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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 127:

“How much do you disinfect… Ha, forget it, it doesn’t matter, just do what you like!”

Fortunately, Muirseth didn’t study medicine, and didn’t have the obsessive-compulsive-level cleanliness character of Kelsey. After taking a deep breath, he recovered his emotions, stared at Gao Qi resentfully, and began to repeat the speech of the governor. .

“She is in charge… It seems that she will explain to us about the gods again. I have never seen such a worried expression on her face. I can’t believe it. It’s all true.”


“Ah, sure enough, the governor seems to have done something to Ifrit, and she dares to directly confess to Seria – it’s over, Ifrit is Seria’s inverse scale, if these two people fight , the whole building is going to explode.”

After reciting the governor’s speech, the avatar of Muirset raised his head in fear.

Obviously, after the chief magistrate eloquently stated what he had done and admitted his experiments on Ifrit and himself, Serea, the dragon, was already furious.

“Ah, this is her character. If she agrees with the chief’s idea, then it’s not Seria.”

Behind Gao Qi, a row of precision storage equipment that originally stored blood has become empty, and the echo of blood on Gao Qi’s head that used to be five figures has now become six figures, nearly 200,000.

This feeling reminded Gao Qi of the joy of crushing the cold-blooded dew accumulated in the hunter’s hut one by one.

The amount is not too much. Given Gao Qi’s growing demand for attribute points, these echoes of blood can only raise Gao Qi to ten levels at most.

However, the meaning of these blood is not its own energy,

They are not the prey itself, but the thing that guides the prey – doesn’t the blue star next door have to look for footprints and hair before hunting?

Thanks to the information collected from all over the world, Gao Qi has now known about ten different relics related to gods, thanks to the information collected from all over the world by the Chief Jurisdiction who ignored his own safety and even cut off his horns for more than ten years.

Wasteland, ice fields, fields, underground…even ancient mobile cities, in those dangerous places, the power of the gods that exists is definitely not just the thing in front of you.

With it, Gao Qi’s next hunting direction became clear.

He came to the Rhine for three purposes, the purpose of finding prey has been achieved, and just now he hoarded the experimental materials of the general administration, which are basically good.

“Okay, since the two of them are going to fight… Then I have to get involved too – I hope the commander-in-chief has some conscience. Parvis, this lunatic, died at my hands, and she might as well.”

Taking out the heavy church stone hammer, Gao Qi gently wiped his chest, and the hunter’s uniform that he had not worn for a long time was taken out of the dream, and it was covered cleanly and ironically.

This was specially cleaned by Gao Qi when he was in Kelsey’s clinic. Scatty originally volunteered to help, but when she crushed a basin, Gao Qi and Mon3tr took care of it – Gao Qi was not there At the time, Kelsey always handed over the housework to the poor crystal behemoth.

“Parvi, s-ha, I should have thought long ago that you are the hunter who took down that flame giant in Sargon!”

Seeing the black trench coat on Gao Qi’s body, Muirseth was stunned for a second, then opened his eyes in surprise and covered his mouth.

If it is one of those two fierce men… maybe they are indeed qualified to forcibly break into Rhine life.

That guy Seria, where did he recruit a commercial spy, he just recruited a father!

“Ha… your identity is reasonable, but I didn’t participate in the conspiracy of that lunatic Parvis, you want to seek revenge to find the chief, don’t bring me, I’m just an innocent Cute little bird – but you are really interesting, if you kill the chief, have you considered working with me?”

However, after learning about Gao Qi’s true power, Muirseth became even more curious and approached Gao Qi, reaching out and patted her hard chest.

“Don’t think about it. Your battle is your own business. Instead, I hope that the commander-in-chief is not crazy – hand over your cell phone to Serea.”

Gao Qi ignored Muirseth’s suggestion, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to call Muirseth’s number.

“Huh? You don’t like that dangerous woman, do you? As long as it’s a beautiful woman with big breasts, you can’t do it – you really think with your lower body?”

Muirseth rolled his eyes at Gao Qi, but did as Gao Qi ordered.

“Although the chief is not as annoying as Parvis, but… if that woman has been investigating these dangerous things, I think she will lead to disaster in advance. You know, people who are engaged in scientific research are like this. .”

Although Muirseth respects the knowledge of this mysterious woman, she can’t let go of the opportunity to become the chief.

“Fuck you, the women I’ve killed aren’t too few–of course I understand, no one knows these scholars better than me.”

Gao Qi shrugged, noncommittal.

From Yanan to Terra, Gao Qi met a lot of scholars who study the gods – obviously, they don’t have a good thing.

Not to mention the fake Yusefka, even that Aries girl, Archbishop Amelia, and Gao Qi didn’t hesitate when beheading her – although this model in the game directly uses the ghost of the bell girl. She looks like, but in reality she is really beautiful.

Beauty returns to the United States. Compared with the filthy blood queen who is harmless to humans and animals, and even her head is wrapped in metal, Amelia and the Healing Church must be destroyed, so Gao Qi decisively killed her sister and preached the sermon – to be precise, killing the sheep to preach the sermon .

However, Gao Qi was indeed hesitant after reading the records of the experiments in the past ten years.

If the madman of Parvis is more like Miklash who will do anything for his power, then the research process of the chief jurisdiction is more rational and conservative, more like that of Master William – no, even, slightly better.

William’s ultimate purpose is also to ascend, but the purpose of the chief jurisdiction is to prevent Terra from being harmed by the divine disaster, at least hoping that some people will survive the divine disaster.

The third umbilical cord made her understand the existence of superiors, and years of research made her fearful because of the threats to the world. The experimental records revealed boundless fear.

She is Kelsey’s student. Like her teacher, she doesn’t have the human touch of Seria and Homer. However, the experimental records reveal the same rationality and morality as her teacher.

The experimental records show that the object of her experiment was only herself from beginning to end, and she even implanted the power of the blood of the stars into herself.

She found Ifrit, the only experimental subject, only when she found that the way could not be done.

Her moral red line is above Seria, but if she is really a lunatic like Parvis… Seria is probably expelled long ago.

The chief executive transplanted a section of the third umbilical cord for Ifrit. Gao Qi had expectations from the descendants of different gods, and that part, coincidentally, belonged to the moon god.

Even if it is very weak, Ifrit has obtained a part of the power of the pale blood, allowing her to withstand the power of the Balrog, and possibly even the power of other superiors.

In a sense, the relationship between Ifrit and Gaochie, in the sense of mysticism…is a father and daughter, no, it should be “the superior and the heir.”

And Gao Qi never thought that Sarkaz, the “cursed race”, would have such a strong affinity with God.

——Of course, the behavior of the Chief Jurisdiction is still the behavior of a bastard.

But at least, in the face of the threat of superiors, humans are in the same camp.

“What I worry about is whether the Chief Jurisdiction is still the Chief Jurisdiction. If her mind has been eroded by the power of the superior over the years, she has collapsed due to fear, and even eroded… Then we must face another divine disaster. .”

In his hand, he picked up the last experimental record of the Chief Jurisdiction. Looking at the already messy text on it, Gao Qi was more concerned about whether he wanted to kill or not to kill his sister to testify… Whether he wanted to kill or hunt monsters.

Whether she controls the starry sky, or the starry sky controls her—this is a question.

“Forget it, leave this matter to Kelsey and Seria to decide – let’s go.”

Holding the slim waist of Muirseth’s avatar, Gao Qi looked at the secret warehouse that had been emptied, and walked out quickly, not even bothering to close the door.

“Let’s go, bye – you can be more confident.”

Walking out of the warehouse, Gao Qi smiled slightly at the soldiers standing guard in the guard room.

“You two walk slowly, eh? Two?”

Miss Pello blushed subconsciously at first, then because of Gao Qi’s attire, she was stunned with the petite woman around his waist.


In the end, she was a little surprised, looking at the colleague who she had always admired and looked like a big brother, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in the corridor, hit the floor-to-ceiling window with all her strength, and easily shattered the floor-to-ceiling window.

Accompanied by the strong wind, the pea-sized raindrops smashed directly into the room from the window of the twenty-story building, while Gao Qi smiled and took out the green slug in his hand. She saluted the girl Pello in the guard room.

“Ehhh? Don’t take me with you, Gao Qi, you pervert, pervert, what do you want to do—— ah ah ah!”

The next second, the long tentacles grabbed the column of the window and wrapped around Gao Qi’s arm at the same time.

Gao Qi, on the other hand, jumped towards the nearly 100-meter-high downstairs, and with the screams of Muirseth and the howling wind and rain, he quickly descended towards the floor of the Structure Department.

“It’s a pity that I can’t get my weekly salary this week.”

53. Confrontation, protect Gao Qi, we have Titi!

“So… we met again, Ms. Chief Jurisdiction? The last time we met, it seemed like a few dozen minutes ago?”

In the crowd of directors, Gao Qi hugged the slim waist of Muirseth’s avatar, held a silver sword, and broke into the most secret Structural Laboratory from the window.

Beside her, Muirset’s originally petite and slender body has now swelled up a bit. As an incarnation of water, she has absorbed a lot of raindrops in the process of getting wet just now. Now she looks plump and taller. some.

“You are… Researcher Gao Qi? No, let me think about it, I have seen you!”

Gao Qi, who forcibly broke in, attracted the attention of the Chief Jurisdiction from Seliya who was confronting her. She was stunned for a moment, and after a brief thought, she quickly recognized the iconic black windbreaker over and over again. Gao Qi’s identity.

“You’re… the hunter, the hunter who exiled the Foehn Lord back to his domain—I know you, Mr. Gooch, you’re a good disguise.”

In the black eyes similar to Gao Qi’s, there was some surprise and excitement, but there was no lack of… vigilance.

“What are you chasing all the way from Sargon? To seek information on the gods? Or to hunt for the superior beings in Colombia?”

However, as her star-like eyes glanced up and down, an excited smile gradually appeared on the Chief Jurisdiction’s face, and she was even a little helpless, acting like a little girl chasing stars.

“That powerful power belongs to you, right, like the moonlight, I can’t reproduce it no matter what, I even have to… You are not a god, are you a human? You don’t have that in you – Muir Seth?”

He immediately guessed Gao Qi’s identity. Just as the chief executive wanted to continue to ask questions, he saw a little strangely that Gao Qi was holding a plump girl beside him, and even made her dare not confirm whether the other party was an ecology that accepted her fate. Director.

“Ahaha, brother Gao Qi is just young and energetic, and wants to use my avatar to ‘use’ it – bring it, give it back to me! You like the perverts of women with big breasts!”

Quickly rushed to Gao Qi’s side, Muirset shook his pointed ears embarrassedly, made up nonsense that he couldn’t believe, and snatched the clone that he couldn’t get rid of for some reason.

Two identical Liborians, one big and one small, hugged each other and quickly hid in the corner of the room. The scene was very strange.

“What—Gaoqi? What’s going on here?”

On the other hand, Seliya, after seeing Gao Qi’s attire and the silver sword in her hand, quickly understood Gao Qi’s identity.

“Don’t you know, Seria? He is not the researcher of the Defense Division you recruited – he is a hunter who hunts down the superior and his family, and he is the one who controls the power of the gods. The power I control, and Eve In front of him, the power that Lit possesses is like a firefly to Haoyue…”

Having said that, the chief executive couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows and looked at Hemo, who also turned from anger to bewilderment beside him.

“I’ll let it go, you two didn’t find any flaws? Every time I meet Seria, she exaggerates Gaochie, either because of how much work he has done for you recently, or because he and Ifrit Get along very well… Really dazzled by love?

Looking at his old friend, there was a hint of joy in the governor’s tone.

“I’ve said before that it’s normal for us female scholars to be single. How can there be a man who falls from the sky, helps you with your baby, helps you solve problems, helps you work and gives you spiritual comfort, sober up, how can we possibly Someone likes it.”

“…I don’t like to hear what you say, Madam President—”

Gao Qi clenched the stone hammer and silver sword in his hands. He wanted to kill his sister and preach the Dao—let Muirseth be the chief!

I’m sorry, he’s a man who thinks about his lower body, and anyone who disturbs his sister-in-law will have to die!

However, before he could do anything, he was stared at by a somewhat frightening, dragon-like gaze.

“This is not the same as what we said – Gao Qi, I need an explanation?”

There was a hint of danger hidden in the calm voice, Seria looked at Gao Qi with a kind smile, and the silver-white smoke gathered on her arm, turning into a jagged white armor.

Enamel armor, another application of the calcium element, with this armor, Seria is invulnerable and can be called the King of Fighters of the Rhine.

For a moment, Gao Qi felt a serious threat to his life than when Sargon faced the Foehn with all his strength—after all, he really lied to everyone in Rhine life.

“I did fake my identity to sneak into Rhine’s life and the original purpose was to investigate some things, but I didn’t fake my feelings for you, Homer and Ifrit at all. Believe me!”

The handsome debut pose just now disappeared, Gao Qi used the fastest speech in his life, faster than a little squirrel Ah Xiao who is still in the gantry and has not entered the fire brigade, and sincerely explained to Seliya .


Seria’s orange eyes shrunk to a vertical line, her sharp gaze swept over Gao Qi, and the directors around the room took a few steps back.

“Of course it’s true – isn’t our key issue now Ifrit? Seria, we’ll talk about this later, and now we’ll agree to the outside world, okay?”

“I just think this look is more suitable for you, Gao Qi, you really don’t look like a researcher – about Muirseth, I’ll ask you later.”

Seliya was not a troublesome person, she glared at Gao Qi, then continued to look back at the chief, a silver-gray mist enveloped Gao Qi at the same time – the main contradiction and the secondary contradiction still had to be distinguished.

“Actually, the two papers that I entered are other people’s… But the key problem is not this, Ms. Chief, I’m coming here to pick up Ifrit, I just entered your secret warehouse and read you all over Experiment records, and… those monsters, I must abort your experiments.”

Gao Qi wanted to continue to speak generously and tell the chief executive about the dangers of her experiment, but she didn’t expect that she nodded directly.

“Ah, so that’s the case, actually I just want to save the living sample…Okay, Mr. Gaoch, you stay here, Ifrit takes it away – Homer, remember to dress the child, white-faced owl, come here Help, I only have the key, he can enter the core warehouse, you must have helped, then you will be expelled from Rhine Life.”

Pressing the button on the operating table, the commander-in-chief untied Ifrit’s shackles under Homer’s strange expression.



Inside and outside the operating room, both Homer and the white-faced owl tilted their heads in surprise—the Chief is so talkative?

No, actually, when I think about it carefully, people in their positions can’t actually talk to the chief executive, and only Serea knows the character of the chief executive.

“I said, Seria, my purpose is only to deal with future disasters, Seria, whether you want to escape or hide, you will encounter this disaster in the future – I have seen too many because of these superiors There are mad and dead people out there, and we have to do something about it.”

The Chief Jurisdiction still held an elegant smile and extended his hand to Gao Qi.

“If I’m right, the power from the umbilical cord belongs to you, Mr. Gooch, join me, we can fight for Terra, my knowledge, and your unique power – we This crisis can be avoided.”

For the chief jurisdiction, the experiment on the Sarkaz body Ifrit was just a helpless last resort. Only the Sarkaz people in the world can withstand the power of this moonlight, and even the more powerful dragons and Neither can Drake.

“I remember, your Originium skill is to emit fire – just as I expected, your power can withstand the authority of other gods, because you hunted the Vulcan in Sargon, so Ifrit succeeded Executed the Flame Demon plan, is that so?”

And now… a stronger and more perfect sample has appeared in front of the chief, ifrit… it doesn’t matter anymore.

The chief did not have the sympathy of Seria and Homer, and asked her to care and love her experimental body. She considered herself to be a cold and empathetic person.

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