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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 93:

Don’t look over his small head, Scadi buried his head in Gao Qi’s chest and muttered softly.

“…Let’s watch the Longmen police story.”

Miss Deep Sea Hunter has a lot to learn.

“Ha, it doesn’t matter, I will slowly teach you the meaning of the content in the movie later – do you want to watch horror movies?”

Gao Qi showed a wicked smile and switched to another movie-the story of how a group of researchers at the Ursas Polar Research Station escaped under the attack of the face-shattering monster that could transform.

An hour and a half later, Gao Qi turned off the TV, turned off the lamp, and lay on the bed.

“Gao Qi… hug me, I’m a little scared.”

The next second, a warm, soft body slid into Gao Qi’s bed.

The superwoman who clamped Gao Qi’s arm with the thick front armor, and could directly use the huge blade to cut through the landing ship under her feet, was frightened like a child at the moment.

Although she killed a clone of a **** not long ago, that didn’t stop her from being afraid of the monsters in the movie.

Compared with the previous use of Gao Qi as a pillow, this time, Skadi held it very tightly, and her silver-white hair reflected the moonlight, making it extra soft.

Gao Qi silently raised the corners of his mouth, took Skadi in his arms, played with her white hair, and listened to the complaints of Miss Doll in his mind.

[Good-good-hunter, you are really bad, bad guy! 】——Miss Doll has also learned to say strange things.

“Gao Qi, stop playing with your hair, it will be very troublesome to comb it tomorrow.”

“It’s okay, I’ll help you comb.”

“Oh, just touch it…”

In this way, under the brilliance of the red moon, Gao Qi and Skadi fell asleep again embracing each other.

The small land-based ship slowly sailed across the Colombian border, entered this free and advanced country, and stepped into a true civilization.

However, Colombian civilization has nothing to do with human nature.


Drop, drop, drop-

Accompanied by the humming sound of the instruments, in the cool-toned laboratory, the researchers with indifferent expressions are indifferently adjusting the parameters of the instruments, monitoring the experimental data, and constantly writing and drawing on the notebooks in their hands.

In front of them, in the coffin-like sealed cabins, petite figures were fixed upright.

There are men and women of different races. These people with electrodes all over their bodies and bloodstains on their bandages are all underage children.

They fell into a deep sleep, but their expressions were extremely painful, as if in a dream, they were also suffering severe pain.


Accompanied by a sharp beeping sound, next to the children with their eyes closed, the lines representing the vital signs returned to zero after several struggles.

Several children died.

“It’s a pity to send them to the harmless treatment room. After surviving this round of transformation, their chances of survival in the next experiment would have been greatly improved. Forget it, it’s fortunate that there are many experimental subjects.”

However, in front of him, the man in the white coat didn’t have any sadness, he just waved his hand and asked his subordinates to send him to the treatment room – the incineration device.

“Parvis, my old opponent, old friend, I thought we could win the match, but it seems that I can only walk on the road of seeking truth alone – I succeeded.”

Walking to the experimental warehouse with the best data and the only surviving individual, the blond film man put on his glasses and showed a happy expression.

“I hope that your student can inherit your talent. I’m still curious about what kind of weapons Rhine Life can provide to the military – but no matter what, my creations are the most powerful in the world!”

Looking at the less than ten-year-old Filin girl with short white hair in the cabin, a satisfied smile appeared on Loken Williams’ face.

“Ah, Mr. Kelsey, I really hope you can be here and look at my great masterpiece – she is the daughter of a moving city, a being made of steel.”

Colombia’s “civilization” has always existed only in imagination.

Here, is a more barbaric **** than the Akahura Rainforest!

9. Welcome to Colombia!

Since records began, the nations of Terra Continent have been at constant strife.

The dynasty rose and fell. I saw him raise a tall building, saw him entertain guests, and saw his building collapse.

Thousands of years ago, the Great Khan of the Nightmare Kuranta established the royal court and swept the kingdoms, and later, the Sarkaz royal court set off several wars to restore the country, the whole world was trembling under repeated military disasters.

Later, the Gallic Empire rose to prominence and competed with the Yan Kingdom in the east and west of the mainland, but that brilliance was only a moment in the long history.

The Anti-Gaul Empire Alliance miraculously won a miraculous victory despite a huge disadvantage and retreated, giving Victoria, Casimir and Ursus a chance to breathe

With the decline of the Great Yan Empire, Victoria, a prosperous country of steam, once again ruled Terra’s land trade rights.

But… kingship is not eternal.

Although in the eyes of people in later generations, there is nothing new under the sun, all historical events have a reason, and social changes are inevitable.

However, in the eyes of the people at that time, even the far-sighted rulers, their attitude towards every major event was “Fuck, what a fool?”

More than 200 years ago, with the support of the Gallic Empire, several mobile cities in the western frontier of Victoria moved westward without an order, and penetrated into the unexplored wild land.

They built a brand new kingdom and enjoyed their own taxes instead of paying gifts to the chaotic royal family.

The Duke of the Border Territory once launched a military expedition, but the pressure of the Gallic Empire and the restraint between the duchies still made him return without success.

After all, for the ancient and huge Victoria, such a few moving cities can’t make any waves.

Whether it was King Victoria at that time or the rulers of the three major families, they all set their sights on the Gallic Empire.

Eventually, these independent mobile cities issued a joint declaration of independence, announcing the establishment of a new nation.

No matter how far-sighted politicians are, they would never have imagined that such a small country that was poor and weak back then, even unable to withstand natural disasters, would become the behemoth it is today in two hundred years.

Relying on the policy of opening up to foreign immigrants, the new small country has obtained a huge population and labor force from refugees, speculators, and people at the bottom who dream of changing their miserable lives from all over the world.

When the Victorian royal family finally broke free from the oppression of the Gallic Empire and once dominated world trade, they suddenly discovered that the countries around them had become many times stronger than they had imagined.

And now, Victoria’s throne has been vacant for many years, several major families are falling apart, Drake’s heir died overseas, and the whereabouts of Aslan’s heir are unknown.

And a new country, at this time, entered the historical stage of Terra Continent——

Colombia, an emerging country that is thriving when countries around the world are in reverse.

“Oh——this city is bigger than Yanfeng City.”

Lying on the window, looking at the distant horizon, that huge existence like a mountain, slowly moving above the ground, Skadi opened his mouth in surprise, and his red eyes widened.

Skadi was wearing a wide white shirt, with two bare white legs standing on the ground.

It was Gao Qi’s clothes. During this period of time on the Landstrider, except for the skirt, Skadi liked this dress very much.

The reason is – there is the reassuring smell of Gao Qi on it.

She has long known the existence of a mobile city, and she also lived in Yanfeng City for a day. She knows this kind of settlement where people on land live and move.

But after all, Yanfeng City has been in decline. Its size is just a mobile town at best, and its area is not large.

In front of him, the over 100-meter-high undersea dome city was as big as Agor’s underwater dome. It was the first time that Skadi had seen a giant city with a diameter of more than 20 meters just from the heavy crawlers and wheels.

This is the real mobile “city” without any shrinkage. It is a real giant city, equipped with crawler tracks, which moves back and forth on the ground, and the tracks rolled out over the years have formed trenches several meters deep.

In front of this giant beast, the landplane they were riding was like a small ant, let alone a person.

“It’s amazing, it’s still steaming, it’s like living – Gao Qi, look, did you see it? It’s like a whale, no, bigger than a whale.”

This huge mobile city is moving slowly, and the cooling vents in the middle layer are open, spraying out a white mist for water cooling, like a blue whale ventilating in the ocean.

“Yeah, I saw it, I saw it, it’s really, magnificent—”

Standing behind Skadi, Gao Qi hugged her slender waist and gently kneaded her belly.

It wasn’t surprising to Scati, and he also gently put his small hand on Gao Qi’s big hand and looked at the distant scenery together.

From Sargon to Colombia, the speed of the landline ship was average, and it took nearly a month to arrive.

During this time, Gao Qi occasionally showed Scottie a movie about love.

Of course, Skadi is still ignorant in this regard. Gao Qi has always selectively shown her some romantic reunion plots with positive and sunny content.

As for the scenes such as the shaker, they are naturally passed, and even the Gallic kiss will not be shown to Scady.

Of course, it wasn’t easy for Skadi to be enlightened, but he also gained a lot of knowledge.

And after watching the movie, the two of them slept directly on the big bed, already used to hugging each other.

But this time, it wasn’t just Scotty who unilaterally used Gao Qi as a pillow. After watching a certain love movie scene, at night, Scotty also began to ask Gao Qi to put his arms around her to sleep.

Naturally, Gao Qi accepted it readily—although his arm was still often broken, it was so cool!

About to arrive at his destination, Gao Qi has packed his room and put on a light white coat and blue denim trousers.

This is the most common attire in Colombia. He didn’t know how many years he hadn’t worn this kind of modern clothes, but it was a little awkward for a while.

In the wild Sargon, no one would care about the hunter’s charred and blood-stained uniform, but in the advanced and modern city of Colombia, if you wear it like this, the chance of turning back is too high.

Although Gao Qi is not an assassin who must hide in the shadows like the scorpion, it is not good to be too conspicuous.

“San Foucault, one of the most prosperous and huge cities in Colombia, has the largest number of research institutions in Colombia, and even several world-renowned universities. Just as a research area, the Takla Valley has a distance of 48 kilometers. Length, 16 kilometers wide… Really big!”

Looking at the mobile phone in his hand, which was already connected to the city’s local area network and displayed a full signal, Gao Qi was standing behind Skadi, reading the information he had found above, and he couldn’t help but sigh.

[Isn’t this San Francisco and Silicon Valley, exactly the same, really the world’s police, the beacon of freedom? 】

This city is one of the largest and most advanced cities in the young country of Colombia. It brings together the world’s largest number of talents and researchers. It is also known as the two most outstanding research countries in the world along with Letania.

Looking at the slogans on the mobile phone, among the promotional slogans of the tourism bureau, praised Colombia and the city, Gao Qi felt that he had a serious sense of déjà vu.

How could an emerging hegemonic country rise only by research and trade?

However, Gao Qi doesn’t care about the true face of Colombia. For him, as long as there is what he wants in this city, it is enough.

Regarding the unknowns and secrets of the gods in this world, this is what Gao Qi must know as soon as possible.

Gao Qi needs to become stronger, so powerful that he can hunt down a reckless man like the Foehn.

In the same way, Gao Qi also needs to make Skadi stronger, and at the same time avoid any possibility that will make her “transform” and become Red Titi.

This is the purpose of Gao Qi’s continuous walking on the Terra Continent – there is no more lofty goal than fighting for the girl he likes.

[I hope Kelsey can find something from this thing. After she finishes researching it, I will try to absorb this thing directly. 】

In his hand, the skull with a burning halo appeared. Looking at this “wisdom of ancient gods”, Gao Qi frowned, feeling the hot breath above, and quickly put it away and continued to rub Si Katie’s little belly.

Along the way, this skull continued to exude a seductive aura, and wanted Gao Qi to absorb it as much as possible, but Gao Qi still did not choose to absorb this power.

It’s not as simple as adding a few more Spirit Visions, changing into a few new sets of clothes, or buying a few bottles of blood cocktails.

Through Quintus and Parvis, the “madman’s knowledge” produced by the two, Gao Qi has been exposed to the world they know.

The moment Quintus turned into a sea child, and the moment Parvis was bombarded by the Foehn, indescribable knowledge had passively poured into their minds.

Through the knowledge of the madman, Gao Qi instantly connected to the network of thoughts of the superiors.

In other words, Gao Qi became a “believer” of the two superiors, the God of Haisi and the God of Foehn.

Just like the bloodline connected to the deep sea hunter, if he senses the power of Foehn, Gao Qi can also react.

The knowledge of a madman has such power, so what impact will the “wisdom of the ancient gods” bring to Gao Qi?

In case, this thing can open another channel to connect the Foehn hot land, and let the **** of Foehn give Gao Qi another shot…

So, Gao Qi didn’t plan to use this dangerous thing for the time being, but kept it as a backup, at least to show it off to Kelsey.

No, in addition to this one in his hand, there is actually a “knowledge” in Gao Qi’s body that was voluntarily given by a **** – which big sister, the **** of yellow sand.

In return, Gao Qi did him a small favor.

“Okay, don’t worry so much, we have time to stroll slowly — come on, change into new clothes, we’re ready to go.”

A faint golden mark flashed on his forehead. Feeling the familiar atmosphere in the next room, Gao Qi patted Skadi on the shoulder.

“Colombia also has a lot of delicious food and interesting places.”

After loosening Scotty’s belly, Gao Qi patted her round buttocks and drove her to the bed.

“That’s right—then I’ll definitely go!”

Skadi raised the corner of his mouth, excited like a traveling child, and immediately rushed to the bed happily, without shy about Gao Qi taking off his shirt, revealing his snow-white body.

Fortunately, after seeing the light for the first time, Gao Qi forced her to put on underwear, so she wouldn’t be too revealing.

While admiring the white belly of the little killer whale, Gao Qi pressed his mobile phone and made a call to the only number he remembered.

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