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The Runesmith

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“Welcome to the Gretel Adventurer Guild. I see it’s your first time here. How can I be of service?”

“I’d like to turn in a quest. Here are the papers and my adventurer card.”

“Ah, please give me a moment.”

“Of course.”

A woman adorned with large oval glasses and dressed in the standard adventurer guild receptionist uniform greeted Roland with a smile. His somewhat monotonous journey had concluded, and he was now at liberty to continue on his own. The train ride hChapter 414: Evaluation?

“L-lady Castellane, is this necessary? I-I’m sure we can lure in the Blood-Vulture in a different fas.h.i.+on.”

“Don’t be a spoilsport, just take the meat and wait.”

“You don’t trust Lady Castellane’s plan?”

“N-no, perish the thought. It’s just t-that…”

A hushed conversation unfolded among a group of people gathered around a floating orb of light. Among them was a young girl, appearing to be around fourteen or fifteen. Clad in dark robes, they all wore uniforms bearing a distinct emblem, reminiscent of the late Archmage Xandar.

“My dear little Lucienne, if you paid attention in cla.s.s, then you’d know that Blood-Vulturs are a skittish bunch, just like you~”

Six individuals were present, with four standing behind a particular blond girl. Four of them shared a similar emblem, featuring the legendary phoenix with wings outstretched in fiery brilliance, adorned with hues of gold and crimson. However, the emblem differed for the two other girls standing behind Lady Castellane, their phoenix motif appearing more silvery, while Lucienne’s had a somewhat paler steel coloring.


“We need those feathers for the next a.s.signment, you wouldn’t want me to fail my next a.s.signment, now would you?”


“Well then, let me explain again as you might have already forgotten. The Blood-Vulture will only appear when it smells blood but will quickly withdraw if the prey isn’t alive …”

The blond girl turned to the side, nodding at one of the men who had accompanied the four girls. Unlike them, he did not bear the phoenix emblem of Xandar’s Inst.i.tute, and his attire differed – silvery half-plate armor adorned with a distinct insignia. Responding to the nod, he stepped forward, clutching a jar containing some red liquid.

“The meat might not be enough, so as a precaution…”

“What are you…”

The contents of the jar were poured onto the girls robes and some of it had even spilled through it and onto her body. It had a distinct smell along with a fragrance that the people here knew, it was monster blood.

“Stop squirming, It’ll be fine before the vulture strikes we’ll save you, so do your job and wait.”

Lucienne bit her lip, her eyes darting nervously between Lady Castellane and the chuckling ensemble behind her. The plan seemed to be unfolding in a manner that made her increasingly uncomfortable. The air around her grew tense as the scent of the monster blood permeated the surroundings as she was left to fend for herself in this darkened forest.

The group fell silent, antic.i.p.ation hanging in the air. The only sound was the occasional rustle of the surrounding trees and the subdued whispers of the group members. Lucienne couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease that clung to her like a shadow. After a few moments, the atmosphere s.h.i.+fted. The air seemed charged with magical energy, and the floating orb of light dimmed. Lady Castellane’s eyes narrowed, and she raised her hand in a signal for silence.

Lucienne’s breath quickened, her heartbeat echoing in the dark forest as she found herself alone and vulnerable. The night sky was clear, the moon casting its ethereal glow across the surroundings. The rustling of trees intensified, and she anxiously scanned the area for the source of the eerie sounds. A fleeting silence gripped the place, but safety remained elusive as mysterious glowing eyes soon materialized from the shadows.

Something felt amiss; the eye structure didn’t align with that of a Blood-Volture. Moreover, it wasn’t an isolated pair of eyes inching closer; there were multiple sets. A ferocious growl pierced the air, and a creature resembling a black wolf emerged from the shadows of the forest. Instantly, Lucienne sensed that this creature posed a far greater threat than a Blood-Volture, a challenge beyond her own capabilities.

“A Wolf-Fiend?”

As Lucienne opened her mouth, many loud howls resonated through the entire area. The monster was not alone, and the haunting sounds echoed from various angles, including where her supposed friends were stationed. The men’s voices soon joined the dissonance as they shouted, urging a retreat.

“Lady Castellane, we must withdraw! The meat has attracted lesser Wolf-Fiends, and there might be a higher form in the pack that we won’t be able to handle!”

“Everyone, retreat!”

Lady Castellane, the leader of the group, issued the command, prompting everyone to sprint away. However, Lucienne, who had been used as bait, found herself abandoned and left to fend for herself. Despite her attempts to catch up with the fleeing group, she wasn’t a swift runner. The wolf-like creatures quickly discerned her as their target and began a relentless pursuit.

Panicking, Lucienne weaved through the trees, her robes getting caught on branches as she desperately tried to put distance between herself and the approaching Wolf-Fiends. The magical blood scent clung to her, acting as a magnet for the creatures.

As the beasts closed in, Lucienne stumbled over a protruding tree root, falling to the forest floor. One of the lesser wolves, a dark creature with crimson eyes, leaped forward, its jaws snapping dangerously close to her. Lucienne who had been frantically chanting a spell pointed towards the wolf. Before it could bite her a s.h.i.+eld of mana surrounded her body to protect her.

The monster sank its teeth into the glowing mana s.h.i.+eld, but it proved resistant. Undeterred, it recognized that the person behind the s.h.i.+eld wasn’t retaliating. The creature’s teeth began to emit a darkish hue as it activated one of its own skills. The s.h.i.+eld created by the young mage wasn’t exceptionally robust, it became evident that, given enough time, it would eventually give way.

“No, stay away! Someone? Is there anyone there?”

She called out to the group that she arrived with but the sound of their steps was not there. It became clear to her that she was abandoned and left to fend for herself in this forbidden part of the forest. Soon two more Fiend-Wolves appeared, their growling and howling intensified as they plunged themselves in her direction…

“There, is that better my young friend?”

In mere moments, the small cat had become a humanoid figure with fur as dark as midnight, retaining the same feline features. A humanoid black puma now stood before Roland, wearing a pair of spectacles perched on its feline-like nose. The transformation was seamless, a testament to Arion’s mastery of transfiguration magic. Roland couldn’t help but be surprised at the spectacle that had taken place before him.

“Quite the sight, but next time, warn me when you will do that…”

“Ah yes, is this the first time you witnessed transfiguration magic? Perhaps, it piqued your interests? It’s quite the varied field of study but also very volatile if you make any mistakes.”


“Ah yes, if you aren’t careful you might blow yourself up! Or even worse, turn yourself into a chicken and lose all memories!”

“A chicken?”

Roland took a moment to observe Arion’s new appearance. The man belonged to a beast race, resembling a puma. Unlike lesser beast races such as Sister Ka.s.sia or Dyana, Arion had fewer human features. His height was slightly below Roland’s, and the sight of a humanoid cat wearing a luxurious mage robe was quite novel. It was evident that Arion cared a lot about presenting himself to others.

“Yes, a chicken… poor Zachary, he will be missed, such a tragedy… but this is not the time for old tales, come let us discuss your stay here!”

“Yes, let us do that…”

Arion gestured towards a comfortable-looking chair across his cluttered desk. Roland took a seat, his eyes still adjusting to the eccentric surroundings of Arion’s office. The floating magical artifacts, the peculiar telescope, and the shelves of ancient tomes all hinted at a life dedicated to the pursuit of magical knowledge. As Roland settled into the chair, Arion joined him on the other side of the desk. The feline professor leaned back in his chair, his tail swaying casually.

“Now, my dear Wayland, just as you’ve wanted, I’ve managed to secure your access to the Academy library…”

There was a slight pause at the end of the sentence and Roland caught onto it easily. Even though Arion was a feline, he was not good at hiding his emotions.

“… Is there a problem?”

“Well… as you might know, the Inst.i.tute’s library is a restricted area…”


He nodded in response, unsure of what Arion was getting at. He knew that his feline friend was a Professor at the academy and a tier 3 mage, just like him. Arion specialized in Runic enchantments and was responsible for many of the mage towers inside the Inst.i.tute. Roland a.s.sumed that such a person would have some sort of free library pa.s.s for his acquaintances or could at least pull some strings to make it happen. In the letters, he was presented with and during their talks, it seemed that there wouldn’t be a problem concerning this issue.

“How do I say this… you will be granted access to the Library to do your research but… you’ll have to go through a trial period first…”

“A trial period? You didn’t say anything about such a thing?”

“I know… I wasn’t aware of it until a few days ago. Let me explain.”

“Please do.”

After giving off a little sigh, Arion started explaining the structures of the Inst.i.tute and how it was divided into many different departments. There was an Alchemy department, one for Summoning Magic, one for traditional core magic, and various others. He was the leading teacher for the Runic department, which, compared to the others, was somewhat smaller and lacked funds. It seemed that after creating the mage towers, there was not much use for further rune study. He made it seem that he was mostly there for conservation purposes and for times when the runes failed, which didn’t happen all too often.

“So it’s like that, so when you meant that you were short-handed, you meant that…”

“Yes, besides a few student volunteers… I’m the only runic mage in this department. I still had Lucille with me a month or two ago but she has been having issues with her family.”

“Lucille did?”

He knew this woman’s name because she was involved with his older brother, Robert. The two hadn’t contacted him in a while, so he was wondering what the issue might have been. Considering that Lucille was getting up in age and family issues were involved, the problem could be related to marriage. It was not something that he wished to pry into as he expected such a problem to arise. Robert was a simple knight in the army, while she was a count’s daughter. Their backgrounds were too different for it to work out without her family’s involvement.

“Ah yes, I hope she comes back soon… but now you are here…”

“You don’t mean…”

“Yes, the position that you will be taking is of an a.s.sistant Professor!”

Roland’s eyes widened in surprise. He had antic.i.p.ated that he might be involved in some capacity due to his proficiency in runic enchantments, but becoming an a.s.sistant professor was a significant responsibility. It wasn’t just about gaining access to the library; he was being offered a role that carried weight within the Inst.i.tute, one that might force him to

“a.s.sistant Professor? Do you actually expect me to…”

“Well, my dear friend, considering your knowledge and skills, you are more than qualified for the position. Plus, the Academy is in need of someone with your expertise. With Lucille gone, the Runic Department has been struggling to keep up with the demand for maintenance and improvements in the mage towers. You won’t have to do much, after the initial interview you’ll just have to a.s.sist me with a few and do a few odd jobs with the students…”

Arion turned his face to the side as if he was afraid to face Roland who had a somewhat irritated look on his face. Roland’s mind raced with thoughts. While the idea of being an a.s.sistant professor was intriguing, he couldn’t help but wonder about the workload and responsibilities that came with the position. His primary goal was still to delve into the Academy’s library and gather information about mana phantoms. However, he did not really want to interact with other mages or even worse, teenage students.

Before attaining his first mage cla.s.s, he had researched this highly regarded magical inst.i.tute. From the outside, it appeared to be a dream come true, but there were a few nightmares hidden within. First of all, the place was segregated into groups. One of these groups comprised commoner mages, whose status was the lowest among everyone. Then there were individuals with wealth and lower n.o.bility, with higher n.o.bility being considered the best of the best. A clear divide existed among the students, and when he was younger, he had been preparing himself for potential bullying by the higher-standing n.o.bles.

“Fine, if it gets me into the library, then I’ll do it… but what will my duties be? You don’t really expect me to teach the students?”

“Mm… I’m not sure. Your primary duty would be to the Runic Department, a.s.sisting and maintaining the mage towers, but you first need to go through the evaluation…”

“There is an evaluation?”

“Yes, this is the most I could do… but the council of mages didn’t want to allow an outsider into the inst.i.tute without evaluating them first. I’ll have to apologize for misleading you, my friend. If you don’t wish to proceed, I’ll understand. I will still be able to procure a temporary pa.s.s so you can remain here, but you won’t be able to do your research…”

Roland contemplated the situation for a moment. Becoming an a.s.sistant professor wasn’t what he had envisioned, but the lure of the vast library and the chance to delve into the mysteries of mana was too tempting to resist. He had already gotten here in less than a week, so leaving now would also be just pointless. After a brief silence, he spoke.

“Alright, let’s proceed with the evaluation. I’ll do what it takes to gain access to the library and conduct my research. Can you explain what this ‘evaluation’ will be about? Will I have to take a written test?”

Arion’s eyes sparkled with grat.i.tude and relief. Roland wasn’t sure if his friend intended to burden him with how things turned out, but if he went through with it, there were many things to gain. The library was one part; then, there were the mage towers that, after being part of this Runic department, he would apparently have free access to. His aim was to go through all of them and copy all the runic structures that he could get his hands on.

Mage towers were marvels of magical technology and powerful tools. If he could recreate one for himself inside Albrook, then even a tier 4 monster could be dealt with. These structures could magnify a person’s magical power to the extreme. The compound that he created himself with the turrets was an attempt to imitate these structures; if he could research them, then creating an impenetrable stronghold wouldn’t be a pipe dream.

“Usually, your status as a tier 3 mage should be sufficient enough but due to your lack of a proper education and any certificates from other magical academies, the evaluation might be more extensive. I wouldn’t be surprised if the evaluation will involve practical applications of magic, maybe even problem solving skills…”

“Practical applications, you make it sound like I will have to fight monsters?”

“Well… I might have mentioned that you are a platinum adventurer with extensive knowledge of magical combat. The academy is always looking for battlemages to guarantee the safety of our students; they can be quite the rascals.”

“I see…”

He couldn’t really hold it against Arion, as Roland’s ident.i.ty could only be confirmed by his adventurer card. He could only blame himself for being a mysterious rune-slinging craftsman-mage that people were suspicious of. If he were in their place, he would probably do the same. However, after hearing about the battle test, he had the sinking suspicion that after pa.s.sing it, his tasks would increase in scope.

“Yes, indeed. You’ll need to showcase your magical prowess, demonstrate your understanding of runic enchantments, and perhaps prove your ability to work in a collaborative and educational setting.”

Roland nodded, absorbing the information. He was confident in his magical abilities, but the prospect of interacting with students and faculty posed a different set of challenges. As someone who had spent most of his life researching and practicing magic alone, teaching others was a novel and somewhat intimidating prospect.

“When will this evaluation take place? How long do I have to prepare for it.”

“The Council of Mages has arranged for the evaluation to take place in two days. I’m not quite sure about the a.s.sessment but I’m sure it won’t be anything too difficult for someone like you.”

“Two days? That doesn’t leave much time to prepare…”

While Roland tried not to sigh too loudly, Arion started chuckling. It seemed that the situation was a little bit amusing to him, but he also was hopeful that Roland would get through the trials. With an a.s.sistant professor in the department, he would be getting the help that he craved for, and perhaps with some new blood on board, his funding could finally been uneventful, devoid of monster attacks or any attempts to capture the merchant. In a sense, he felt he had been overpaid for doing very little, as the two main guards had shouldered most of the responsibilities while he merely accompanied them.

The merchant he had accompanied had his base of operations in this location. He was part of the new movement attempting to earn money within Albrook and had visited it to inspect it firsthand. The man exhibited a peculiar trait, as he didn’t trust anyone to make the right call, often visiting such places on his own before making a decision. Roland benefitted from this behavior, securing a ride back to the central region of the Kingdom, a location much closer to his old home than before.

Though it was irksome to be looked down upon by his personal guards, Roland managed to maintain his composure. Upon arriving at the location, he received the stamp of approval that marked the completion of his mission. The lady with glasses, upon inspecting the papers, displayed a heightened level of concern, evident in her demeanor. It was hard to overlook the presence of the high-profile merchant, one of the wealthiest individuals in the city with connections to numerous noble houses. Nevertheless, she swiftly composed herself, maintaining her professional demeanor.

“Thank you for completing this mission, Mr. Wayland. It seems you’ve handled it quite efficiently. Is there anything else you’d like to do at the guild today?”

“Yes, could I purchase a map of the region?”

“A map? Of course.”

“Just deduct the price from the commission.”

The receptionist nodded, processing the paperwork swiftly before retrieving a detailed map of the region from a nearby shelf. Roland’s eyes scanned the parchment, taking note of the various landmarks, cities, and dungeons marked on it. He was particularly interested in the area that he would be visiting as he needed to make another stop before reaching the institute.

As Roland studied the map, the receptionist couldn’t help but ask.

“Planning on exploring some dungeons, Mr. Wayland?”

Roland looked up, his face covered by a hood and also a runic helmet. Which blocked the receptionist from seeing his wry smile. He wasn’t sure if this woman was just being friendly or if she was gathering information on the new wandering adventurer.

“Perhaps… Do you have a stable here?” DiisCoover 𝒖pdated novels on n(o)v./e/lbin(.)co𝒎

“We do, it’s just around the corner, do you wish for me to propose a stead?”

“No thank you. I’ll just ask the Stable Hand.”

He swiftly concluded the encounter and received his sack of coins for the trip. The compensation seemed modest, considering this was a task for a Platinum adventurer, but the airship ride itself served as a part of the reward. Shortly after, he stepped outside, attracting the attention of the locals. His status as a Platinum adventurer made him stand out in the crowd, but with a single side glance, everyone promptly returned to their own activities.

‘I guess being a high-ranking adventurer has its perks… Now where is that stable…’

Typically, Roland relied on merchant caravans for long-distance travel to various locations. However, given the proximity of his next destination, he opted for a different approach. For such a short journey, it made more sense to rent out a horse or another type of mount and travel independently. If he were to forego this option, he’d have to wait an additional day for the merchants to gather, and they would likely camp out, something he wished to avoid to save on precious time.

‘That crest belongs to the Castellane house…’

As Roland walked towards the stable, he noticed a distinctive noble crest that caught his attention. The crest was divided into four quadrants, each symbolizing a different aspect. A towering castle in the top-left quadrant signified ancestral strength, while golden wheat in the bottom-left represented prosperity. A regal lion in the top-right quadrant stood for courage and nobility, and a flowing river in the bottom-right symbolized the passage of time. Regular people wouldn’t be able to distinguish the meaning behind the crest but he was different, it was a house that he was very familiar with.

The Castellane house belonged to the royalist faction and served as the direct superiors to the Arden house, to which Roland belonged. As a marquess house, they operated directly under the royal family. Despite Roland being mostly ignored by his family, it was made explicit that he should hold the Castellane house in high regard. His family emphasized that if he ever found himself in the presence of someone from the Castellane nobles, he must bow his head in respect. According to what he knew, his father had served as a Knight Commander for them in his youth, and it was through their assistance that he was granted the title of Baron.

It was something that he expected to encounter sooner or later but seeing it this close still made him uncomfortable. His old self would have nothing to do with this area and the thought of being berated by his family members again, was quite unappealing. Luckily, the crest was just a mark on one of the buildings and their main estate was not in this city. It was a similar situation as in Albrook, at most he would find another noble associated with them instead.

‘Robert shouldn’t be here but those other two… where did they end up?’

Roland had three elder brothers. Robert had chosen to enlist in the army at the borders, aspiring to become an officer. Resigned to the belief that he wouldn’t be able to assume the role of Baron, Robert had abandoned any aspirations for succession. On the other hand, his other two brothers, Reyner and Edwin, were actively vying for control of the entire Arden estate. Roland wasn’t entirely certain about their current endeavors, he recognized that the information provided by Robert was likely outdated.

‘I think the two took up internships at higher noble houses and were working there as personal Knights… I wonder where they ended up.’

It was not uncommon for children of nobility to seek employment with higher-ranking noble houses. One of Roland’s older sisters had served as a personal maid for a member of a higher house. While on the surface, it might seem like a role unfit for nobility, the connections and opportunities it provided were highly valued in noble circles. The chance to be closer to real power emanating from higher nobility and royalty was something nobles were willing to pursue, even if it meant taking on seemingly menial positions. Roland did the same thing by tying himself to Arthur who with his name, was able to protect his shop from the Union.

The stable Roland sought was not far, and as he approached, he noticed a variety of mounts available for rent. Horses of different sizes and colors were tethered to the wooden posts, waiting for riders. Roland approached the Stable Hand, a sturdy-looking man with a weathered face, who was currently grooming a horse. The Stable hand turned to him and inquired.

“Greetings, sir. How can I assist you today?”

“I need a mount for a short journey. Something swift and sturdy.”

Roland replied while examining the steeds with the help of his analyzing skill. There were other creatures present that looked like large yellow ostriches and even ones resembling dinosaurs.

“Certainly, sir. We have a few options available. Do you have a preference?”

Roland glanced over the available mounts, eyeing a sleek chestnut horse that seemed to fit his criteria. The exotic creatures weren’t to his liking as he preferred to stick to things that he already knew and horse riding was not anything new.

“I’ll take that one.”“You have a keen eye sir, this one is reliable and fast.”

For a moment he expected the man to ask him about the price but he remained quiet. This horse that he selected was among the more premium choices as its speed was far superior to the other regular ones. However, he was a platinum adventurer who would be able to afford it. The Stable Hand just nodded, finishing his grooming task before preparing the chosen horse for Roland. After ensuring the saddle was secure and the horse was equipped with the necessary gear, he brought it over.

“Are you aware of the procedures?”

“I am but, refresh my memory.”

“Sure thing.”

The man efficiently outlined all the requirements, emphasizing the importance of returning the horse in one piece. If the horse fled or fell victim to a monster, Roland would be required to pay for the damages. He received a slip detailing the current date and time, with the cost increasing the longer he took to return the horse. The fee varied based on adventurer rank; those with lower ranks had to pay more for the mount, and some even needed to cover the entire horse’s cost, which would then be refunded at the guild of their destination. Fortunately, Roland’s high adventurer rank meant the expense wouldn’t be too burdensome. He could even get a free horse if he chose one of the slower ones.

With the formalities settled, Roland took the chestnut horse that looked quite robust. In size, this breed was comparable to a draft horse but resembled a more regular breed. It was more muscular and could run much faster, reaching a speed of eighty kilometers per hour. With the help of this mount he would be able to reach his next destination without the need to camp out.

The steed came equipped with a robust saddle and harness to which he could attach his spatial bags. He attached his large war hammer to it while his shield remained strapped to his back and hidden under his robe. With everything settled, he patted the well-trained horse that didn’t seem to mind new travelers. Soon he was riding through the streets while looking at the new map that he bought.

Roland found himself close to the center of the Kingdom, and a journey northeast would lead him to the second-largest lake within the Kingdom of Caldris. In proximity to this lake, there was a dungeon known for housing water-based creatures, a stark contrast to the volcanic beings that roamed the Albrook dungeon. The institute lay half a day’s gallop to the north, marking his destination.

“I just need to get to the nearby guild branch, and then I can grab a carriage to the institute…”

Examining the map in his hands, Roland noted that it was more centered around the local lands. However, his awareness extended to the west, where the Holy Kingdom of Alexandria stood. This kingdom supplied paladin trainees to Albrook and held a somewhat neutral stance on the continent. The real challenges lay with the Western Hatfordian Empire and the Eastern Burmecian Empire, both of which harbored a mutual dislike for each other. These empires sandwiched the Kingdom of Caldris, viewing it as a potential territory for conquest.

The Hatfordian Empire and the Burmecian Empire frequently clashed in a smaller northern region where their borders converged. This section of the map bore witness to some of the bloodiest battles fought among the three countries. The region was rich in resources coveted by both empires, and it also housed arguably the continent’s largest dungeon. Fortunately, all three countries had access to this colossal dungeon, as there were multiple entrances. This accessibility had helped curb much bloodshed, as control of the surrounding lands was no longer a prerequisite for entry.

The dungeon itself was a sprawling maze that extended both horizontally and vertically, occupying an estimated area of around one hundred kilometers. Its true size remained uncertain as it extended laterally and delved deeper underground. The dungeon harbored its own ecosystem, concealing various resources and monsters throughout its vast expanse. Inside, it wasn’t strange for the three countries to clash with each other. Every path that was taken always brought everyone to certain biomes that were a free for all.

‘There has been a ceasefire ever since that large war but how long will it last?’

Roland rolled up the map and stowed it in one of his spatial pouches. His thoughts drifted to Robert, who had apparently headed toward the volatile region. In those border skirmishes, forces from both empires would clash, and at times, these confrontations spilled into the dungeons. These skirmishes were usually a test through which the Empire continuously measured this Kingdom’s strength.

The dungeons themselves were arenas of potential danger, as adventurers might serve as spies for rival nations. Safety was never guaranteed. Despite his usual lack of concern for others, Roland found himself unexpectedly worried about his brother. There was an unusual sense of fraternal attachment, and he could only hope that Robert would remain safe in such a perilous environment.

As Roland’s mind gradually shifted back to the present, he reached the exit gate and left the cityscape behind. The weather in this area was pleasant, neither too warm nor too cold, with patches of forest dotting the landscape as he ventured northeast. The well-paved road allowed his horse to travel swiftly, and maneuvering past slow-moving merchant caravans posed no challenge. Occasionally, strange shouts from monsters in the nearby forest served as a stark reminder that, outside of large settlements, no area could truly be considered safe.

The journey remained largely uneventful, and aside from his aching posterior, Roland was in good condition. As the sun dipped below the horizon, he noticed a radiant glow ahead. The road, transitioning from dirt to a concrete-like surface, led to his final destination: the magical town of Farbell. Situated in proximity to Xandar’s Institute of Wizardry, the shining light marked the entrance to this mystical place.

What Roland observed resembled streetlights, yet they were not crafted from any metallic parts. These ‘lights’ appeared like small, slender trees, each adorned with a large, glowing fruit dangling from its branches. As he passed by one, he could sense the flow of mana emanating from below, likely coursing through a complex network of roots that interconnected all these trees with each other.

‘Interesting… it’s some type of plant magic, I wonder what it uses for fuel.’

The magical phenomenon before Roland was unfamiliar to him, as he hadn’t delved into the intricacies of organic plant life. The closest he had come was inscribing runes on special wood, a far cry from interacting with living plants like the radiant trees lining the road. As darkness descended, the fruits on these trees began to glow brighter, emitting a calming fragrance. Roland surmised the purpose and effect of this scent – it served to pacify monsters averse to its aroma, a quality that didn’t impact individuals of the other races.

Guided by the soft glow of the magical trees, Roland continued his journey to Farbell. The town’s unique atmosphere intrigued him, as the magical essence in the air seemed to enhance the overall ambiance. The architecture of the buildings shifted from the conventional stone structures to more whimsical designs, with ethereal enchantments weaving through the very fabric of the town.

Venturing through the entrance gate didn’t pose much of a problem after he presented them with his platinum adventurer card. While this town was inclined more towards the magical, it wasn’t much different than any other settlement. He made his way to the local branch of the adventurer guild, a structure that blended seamlessly with the mystical surroundings. Inside, the atmosphere was bustling with energy.

Upon entering Farbell, Roland noticed a distinctive presence among the adventurers – the mages. The concentration of mana in the atmosphere surpassed that of any other adventurer guild he had encountered. Young mages, identifiable by their robes, formed their own groups within the guild.

‘I’ll have to get used to seeing more mages. I’ve heard that they take commissions from guilds and collaborate with other adventurers through the school. Engaging in combat lessons is apparently part of the curriculum.’

He quickly took care of the horse, giving him away as was previously agreed upon. This marked his final stop before the actual destination – the academy. While the institute wasn’t far from his current location, arriving at night was deemed inappropriate. The academy stood as a closed-off area, accessible only to individuals with special permission. Without the introduction letter that he received from Professor Arion, he would be unable to venture into it.

‘I should tell Elodia that I’ve arrived…’

Without wasting any time, he secured temporary lodgings. There, he could finally enjoy a good night’s rest. As the sun rose, he would finally set out for the magical academy. He hoped to wrap up his affairs within a month or two before returning home, but whether this plan would succeed remained uncertain…

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