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Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

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Chapter 1 : C1 part10

Different World Nation Alchimyra -The Weakest King and the Unrivaled Army

Chapter 1 part 10

First Diplomacy

――To cut to the chase.

The Helian group was not welcomed by the people of the village.

The village consisted of stone houses and houses that seemed to have rooms carved out of decaying trees.

There were probably over a hundred houses, but less than two hundred. In between the houses, makeshift dwellings resembling tents were set up.

However, these tents were far from impressive like those of Turkish nomads. They were simply makeshift structures, reflecting more of a refugee camp than a village.

There, people who had escaped from the Elven kingdom, known as Noblewood, where they were attacked, sought shelter and clung to each other for survival within the cramped settlement.

Understandably, there was no way they would welcome humans who brought along the hostile Elven race. Considering they weren’t pelted with stones, they could only consider it a slight improvement. Without prior intervention, things could have easily escalated to that point.

In the midst of such a dreadful atmosphere, there was one person who managed to dispel it: a half-elf girl named Leifa.

She explained to the people of the village that the Helian group were her life-saving benefactors.

After hearing the whole story, the villagers, who had been giving the Helians piercing glares, managed to soften their expressions, realizing that these were none other than the individuals who had saved Leifa’s life.

What remained were only curious gazes, tinged with a mix of intrigue and strangeness, directed towards the human traveler with black hair and black eyes, accompanied by two beautiful women. While it was already known that black hair and black eyes were rare, it felt as if they had become a spectacle like a panda in a sideshow.

And as expected… Leifa turned out to be a member of the royal family of the half-elf kingdom, Latestwood.

Moreover, she was the firstborn of the queen, the first princess with the highest claim to the throne. With the current queen’s whereabouts unknown, Leifa was apparently acting as the interim queen, rallying the people. She also had a younger sister, and apart from their parents, whose fate was unknown, they were the only ones left in the royal lineage.

As for why such an important person like her was alone in the middle of the forest…

“――Rescuing the current queen?”

“Yes. I don’t know the exact reasons, but the elves of Noblewood are not trying to kill us, the ones who escaped; they are attempting to capture us alive. This leaves a possibility that my parents, the current queen and the king consort of our kingdom, might still be alive. However, the defenses of Noblewood are formidable. We initially planned to send an elite reconnaissance team to infiltrate, but…”

Inside a particular tent within the village, Helian sat cross-legged, accompanied by a prominent figure from Latestwood. As he listened to the explanation, he tilted his head in puzzlement.

By the way, Leve and Elthina stood behind Helian, slightly withdrawn. Although Leifa urged them to take a seat—perhaps considering Helian’s role as their protector—they politely declined and remained standing, expressing their gratitude in a respectful manner.

“An elite reconnaissance team? Why are you part of it? And what about the others?”

“I possess the ‘Summoning Magic’ that I demonstrated earlier. The plan was for me to infiltrate as far as the location where the current queen and the others might be held captive, and then summon reinforcements to force our escape. It requires a considerable force to make a successful escape.

However, we were discovered by the soldiers of Noblewood before we could even breach the city’s outer wall. It ended in that unfortunate manner. As for the others… they were captured as decoys to ensure my escape.”

“I see…”

The more he heard, the more complicated the situation seemed.

From the flow of the conversation, it appeared that she was the only spellcaster capable of manipulating that summoning magic. The fact that the royal family—especially the interim queen herself—had to personally participate meant they must be in an extremely desperate situation.

It might not be something he could say to himself, as the king who had gone on an overseas investigation.

“――Excuse me, guests.”

Amidst their settled conversation, a sharp voice interjected.

The interrupter was a young half-elf woman who had been summoned as a precursor.

According to Leifa’s explanation, she was the deputy commander entrusted with the defense of the village. Since the warrior captain who led the elite reconnaissance team had been lost, she was currently fulfilling the role of captain herself. It was this woman who now directed a slightly stern gaze towards Helian and the others.

“Guests, it seems that your manners towards Lady Leifa are somewhat lacking, don’t you think?”


Leifa uttered the woman’s name as a gentle reprimand.

Nevertheless, Wenri—the woman in question—remained unyielding, refusing to stay silent.

“Please allow me, Lady Leifa. … Guests, I sincerely express my gratitude for assisting Lady Leifa. However, I must point out that you have been bombarding her with rapid-fire questions without giving her a chance to speak. It comes across as impolite and intrusive. Moreover, why is it that despite being travelers, you seem ignorant of the current situation in this area? Are you truly just travelers?”

“Wenri, it is you who is being impolite! Lord Helian and the others extended their kindness to help me. Such suspicions, in fact, lack courtesy.”

Despite being reprimanded, Wenri’s gaze remained stern as she looked at Helian.

The eyes of the half-elf guards accompanying them held a similar sentiment.

Certainly, they appeared suspicious. They were well aware of the doubts they would face. That’s why, during their journey to the village, Helian had racked his brain and devised appropriate measures.

“I see. Wenri, your concerns are understandable. You suspect that we may be working as pawns for the Elves… for [Noblewood], is that correct?”

“…I didn’t go as far as saying that. I simply felt a sense of unease about guests claiming to be travelers.”

“I see. However, it is true that we are travelers. Though if you were to ask whether we are ordinary travelers, it becomes a bit complicated.”

“What do you mean?”

“We come from the Abyssal Forest of the Deep.”


The room buzzed with commotion.

The term “Abyssal Forest” had been mentioned in a conversation between Leifa and the Elven man. Judging from the context, it referred to “that forest” with enchanting effects.

The Half-Elf kingdom of [Latestwood] is located near the border with the human territory, which lies to the east.

According to what I’ve heard, the Elven kingdom of [Noblewood] is located to the northwest, and [Latestwood] has been pushed back to the forest near the boundary line between the Abyssal Forest and the human territory.

So, the Abyssal Forest must refer to that mysterious forest where Alchimyra was forcibly transported.

“Are you suggesting that our guests are minions of the Demon Lord!?”

Wenri reacted with heightened sensitivity. She had a look that seemed ready to rise and draw her bow and arrows, but Helian calmly – albeit pretending – shook his head to deny it.

“Is the Demon Lord really present in the Abyss of the Deep Woods? That’s news to me. You see, we were exploring a certain ancient castle when we suddenly found ourselves transported to an unfamiliar forest. As a result, our group got separated, and we’ve been wandering in the forest for a good five days now. It’s been quite a while since we last encountered other people, and we only just learned the name Abyss of the Deep Woods. I hope you understand that we are not well-informed about the situation in this area.”

“So, you claim to have survived in the forest for five days without any apparent supplies or equipment? It seems you are remarkably well-groomed, even more so than us, who have a settlement as our base. Are you implying that?”

Though phrased as a question, it carried a hint of ridicule.

However, Helian had already anticipated this response.

In fact, he was hoping for such a reaction.

“I do take care of my appearance. I set up camp every day and enjoy a bath.”

“Hmm… It seems our guests have quite a fondness for unfunny jokes. Taking baths, how extravagant.”

Wenei glares at Helian.

When a woman in her prime directs such an intense gaze, it carries considerable force.

Or rather, it’s just plain intimidating.

Struggling to steady his trembling knees, Helian desperately maintains a composed expression.

“Then, I would certainly like an answer from such guests. Do you really have the equipment to set up a camp and indulge in leisurely activities like bathing? Where do you carry such belongings?”

“Wenri! That’s enough…!”

“Right here, Lord Wenri. – Leve, Elthina.”

Helian snaps his fingers as a signal.

Although it would be foolish to remove them at this moment, he discreetly conveyed the message to the two of them before entering the tent, so there is no need to worry.

Leve and Elthina each take out a small bag from their pockets. Opening the bags, they solemnly reveal a tent and its poles, essential for setting up camp.

“What… is this? Where on earth did you store such bulky items!?”

“They’re inside that bag. We stumbled upon it by chance while excavating ruins. We don’t understand how it works, but it’s a bag that can hold more than its volume. It has proven to be quite useful.”

One by one, an astonishing amount of items that clearly couldn’t fit inside the bag keep coming out and are placed on the ground. Ignoring the astonished half-elves, the complete camping set is quickly assembled in no time.

This bag is a magical item called the ” Magic Bag Item Pouch,” known for its ability to store items beyond its volume.

As you may have encountered in RPGs (role-playing games), there are often moments where you question how characters carry such bulky items. This item exists to resolve that contradiction.

In recent times, similar items have appeared in VR (virtual reality) RPGs under names like “Item Box” or “Item Storage.” The ” Magic Bag Item Pouch ” is exactly that.

The ” Magic Bag Item Pouch ” is considered a valuable item in itself, known for its high quality and large storage capacity. Even in Alchimyra, the production of the highest-quality ones cannot keep up with demand, making them rare. However, it goes without saying that the two leaders of the Eight Legions possess them.

When it comes to expedition preparations, the compact portable housing kit is always stored as essential equipment.

“Indeed, as you can see. I thought that unless you see it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t believe it. The fact that we survived in the forest with such light equipment is because of this. Even our food is stored inside that bag.”

Wenri and the others stared in astonishment at the camp set laid out before them. It seemed their minds were struggling to comprehend even when they saw it with their own eyes.

“This is it. We cannot let this opportunity slip away.”

“I’d like to steer the conversation towards something more constructive rather than dwelling on trivial matters. We seek information. It may sound presumptuous, but we would appreciate if you allow us to ask questions as a token of gratitude for helping Lady Leifa. Moreover, we can also arrange for some provisions, albeit limited.”

Freshly taken out of the bag was a plate of sizzling chicken sauté. It emitted a tantalizing aroma, stimulating their appetites. Steam rose from the sauté, giving the impression that it had just been prepared moments ago.

This high-quality < Magic Bag Item Pouch > is imbued with the “Preservation” enchantment, which allows stored items to be preserved in their original state for an extended period.

This sauté was also stored immediately after being prepared.

It’s a masterpiece created by a renowned livestock farmer appointed by the king, using meat from chickens raised with great care. The exclusive chef of the castle has exerted their culinary expertise to its fullest. The delightful aroma permeates the confined space of the tent.

A gulp escaped someone’s throat.

As expected, it seems that they haven’t been able to enjoy a plentiful diet.

Next, Helian retrieved refreshing water for Leve and the others.

He distributed it to everyone present, and to demonstrate that it was free from any poison, Helian took a sip himself.

At first glance, it may seem like ordinary water, but this is a genuine consumable item with stamina recovery effects. In the game “Tactics Chronicle,” it had no significant effect on players, but somehow, it feels like the fatigue in my legs has been alleviated.

The hesitant half-elves began to take sips of the refreshing water, and with each sip, they murmured phrases like, “Unbelievable,” “It really is water, and it’s cold,” “But it’s more than just water,” “It’s like being healed from within,” “What is this water?”

Some even greedily gulped it down due to its deliciousness, while casting envious glances at others who were savoring it sip by sip.

“Forgive me for asking, but can half-elves eat meat?”

“Well… yes, we can. Our dietary preferences are very similar to humans.”

“I see. In that case, it must be fate. Allow me to treat you to a small feast. Leve, Elthina, please distribute the meals to everyone.”

With those words, Leve and Elthina each took out the same chicken sauté from their respective bags and began distributing them. The sight of items being continuously pulled out from the < Magic Bag Item Pouch > left the half-elves either entranced or utterly astonished.

While Leve and Elthina calmly distributed the food, the half-elves remained motionless. Sensing their bewilderment, Helian took the initiative, even if it meant forcing the situation. It was a strategy he devised by wracking his brain for ideas.

Taking advantage of the lingering impact of the <Magic Bag Item Pouch>, he continued to press on, one after another.

By focusing their doubts on the claim of “wandering through the forest without any belongings,” Helian skillfully used the powerful and impactful prop of the <Magic Bag Item Pouch> to refute their suspicions.

Upon calm reflection, there were indeed other questionable aspects of Helian and the others’ traveler persona, but the overwhelming shock left the half-elves unable to think on their feet.

This was a technique of deception learned during Helian’s university days, or rather, one of the anecdotes shared by a professor who loved to spout off trivia during seminars. Although not taught directly in lectures, the professor’s skillful storytelling and the incredulous thought of “What are you teaching us, Professor?” made a lasting impression on Helian, who attentively absorbed the explanations of this particular method.

――By directing the collective suspicion towards a single focal point, then refuting the most dubious aspect with tangible evidence, and swiftly shifting the conversation before their thoughts delve into other suspicious points, one can escape further scrutiny.

Although I have forgotten the exact name of the technique, its essence can be described in this manner.

While not an extraordinary technique in itself, it can surprisingly be remarkably effective when the shock of denial is intensified through strategic presentation.

Never did I imagine that I would actually have to employ this technique, but I’d like to believe that we have successfully cleared the incredibly challenging mission of “asserting our traveler persona while maintaining our dignity.”

Furthermore, leveraging the accomplishment of rescuing the interim queen, we have created an atmosphere where it becomes difficult to refuse our request for information. If anyone were to reject our demand now, it would raise doubts about the value of the queen’s life. Since that is inconceivable, the half-elves have no choice but to comply with our request.

In the current situation, we should have achieved the best possible outcome. I want to believe that this was the optimal solution. In any case,

“Would it be alright if we continue our conversation while having a meal?”

Now it’s a matter of momentum. If they regain their composure, they might bring up the issue again.

Before that happens, we should proactively offer them a modest meal as a gesture of goodwill, gather information, and then find a suitable excuse to return to our country for the time being.

We have obtained a reasonable amount of information up to this point, so even if it becomes difficult to gather further information, it would be sufficient to part ways with them amicably and return to our country.

Although I had concerns about having a conversation over a meal, diplomatic discussions during meals are common in the real world. So it should be fine. Probably.

Without waiting for their response, we continue the conversation. We must not lose control of the discussion.

“First, regarding the statement you made earlier about being minions of the Demon King…”

“Sister, I’m coming in!”

Just as Helian was about to ask the question, a small figure rushed in, sweeping the fabric at the entrance aside. With her tousled hair tied in a half-up style, the girl had already entered the tent when she said, “I’m coming in!”

She was a petite child with distinctive droopy eyes.

In terms of appearance, she seemed slightly younger than Leifa. In Japan, she might be around the age of a newly-enrolled junior high school student.

Interestingly, her hair color was pure white. Her skin, like Leifa’s, was also incredibly fair, and to top it off, she wore a tunic that was white as well.

One could describe her as the “White Girl,” so to speak.


Leifa spoke, her voice tinged with reproach.

Upon closer inspection, the girl who had entered the tent bore a striking resemblance to Leifa.

As they inadvertently compared their features, Leifa, noticing the gaze, averted her eyes slightly, seemingly embarrassed.

“This is my younger sister, Lilifa. I apologize, I will talk to her later.――Lilifa, Leifa and the others are having an important discussion. Please go outside.”

“Hmm… Hey, mister. Are you the traveler? The person who saved Lady Leifa from the elves?”

Ignoring her sister’s words, Lilifa approached and asked.

Although she appeared to be a well-behaved child, her audacity in entering the tent without hesitation indicated a rather bold personality.

Leifa’s well-shaped eyebrows arched in response to her attitude.

“It’s fine, Leifa, my lord.”

I almost slipped up and called her by her given name, but I quickly corrected myself.

Although she had granted me permission to address her informally, now that her true identity has been revealed, I can no longer continue addressing her in such a casual manner as before.

“It was Lady Lilifa. It was my companions, Leve and Elthina, who helped your sister. I am unable to fight because I am weak.”

“Oh, I see…”

Lilifa glanced briefly at the two standing behind Helian.

Elthina bowed gracefully, while Leve nodded in acknowledgment.

Lilifa tilted her head in curiosity as she observed the scene.

Then, with a puzzled expression, she let out a soft “Hm?” before walking over to Helian and squatting down beside him.


Her actions were unpredictable.

Lilifa remained seated next to him, looking up at him with her emerald-green eyes, resembling the innocence and purity of a child.

Sensing an awkward atmosphere, Helian decided to create a pause by handing Lilifa a bottle of refreshing water he had just received from Leve.

Lilifa, holding the small bottle in her hands, looked down at it. Then, as if she had thought of something, she nodded once and leaned closer to Helian.

Perplexed by her increasingly mysterious behavior, Helian furrowed his brow.

With a determined expression, Lilifa directed her gaze toward Helian’s face.

At that very moment, as Helian felt a sudden thirst and took a sip of water, their eyes met.

“Hey, hey, traveler-san.”


“Do you like big b*****s?”

Helian spurted out in surprise.

“Bufo!? Cough, cough, gag…”

And it went down the wrong pipe.

It was a disaster.

Leve hurriedly patted Helian on the back.

“Li-Lilifa! What are you suddenly saying!?”

“Well, the traveler-san is human, right? So, I thought they might prefer bigger ones.”

“I don’t understand the meaning!”

Leifa shouted at her sister, and Helian was completely in agreement.

The intention and meaning behind the question were completely incomprehensible.

“Hey, wait!”

Leifa reached out to catch Lilifa, but the petite girl quickly took advantage of her small size and hid behind Helian, fitting perfectly against his back.

Helian was not a lolicon. Absolutely not a lolicon. He swore to the gods that he wasn’t. However, perhaps due to Lilifa’s recent comment, he couldn’t help but become aware of the soft sensation against his back. It just happened.

And to cut to the chase, they weren’t overly large, but they certainly weren’t small either.

We won’t say what exactly.

We can’t say.

“Hey, traveler. Are Lilifa’s…big?”

Why ask?

How should I answer?

“Ah… What could it be?”



Helian became the center of chaos as the sisters rushed around in a frenzy.

Being of royal lineage, no other half-elves dared to intervene.

Even Leve and Elthina maintained a bystander position, knowing that there was no ill intent.

“Hey, big?”

“Shut up, Lilifa!”

While running around, Lilifa kept glancing and directing her gaze towards Helian.

It seemed like this wouldn’t end until there was an answer. It reminded Helian of the fixed messages of the villagers in old RPGs, who would always give the same response no matter how many times you asked.

“…………I’m not entirely sure, but perhaps it’s appropriate for your age?”

Giving a safe and neutral response.

In reality, Helian believed they were larger, but there was no need to step on an unknown landmine. Helian had no interest in tap dancing in a minefield.

“I see…”

With a disappointed tone, Lilifa’s voice loses its enthusiasm. However, she quickly regains her composure, raising her head and locking eyes with Helian with her round, innocent gaze.

“But… I have bigger b*****s than my sister, you know?”


The angry voice of her sister echoed throughout the small tent.

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