipulated by money.”

Margaret did not despise competitive knights. She always believed that it was the manipulation of the companies behind the competition that separated the competitive knights from the expedition knights, causing the two sides to hate each other, and making the honor of the knights gradually disappear from this competition. .

“Alienation? This is obviously a happy thing, Miss Margaret, it seems that you still don’t understand how great a cause this is – it is Cavaliers Athletics that has brought Casimir into a new era, and at this time the most Good times!”

As for the young Margaret, Charne shook his head, his smile became brighter, but his tone was earnest and seductive.

“I know that the nobles of the Linguang family have long-term vision, and you are all brave warriors who guard the frontier – but look at this low and dilapidated bungalow, decades ago, the highest residence of the entire Great Knight Collar belonged to the Great Knight. Castles, and ordinary people can only live in such shabby houses.”

According to Charne’s investigation, Margaret Linguang is the new generation of the Linguang family and the most promising candidate to become a Grand Knight.

Such a child of heaven, from childhood to adulthood, must have received the most orthodox knight training, with ten fingers not touching the spring water, only training to become a knight in battle, and it is impossible to have the opportunity to contact the life of the lower-level civilians.

But the family motto of the Linguang family knights made them work hard to protect the people all their lives. The lack of information brought about by this contradiction was enough for Ciarne to activate his eloquent words.

“Who let the commoners walk into the high-rise buildings and make their lives better? It is the economy that is improving day by day, and the knight competition! It is he who has changed our poor and weak society and has given countless poor people job opportunities. , brought us buildings, Originium cars, household appliances…”

Charne’s voice increased a little bit, and there was a hint of fanaticism in his voice. What he said were the facts that he believed in himself?

“Miss Margaret, I believe your grandfather told you where the funds for the knights come from. If one day, the knight competition disappears… The enterprise disappears overnight, who will provide the funds for the knights. With the annual increase in military spending, who will fight for Casimir’s economic status to curb the aggression of foreign enemies?”

Charnay’s voice was earnest and seductive, and Margaret was irresistibly brought into the rhythm by him – this is indeed a fact.

“Look, the competitive knights are not the puppets you said, this is a great profession, every competitive knight is a good person who does not lose to the fighting knights, they provide countless jobs and positions for the people, not to mention Speaking of a champion – I believe, you are also willing to be a good person, aren’t you? Miss Margaret.”

Sensing Margaret’s sway, Charne took out a bundle of contracts that were as thick as a dictionary from his bag.

“Come on, Miss Margaret, the old glory is over, it’s time to embrace the new era – by signing this contract, you will be a hero beyond your grandfather.”

Margaret shook her head. She had made up her mind not to sign this contract, but after listening to Ciarne’s words, she felt that it made sense.

“No, no, you’re wrong, Charne, sir, I won’t sign this contract. Please leave now.”

Although some wanted to use force to drive away the lobbyist, Margaret knew that with the ability of Casimir newspaper reporters to make up and make up, her “scandal” would be immediately published in the headlines of major newspapers the next day. The reputation of the Linguang family will be damaged.

[No, I don’t know what to refute at all, if my aunt is here… Come on! Aunt, my mouth is stupid! 】

Just as Margaret was struggling with how to refute Charne’s words and reasonably drive her out of her home, a large and powerful hand suddenly patted her on the shoulder.

“Then what is the price of this good age—Mr. Charny?”

Gao Qi had a rare blue vein on his forehead, and with a slightly sullen smile, he looked at the lackey with a capitalist.

“Could it be, everything about Margaret?”

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