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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 153:

Shining let go of the staff in his hand and looked at Gao Qi apologetically, but his eyebrows were full of sadness.

“Ha, to be honest, you scared me-Skaty, don’t be so nervous.”

Gao Qi shrugged his shoulders, made a joke, put his arms around Scotty’s slender waist, took her in his arms, rubbed her little head, and gently comforted her.

It’s not as complicated as The Shining guessed. In fact, Gao Qi doesn’t know much about the organization of the sin pardoner. He only occasionally sees this organization in the plot.

But Gao Qi didn’t expect that just by revealing the name of the organization the Shining once belonged to, this sister would be so jealous and vigilant towards him, and it could even be said that she overreacted.

To be honest, he was indeed frightened.

Gao Qi didn’t expect that the calm and elegant doctor Sarkaz, who was calm and elegant in the game, who cultivated both magic and martial arts, and gave a great sense of security, would have such a violent side six years ago.

No, to be precise, not violent.

Gao Qi did not remove the “eye” rune, which is different from the “flame” rune that represents the power of the **** Terra. The “eye” rune is the power that Gao Qi brought from Yanan, and Gao Qi is naturally more familiar with how to use it. it.

With his enhanced insight, Gauche captured Shining’s anger and other emotions beneath his vigilance.

Fear, disgust, remorse… This mood is not aimed at Gao Qi, but at Shining himself.

Like… PTSD, Traumatic Stress Disorder.

From this point of view, Shining’s mental trauma is equally great compared to Nightingale’s physical trauma.

And some information in the character files can also reveal some of the encounters the two have had.

These two Sarkaz Civil War veterans are true sisters in need.

But now, Gao Qi didn’t dare to say too much, it would be bad if he really stimulated Shining.

Skadi still stared at Shining, but the hostility was no longer serious, and his little head couldn’t help rubbing against Gao Qi, who hugged him from behind, and was comforted by him in front of him.

“I don’t mean anything else, I know that the Sarkaz people, especially the Sarkaz infected people are discriminated against in Terra, and it is normal to be vigilant, but I have no hostility to the Sarkaz people, look, this is It’s my…daughter, Ifrit.”

Thinking of this, Gao Qi took out his wallet, took a group photo with Ifrit hugging and frolic, and handed it to Shining and Nightingale.

In the photo, Gao Qi is holding the happy little fire dragon high on his shoulders, while Homer and the white-faced owl are nervously guarding both sides, for fear that the child will fall. Babies and mothers have different styles of bringing their babies.

“It took me a long time to learn about the Sarkaz culture for my girl, she was also an ore patient, and she was very irritable for a while, but now she’s healthy and happy – in my opinion, ladies, the state of you two, Just like she was then, very unhealthy, can’t you notice it yourself?”

In his heart, he silently apologized to the little fire dragon that he used as an excuse. Gao Qi decided to bring her more Casimir specialties when he went to Kazdel later.

As soon as these words came out, both Shining and Nightingale fell silent. They were not conscious of their own situation, but they could tell each other’s situation very clearly, so they both nodded.

“I understand, but we also have tasks at hand… But it’s a fact that Liz needs to rest, and her spirit is exhausted.”

“…Yes, you’re right, Mr. Gaochie, Shining is indeed in a bad state right now. She is more tired than me.”

Immediately afterwards, the two Sarkaz looked at each other, which meant “I’m not as weak as you said!”

Looking at the two people who were deeply fettered, Gao Qi also hugged the little killer whale that had softened in his arms, and said to the two with a smile.

“Look, at least you can see each other’s state clearly – I can be sure that if you walk into the Great Knight’s Collar like this, something will happen, believe me, you don’t know how repulsive Casimir is to the infected now. .”

Although in the main line, Casimir already has a certain ability to accept the infected, but Gao Qi has already learned about it through Kelsey. , The current kingdom of knights is not so easy to talk about when dealing with infected people.

“Rhine Life Field Service Commissioner Gao Qi, is now officially hiring two to be the security guards for this operation, three meals and lodging are included, and the remuneration is settled with Originium ingots—how?”

Pinching Scadi’s little face, Gao Qi sincerely extended his right hand and extended an invitation to the two Sarkaz girls again.

However, Shining thought for a moment, then shook his head.

“No, sorry, Mr. Gaoch, I believe your good intentions, but I must confess that we are not here to watch the Cavaliers Championship, but have a more dangerous mission – I don’t want to involve you in it.”

“Close the deal, happy cooperation, Mr. Gao Qi.”

However, what Shining didn’t expect was that Nightingale, who was on the motorcycle’s co-pilot, suddenly stretched out her hand and took pictures with Gao Qi.


Faced with Shining’s doubts, Nightingale just raised her eyebrows from her and raised the corners of her mouth.

“I think, with the strengths of Mr. Gaoch and Miss Scatty, we may not be implicated by us – you really should rest, don’t you?”

Shining was stunned for a moment. She found that Nightingale, who had been plagued by nightmares recently, had a melancholy expression and was giving herself a wicked smile that was rarely seen.

“Then it’s settled. I won’t ask or disturb your purpose, but I hope we can cooperate happily.”

Gao Qi also gently shook Nightingale’s plain hand and shook it twice.

After coaxing and deceiving, Gao Qi finally coaxed the two into a pirate ship.

However, if Gao Qi really just wanted to be with two beautiful young girls, he might not be so stubborn. He always pays attention to everything – except for Titi, the fate of the two of them has been glued together.

“Let’s go—Skaty, pick a Jeep you like, and don’t forget to say thank you to our Scourge followers.”

Through Gao Qi’s eyes that still had the power of runes, Gao Qi could clearly see that there was a dark line on Nightingale’s body, which was binding her heart, leading it to the far east.

There is no doubt that although the source is unknown, this is indeed… the power of the superior.

There, is the homeland of Sarkaz, Kazdel.

[Really, the work on my side hasn’t started yet, so why did I directly reveal the mission objective of the next chapter? Although I am a hunter of Yanan, I still like the mainline process with a high degree of linearity? 】

Silently complained about the ghost place Terra in his heart, Gao Qi sighed, took Skadi’s little hand, and walked to the jeep beside him.

Before I went to Casimir, I was already jumping all the way, and if I got to the Great Knight’s Collar… it’s absolutely essential.

“Hope… nothing will happen.”

Gao Qi knew that this journey to hunt the God of the Starry Sky would definitely not be so smooth.

“Ha… Liz, I hope your decision is correct.”

Shining sighed, looked at the leaving couple, and Yeying glanced at each other, only to see her confident expression, and he twisted the handlebars of the motorcycle violently.


“I knew that those lunatics who dared to believe in natural disasters were unreliable, and we had to do this job—boss, those Rusty Hammers failed, we still have to do the job.”

One kilometer away, in a Gobi stone forest full of cacti, a man dressed in auspicious camouflage was perfectly integrated into the surrounding environment, reporting the task to the phone.

“However, the target seems to have met two other travelers, and they went together like that? The vigilance is really low, Qing Jin, when will we start? Except for the target, all the other three have been killed?”

The man’s tone was extraordinarily relaxed, as if he was chatting with a friend.

“The Wuxi League doesn’t do superfluous things. We are only responsible for catching the mission target. If you can’t kill someone, you won’t kill anyone – Platinum, you know the rules better than me, you should be less joking.”

Soon, a cold female voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Don’t underestimate a sin pardoner magic swordsman. Her combat power is undoubtedly the level of a great knight. With her protection, it is difficult for us to do it.”

“But we are knight killers, aren’t we?”

“When they enter the mobile city and send people to reconnaissance, we need to carefully deploy this plan – I remember you have a new apprentice? You can let her try it out, and it’s enough to only be responsible for the peripheral reconnaissance work.”


And speaking of his “apprentice”, the man in a lucky suit sighed while observing the direction the target was leaving.

“That little slacker, if it wasn’t for none of my men who could beat her, and she’s a real genius assassin, I wouldn’t want to pick her – I’d definitely be muttering for a long time to arrange for her during her vacation. “

“Stop gossiping, just endure your own choice, don’t forget, we have more than one list – the girl from Linguang’s family participated in that broken game, some people want her to win, some people want her to lose; There are those gods…”

“Yes, yes, that’s all – I’ll go!”

The man called Platinum was chatting with his colleagues easily just now.

But the next second, he suddenly found that under the high-powered telescope, a few kilometers away, the man in black who was starting the jeep suddenly looked straight at him, his substantial eyes sharp as a sword.

Like… a predator.

Immediately hung up the phone, the man lowered his head without hesitation, and completely covered himself with disguise.

Half a minute later, that invisible gaze that made people feel like they were helpless prey finally made a promise.

“Hu, hu, hu, what the hell, who is this person?”

The frightened Bai Jin took a deep breath, and quickly calmed down. He was going to continue talking on the phone and call back, but after thinking about it, he dialed the phone to another number.

“Hey, good apprentice, Little Bai Jin, Master has a simple and easy task with a lot of rewards – do you want to think about it?”


The bright sunlight, through the closed window, shone into a somewhat cluttered room.

On a small bed surrounded by cans and potato chips bags, a Kuranta girl with long silver hair was covered with a thick quilt and was blowing a cool air conditioner in the hot summer.

Jingle Bell-

Suddenly, the phone beside her rang, the silver-haired girl shook her soft horse ears, and her brown eyes opened a slit.

After hesitating for a while, she turned over, yawned, and answered the phone.

“It’s my vacation time, don’t ask me to add- eh? Um… OK, I’ll go, remember to pay me overtime.”

Suddenly, this young Kuran girl, platinum, no, the destined platinum throne in the future, turned over and sat up.

Although she really wanted to take a vacation, she couldn’t help it, they gave too much.

Before the protagonist arrived, the leader of the great knight had already begun to surging undercurrents.

14. Rivals of knights and knights of light. (4k)

Casimir, the kingdom of knights.

Although Casimir is not a small country, its size is far less than that of the neighboring countries Ursus and Letania. In the past hundred years, it has been attacked by them several times.

Before the development of the pillar entertainment industry of knight competition, Casimir’s overall national strength can be said to be difficult and poor, and the primary industry, mainly animal husbandry and mining, cannot support the development of modern industries.

Even though the Silver Spear Pegasus is brave and tenacious, he has repeatedly fought Ursus’ steel torrent with Letania’s Witch King’s Guard.

And many of the so-called “aristocratic” knights living at the bottom, in fact, can’t even fill the stomachs of themselves and their families.

Although Casimir’s knight master attaches great importance to honor, he doesn’t have to wipe his mouth with meat skin before going out even if he eats chaff at home.

And one hundred and twenty years ago, the castle of a knight noble on a mobile city platform was photographed by a knight squire who was always despised by nobles in the past.

The knights were surprised to find that before they knew it, those squires who were sent by them to take care of their property when they were addicted to martial arts training and disputes with each other became the pillars of creating wealth for the country by relying on commercial trade.

Just as the gods were overthrown by the knights and Casimir’s system changed from theocracy to the knight order system and knight dictatorship, Casimir is changing again.

Now, knighthood is no longer linked to nobility, and only those recognized by the “Knights Association” established later will be awarded the title of nobility.

And with the holding of the first Knights Competitive Championship 60 years ago, the knights will compete with the knights. This internal competition that originally belonged to the noble martial arts category has gradually become a popular entertainment.

Under the operation mode established by the knights, many knights at the bottom chose to give up their useless aristocratic status and became competitive knights.

Competitive knights have different styles and different ways of making money. With the support of clubs and behind-the-scenes companies, some rely on game results to speak, and some rely on operators to make money.

In the past 60 years, countless inspirational stories such as “the country boy accidentally participated in the competitive knights and reached the peak of life” and “the fallen knights regained their new life through knight competition and harvested beautiful love” have become Casimir’s well-known children’s bedtime stories, inspiring Generation after generation became competitive knights.

The pioneering dream of the Colombians has gradually disappeared in the past century, but the knight dream of the Casimir people still shines particularly brightly.

Sixty years later, more than 20 knight competitions have made the entertainment of knight competition the most ambitious sports event in the world.

Here, human beings can see cruel but not daunting battles. The knights are betting on their lives and futures on the arena, which is no different from the shopping in war, but the audience is not worried about their injuries at all.

Without endangering their own blood and violence, human beings will never be able to get rid of their thirst for such things, just as humans will never eliminate inferior B-grade plasma tablets.

There are nearly 5,000 professional competitive knights in active duty, and there are more than 100 clubs. Every year, hundreds of competitive knights die due to intentional or unintentional accidents in battle—because they signed a guarantee in advance, there is no insurance to compensate for the uniforms.

Athletes, gladiators, stars and idols, competitive knights have complex and ever-changing identities.

However, when it comes to the highest honor in knight competition, then there is only one.

The champions of the Knights Competitive Championship, the strongest of Competitive Knights, their names and legends will be deeply recorded in the memory of every Casimir.

June 20, Central Casimir.


The scene of the decay of the wilderness has faded, and under the clear sky is the vast grassland of Casimir.

Weeds that are as tall as a person grow savagely and dance with the wind, turning into a green wave.

Not all places in Terra are wilderness, and many places in Casimir are full of lush vegetation.

The large flat grasslands in the middle nurtured the Kurantas who were good at running and charging, which objectively promoted the formation of the knight culture.

The rolling hills and dense forests in the northeast were where the Elafia people lived in the era. Their guerrillas and Casimir’s knights jointly formed the border of the forest, always vigilant against the attack of the Ursas.

And this beautiful grassland is not as desolate and empty as the wilderness of Terra.

Originium cars, tourist buses, vans, and even small land vehicles, hundreds of thousands of vehicles that seem to be of great value, are heading in the same direction on the grassland.

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