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Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

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Chapter 1 : C1 part8

Different World Nation Alchimyra -The Weakest King and the Unrivaled Army

Chapter 1 part 8

“The Half-Elf Girl”

The girl, when asked if she was an elf, hastily pulled up the hood of her robe.

It seemed more like an impulsive action rather than a deliberate decision, as her slightly embarrassed expression could be glimpsed through the gap in the hood.

After a few seconds, the girl gave up and took off the hood.

“Thank you very much for helping me,” the girl said, bowing her head.

Her semi-long golden hair spilled out from the robe and cascaded down.

The girl was dressed in a green-toned bodice adorned with white embroidery, with two belts wrapped around her waist for holding knives. She wore culottes and sturdy leather boots, and glimpses of her skin between them appeared pale and translucent.

With her fair skin, golden hair, and uniquely shaped, leaf-like ears, it was evident that she belonged to the elven race.

Though her exact rank was unknown, she appeared to be from the lineage of the white elves.

Within the elven race, there are two lineages: white and black. Both lineages possess exceptional skills in magic and archery. Regardless of their lineage, with proper training, elves can learn a variety of offensive, supportive, and healing magic. However, among them, the white elves excel in support and healing magic.

As Helian observed the girl, who seemed to be an elf, bowing her head deeply, he secretly felt relieved.

(Phew, we can communicate! And she’s not a hostile enemy!)

In the game “Tactics Chronicle,” the advanced language analysis and translation mechanism known as Makine Translation Engine is integrated, enabling automatic translation of common languages such as Japanese and English. This translation feature is treated as the “Common Tongue” and is designed to be understood by almost all races.

However, in addition to the Common Tongue, each race also possesses its own unique language.

In the case of elves, there are two distinct languages: Elkish and Ancient Elkish.

These original languages, specially created for the game, cannot be deciphered without the corresponding language skill, making it impossible for players to understand what is being said.

However, since Elthina, an Ancient Elf and one of the highest-ranked members of the white elven lineage, is present, even if the girl they rescued couldn’t speak the “Common Tongue,” it would have been possible to communicate through Elthina, who possesses skills in Elkish and Ancient Elkish for translation.

For Helian, the fact that the girl, who would be his first contact with another individual, could communicate with him in words brought a sense of relief.

(…Well, it’s just a dream after all. It’s only natural that we can understand each other.)

He murmured to himself.

For a moment, he entertained the thought that he was making excuses to someone, but he shook his head to dispel that notion.

“I’m glad you’re safe. I heard screams. Are you injured?”

Taking another look at the girl’s face, she had a refined elven beauty.

Her green eyes held a gentle gleam, while her slender, arched eyebrows exuded a sense of inner strength. Her lips were tightly drawn, combining kindness with a hint of sharpness.

However, through Helian’s eyes, a lingering hint of youthfulness could still be perceived. Estimating an elf’s age is not reliable, but if her appearance is any indication, she could be in the age range of a middle or high school student, just on the cusp of adolescence.

Helian took a deliberate step forward towards the girl.

In response, the girl’s shoulders trembled, causing her to retreat slightly.

…Is she frightened?

Wondering briefly why that might be, Helian glanced at both sides and quickly understood.

Leve and Elthina were clearly fixated on the girl with a vigilant expression.

Though not overtly hostile, the sharp gaze that didn’t miss a single movement understandably made the girl hesitate, despite being the one who had come to her aid.

“I apologize for their rudeness. They are, um… fellow travelers,” he spoke, trying to maintain a gentle tone.

Imagining a tone similar to how he would speak to his middle school-aged cousin, he found it easier to adopt this approach rather than the regal style he had previously attempted.


“Yeah. The three of us were wandering through the forest. It’s been a while since we encountered other people.”

He chuckled, scratching his head in a slightly exasperated manner.

While he wasn’t a master of the “Smile for Free” philosophy, he understood that a smile was the first step towards establishing smooth communication, and it was a fundamental aspect of interpersonal interactions.

Though he lacked confidence in maintaining a stern expression befitting a king, in reality, he was a kind older brother to his younger relatives. He had some confidence in his ability to ease the guard of a younger child with a reassuring smile… or so he thought.

In conclusion.

It didn’t work.

It absolutely didn’t work.

If anything, the girl seemed even more guarded than before, instinctively protecting herself by placing her hand over her chest.

(…Yeah, that’s right. The value of my smile is ultimately nothing special…)

He couldn’t help but feel the urge to draw a “の” shape on the ground, but he persevered in maintaining his smile through sheer determination.

His cheeks might have twitched ever so slightly, but he hoped they would overlook it.

“An elf and a werewolf, is it?”

“Hm? Ah, yeah. The one on the right is Elthina, and the one on the left is Leve.”

“…I am Eltina, pleased to make your acquaintance. Please take care of us.”

For some reason, there was a brief moment before the introductions.

Moreover, Leve merely gave a slight nod without even introducing herself.

The guarded attitudes of the two, which were too evident, caused Helian’s smile to once again tense up.

Due to their prioritization of Helian’s protection, the attitudes of the two towards the girl can hardly be described as friendly. Leve, in particular, directed a sharp gaze at the girl as if to say, “I won’t hesitate to act if you make any suspicious moves.”

It’s such a shame that despite the girl initiating the conversation, things have turned out this way.

“I apologize. I was a bit impolite.”

Elthina apologized and bowed her head to the girl.

With her refined mannerisms and a sense of elegance that exuded from her distinctive characteristics, Elthina’s gesture of bending her waist and lowering her head carried a certain gracefulness.

Observing this, the girl’s eyes widened in genuine astonishment.

As Elthina smiled at the girl, the level of surprise on her face intensified even further. There seemed to be a hint of agitation in her expression.

…Could it be that she’s captivated by Elthina?

With Elthina possessing the characteristic of being a “beauty,” she naturally attracts both men and women. It’s possible that even for the girl, Elthina is a captivating presence among their own kind.

…Alright, let’s pass the baton to Elthina.

Helian readily decided to leave the girl’s conversation partner in the hands of his companion. To be honest, he didn’t have particularly strong social skills, especially in real-life interactions. Frankly speaking, he lacked confidence in his social abilities.

Moreover, upon further reflection, Elthina, being of the same kind as the girl, might be easier to talk to for her.

While it wouldn’t be appropriate to completely hand over the reins of the conversation to Elthina, if the dialogue were to veer off in an undesirable direction, Helian could simply interject to steer it back on track. By taking on a supportive role, he felt confident that he could manage the situation to some extent.

“Very well,” Helian renews his determination.

Beside him, Elthina wears a graceful smile and gracefully takes a step back from the scene.

…Huh? Why did she suddenly step back?

“However, both she and I have a certain reason that makes it difficult for us to engage in conversation with others. I apologize, but we will have to refrain from participating for the time being, if you don’t mind.”


Helian instinctively turned to his left servant.

Just when he thought he could entrust the conversation to her, she quickly betrayed his expectations.

Well, perhaps it was just his own assumption and Elthina herself didn’t have any such intentions. But the disappointment was still significant, proportional to the level of his expectations. It felt as if the ladder had been pulled out from under him.

And upon hearing Elthina’s statement, the girl in question once again locked eyes with Helian.

It seemed she had completely fixated on him.

His cheek twitched about 30% more than before.

“They… Are they your slaves?” she asked.


Another unexpected question from the girl.

Helian instinctively reacted without thinking.

He hurriedly composed himself.

“I-I mean, they are just fellow travelers. It’s not that kind of relationship.”

A pure relationship.

Well, I’m not sure if the master-servant relationship can be considered pure, but at the very least, I’m not forcing them to serve me, I hope.

“Why… did you choose to help someone like me, a half-elf?”

With her guardedness unmasked, the girl took another step back as she posed her question.

“Are you… a half-elf?”

The moment I asked, the girl visibly frowned.

Oops, it was a reaction that seemed to say, “Oh no.”

Her expression was that of regret for saying something unnecessary.

By the way, without needing much explanation, a half-elf refers to a hybrid species born between an elf and another race.

In most fictional works, it often refers to a child born between a human and an elf.

However, in [Tactics Chronicle], things are a bit different.

In this game, a feature called “Crossbreeding” is implemented, allowing the creation of half-breeds. However, due to the nature of this game, the crossbreeding partners are limited to demi-human races or humanoid monsters.

Moreover, crossbreeding is not something to be taken lightly.

There is a drawback where both parents become unable to undergo “reincarnation.”

Furthermore, depending on the combination of crossbreeding, the success rate can become significantly lower.

However, there is a significant advantage in that if successful, a child inheriting the qualities of both parents is born. Helian, naturally, also utilizes this feature.

Therefore, in this game, races such as hybrids and half-breeds are not particularly uncommon. In fact, even the Seventh Legion Commander is a subordinate created through this feature.


“…Yes, that’s correct. I am not an elf. I am a half-elf. Do you regret helping me?”

For some reason, the girl showed a smile that resembled resignation. It was as if she wanted to say, “You helped me because you mistook me for an elf, right?” Her expression carried a sense of resignation.

Curious about the girl’s demeanor, Helian tilted his head and asked.

“Why is that?”


“Why would being a half-elf make you regret being helped?”

“…Huh? Wait, what?”

The girl’s previously somber smile disappeared, and she showed a bewildered expression more fitting for her age.

Now that it was mentioned, her ears were indeed slightly shorter than Elthina’s. It made sense if she was a half-elf, with the blood of another race mixed in. That was all there was to it.

However, it seemed that for the girl in front of him, it wasn’t just a simple matter.

Just what kind of issues did being a half-elf present, he wondered.

“――It is known. It is because those beings belong to a tainted race.”

A voice from a third party resonated.

He quickly turned around.

Behind the scattered remains of the defeated monsters, stood a man who appeared out of nowhere.

With fair skin and long pointed ears, he too was an Elf. However, this time it was a male. The length of his ears was similar to that of a typical Elf, indicating that he was not a half-elf. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be in his late twenties.

It seems that both Leve and Elthina had been aware of his presence for quite some time.

They didn’t show any particular signs of surprise.

However, Helian, on the other hand, hadn’t noticed his presence until he called out to him.

It was because he had hidden the only clue, the <Map Window>, from view.

While the window was set to be invisible to others, it partially obstructed Helian’s field of view, which could be inconvenient at times and in certain situations. Feeling it was a hindrance during his conversation with the girl, Helian had chosen to hide the window.

“Nevertheless, you all are no ordinary individuals. To so easily slaughter my hunting hound… From the looks of it, that elf over there seems to be of a different breed than our kind.”

“Hunting hound… Ah, so that beast was your familiar?”

No wonder the creature didn’t flee when Leve approached. Unlike the large pseudo-mountain dog that cowered and ran away from Leve, the dog-like monster showed no signs of fleeing. It must have been a familiar or some sort of obedient canine, unlike the pseudo-mountain dog that was a stray.

“What an unexpected catch. Even though this area is close to the Abyss of the Deep Forest, I never imagined such a reckless person would have found their way here.”

“The Abyss of the Deep Forest…? Well, more importantly, what do you mean by your earlier words? ‘Impure beings’? Are you referring to her?”

“Indeed. What’s the matter with you? Are you truly ignorant of it?”

The elf man directed a disdainful gaze at Helian, as if saying, “Ignorance can only go so far.”

“The half-elves are a race born from the union of the noble and beloved elves, cherished by gods and spirits, with the impure and savage humans who possess nothing but their sheer numbers. In other words, they are a ‘tainted’ race with the blood of noble elves mixed with the ‘impurity’ of humans.”

“No, that’s not true! We are not a tainted race! Both humans and elves have their merits. We are simply born between the two. There is no reason to label us as impure beings!”

“What nonsense! How dare you speak with such impure words. Just hearing them makes my ears rot!”

The elf man replied with a sneer, baring his teeth. Despite his handsome appearance as an elf, his expression was filled with disgust, no different from that of a human, equally repugnant.

However, Helian paid it no mind. No, it would be more accurate to say that he had more pressing concerns.

The phrase uttered by the elf man, “born from a union with humans,” had struck Helian with a shock.

That line was absurd. There was no way such a phrase could be uttered, no matter how you looked at it.

This is because in this game, there are no units of the “human” race…

More accurately, there are no humans apart from the King Player.

There are relatively more demi-human races like beastmen and humanoid monsters, but all citizens fall under the category of monsters.

The human race is considered special in [Tactics Chronicle] and reserved exclusively for the King Player.

However, the man had confidently concluded that the parent of a half-elf was a human.

Furthermore, he even mentioned their numbers as if it were their distinguishing feature, implying the existence of a significant population of humans. It clearly contradicts the game’s established lore.

…No, that’s not something to dwell on at the moment.

Our current objective is gathering information. We can engage in speculation later. Besides, there’s a chaotic situation unfolding right in front of us, and it’s not the time to leisurely ponder.

Convincing himself with that thought, Helian interjected himself between the girl and the man, who were exchanging intense gazes, and posed his question.

“Why were you pursuing her?”

“Hmph. Just for fun. After capturing the town, there were some rats who escaped like cowards. So, I used them as practice targets for my hunting dogs.”

“Captured the town…?”

The conversation was taking a suspicious turn.

“They gathered and built a town, these Half-Elves. It is outrageous for impure beings to create and inhabit a town, let alone proclaim it as a nation. Therefore, we pure-blooded Elves decided to make effective use of it. Of course, after purifying the impurity.”

“…Purifying, you say?”

“Exactly. It means purging the tainted blood.”

“Purging the blood… Are you saying you’re driving away the Half-Elves who were already living here?”

“…Sigh. Humans like you are truly incapable of understanding without such explanations. It’s truly exasperating.”

Once again, a contemptuous expression.

From their previous conversation, it could be inferred that humans are also subjects of disdain for the Elves.

“I apologize, but we are travelers, you see. This is our first time in this area, and we are not familiar with the current situation here. Please pardon our ignorance.”

“Oh? It is quite commendable for a human to acknowledge their ignorance. The others of your kind, whenever we speak, they simply behave like raging monkeys, constantly hurling insults. Ah, you mentioned being a traveler. In that case, even if you are a monkey, you are a distinct and superior breed of monkey, is that it?”

…Must every conversation involve belittling remarks?

However, the fact that they openly display contempt in this disadvantageous situation might indicate their confidence in their own abilities.

If that’s the case, provoking hostility would be unwise. As a king, this is a test of my negotiation skills. No matter what they say, I must remain calm and composed, without getting angry…

“Enough! We are humans, not monkeys! And there are good humans among us as well. There are humans who choose to coexist with the forest without causing harm. Don’t belittle humans without even knowing them! ”

“Silence your impure tongue! I shall rot your ears with my words!”

While Helian composed himself, the half-elf girl shouted with a voice filled with anguish.

“Then… at least leave us alone! We are simply living on the outskirts of the forest! We have been driven to this desolate place, so close to the Abyss of the Deepwood and the Wastelands… Yet we still struggle to survive! Why, why do you—”

“Enough. Our goal was to capture, but it seems futile now. I will silence that mouth of yours forever. Along with you fools who have ruined my hunting dog.”

Saying so, the elf clenched something in their hand.

A somber hue mixed within their eyes.

“Unleash the Arrow of Swift Gale, Feljipia!”

With the voice, the elven man hurled a small stone-like object. The thrown stone emitted a momentary green shimmer.

At that moment, a gust of wind began to swirl.

Helian instinctively leaped in front of the young girl, shielding her face with both arms.

In the back of his mind, he questioned, ‘What am I doing? Am I risking my life?’ But by the time he realized it, his body had already moved. He inwardly regretted his impulsive action.

And the storm charged with magical force, looming before him, mercilessly assaulted the defenseless Helian—

“<<Wind Protection, Wind Protection>>”

With the defense magic unleashed by Elthina, it dissipated effortlessly.

A gentle azure wind enveloped Helian and the others, shattering and dispersing any external interference.

The elven man, who had been confident in his finishing blow, widened his eyes at the sight.


“<<Binding Vines, Liana Bind>>”

Continuing with rapid incantations, thick vines rapidly grew from the ground, ensnaring the limbs of the elven man.

With the man immobilized, Leve swiftly darted towards him like an arrow.

By the way.

During this time, Elthina and Leve understood the significance of the first encounter with another faction, known as the First Contact event.

Understanding this, they refrained from interfering in the negotiations, carefully observing the situation. Unless instructed otherwise by Helian, they aimed to maintain the current state. They even tolerated the disrespectful words spoken by the elf, directed towards their superior.

Their purpose was to gather information while enduring the unbearable insults. They couldn’t let their emotions dictate their actions and ruin the opportunity.

That’s why they endured. They piled patience upon patience.

Leve suppressed the urge to launch an attack that surged up to her throat, while Elthina concealed her hostility and disgust beneath her smile.

However, if the opponent dared to lay hands on their master, Helian, the situation would change.

They couldn’t possibly forgive the “enemy” who had attacked their own master.

With the attack launched, it could be assumed that the negotiations, which their master had continued despite the humiliation, had now irreversibly collapsed.

In other words, there is no reason to endure any longer.

Therefore, when Leve was about to unleash a lethal blow upon the “enemy Elf” whose freedom of movement had been deprived by Elthina’s magic…


It was the voice of their master, commanding them to stop.

In an instant, Leve applied the brakes, halting her attack just before it reached the man’s face. However, the rush of air stirred by her fist created a gust that disheveled the man’s long hair in disarray.

After the wind subsided, the man wore a foolish expression as if he had no idea what had just happened.

(That was close.)

Helian inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

If even the slightest delay had occurred in the command to stop, the man would have been dead.

While unsure of the Elf’s defensive capabilities, Elves were not known for their resilience. Judging from the power demonstrated by the previous magic, it was inconceivable that the man could have withstood the devastating strength of Leve’s fist, which was renowned for its formidable attacking power in single combat. They had come dangerously close to killing a member of another faction without warning.

“Huh? W-What is this? What just happened?”


Helian addressed the man who still seemed unable to fully grasp the fact that he had come close to death.

His voice unintentionally became lower and more authoritative than he had intended.

“I’ll let that slide. We have no intention of being hostile towards you. It was you who initiated the attack, and we merely brushed off the sparks that came our way. Got it?”

In accordance with her master’s will, Elthina released the vines that had bound the elf’s limbs.

However, the elf man still seemed to be unable to comprehend the situation, maintaining a bewildered expression directed towards the group.

“Wha… what?”

“I said I’ll let it slide. Now disappear.”

Helian nonchalantly tilted his chin and pointed in the opposite direction.

With Leve and Elthina watching, he couldn’t afford to show weakness by saying something like, “We have no intention of fighting. Please leave.” He was far more afraid of being belittled by the commanding officers he had brought along than the elf standing before him.

Furthermore, both of them continue to emit an intense aura.

Even though I know that it’s directed at the elf in front of us and not at me, fear is fear. I want to resolve this tense situation as soon as possible.

In [Tactics Chronicle], such a grim atmosphere was never depicted. It couldn’t be depicted. Yet now, it exists here with overwhelming realism.

From the previous incident of dealing with the familiar to the current situation where violence is actually being exerted, it was too much of a stimulus for Helian, who had never laid a hand on another person in his entire life.

To put it frankly, Helian was completely intimidated by the overwhelming reality of “violence.”

“You… Just a mere human, yet you dare to speak to someone like me! I am the esteemed Hunter Chief of Noblewood!”

“I have no interest in who you are. I’ll say it again, disappear. Or do you seriously intend to pick a fight?”


The man’s face flushed with anger, but he still possessed enough composure to recognize the futility of fighting. Grinding his teeth, he begrudgingly left.

Involuntarily, a sigh of relief escaped Helian’s lips.

“And… um…”

With those words, spoken in a voice that carried a lingering sense of youthfulness, Helian tensed up.

“Thanks to your help, I was saved. Thank you very much.”

“Oh, yes. I’m glad you’re safe.”

When I turned around, there was the figure of a half-elf girl whom I had helped.

…Oh no.

Her presence had completely slipped from my consciousness.

It was as if Helian had exposed himself, behaving as if he were superior to Reeva and the others.

In a moment of panic, my self-introduction as a traveler was ruined… No, I can still salvage this. If I explain that the two of them are my escorts while I handle negotiations, maybe I can deceive them.

By doing so, Helian’s position would become something pitiful like “a weak man protected by two women,” but at this point, I don’t care about pride anymore as long as I can get through this situation. So please, just deceive them for me.

“W-Well, the truth is, these ladies are skilled bodyguards. Pathetic as it may be, I lack confidence in my own abilities, so I mainly handle negotiations and odd jobs, haha…”

…Ah, a smile. Use a smile and enthusiasm to deceive them.

But wait, I remember now that I tried something similar earlier and failed.

However, with my head overheating from consecutive events, I can’t think of any alternative solutions.

I-Is there any clever move I can make…?

…Ahaha, ahahahaha!”

Just as Helian started to break out in sweat on his forehead, the half-elf girl suddenly burst into laughter.

In stark contrast to her expressionless mask-like face from moments ago, she now wore a smile befitting her age, laughing wholeheartedly with an infectious sense of humor.

“Ahahaha, hehe, I-I’m sorry… It’s just that seeing someone who was so confident with elves, like myself, struggling with a half-elf like me, it’s just so amusing, hehe.”

She continued to say such things, barely able to catch her breath.

…Well, perhaps my excuses were a bit feeble, I admit. But it was shocking to feel like this middle school-like girl could see through my inner thoughts.

Overwhelmed by consecutive blows to my spirit, I was left feeling crushed for a moment.

After having a good laugh and seemingly refreshed, the girl opened her mouth with a radiant expression.

“I apologize. Also, you don’t have to force yourself. It’s okay to talk to me normally, like you did with the elf earlier.”

…Well, actually, that’s the act.

In fact, the neighborhood big brother style is closer to my default than the king style.

(Huh? Could it be… Did I end up in a situation where I have to maintain the king style in front of this child and continue speaking as a traveler…?)

It’s clear that the difficulty level has increased, and I can’t help but feel like giving up and crying.

The fact that the girl is now speaking to me normally is at least a small relief.

Thanks to the laughter she generously shared, it seems that she has significantly eased her guard, so I’ll consider it a blessing in disguise. If I don’t think that way, I won’t be able to handle this.

“My name is Leifa. Thank you very much for helping me not just once, but twice.”

“No need to worry. I simply intervened when I saw you in trouble. Besides, the second time, I only brushed off the sparks that were about to hit us, so there’s no need for you to thank me.”

“No, even so, it doesn’t change the fact that you helped me. Therefore, please allow me to express my gratitude.”

The girl lowered her head with a slight nod.

Her golden hair, previously tied up, bounced like a tail.

“Also, I apologize for asking after you’ve already helped me, but I have one favor to ask.”

“Hmm…? What is it?”

Helian mentally prepared himself.

He couldn’t afford to give a careless response.

By merely having a brief conversation with the elf earlier, it became apparent that their relationship was quite complicated. To put it simply, they seemed to be in the midst of a war of aggression fueled by inter-racial discrimination. However, the situation is far from being a straightforward matter.

Now, here comes the favor.

It’s easy to imagine that it’s a cooperation request based on relying on Leve and Elthina’s combat abilities. Considering the mention of losing their city, it’s undoubtedly a desperate situation where they would welcome any additional help for the purpose of reclaiming it.

However, I can’t lend a hand recklessly.

The elf from earlier was likely serving as a scout, meaning combat wasn’t their primary role. After all, they didn’t possess considerable strength. However, the main forces of the elves in their base camp must undoubtedly have higher combat abilities than the elf I encountered earlier.

Furthermore, we have no idea about the enemy’s numbers.

Their scale. Their equipment. Their level of training. Their technological advancements.

Without knowing anything, without having any estimate of their military strength, I can’t afford to dive headfirst into this issue.

While there is a desire to lend a helping hand to those in need, Helian, as the king, must prioritize his own country.

Perhaps, if the safety of his own nation were ensured, he could extend assistance without hesitation. However, given the current circumstances, it is simply not feasible.

Therefore, Helian must gather his resolve to firmly decline the cooperation request, and he waits for the girl to continue speaking–

“May I know your name?”

— He was taken aback.

A sense of being caught off guard overwhelmed him.

Helian couldn’t even utter a word, standing there frozen for a moment.

(“How foolish of me.”)

A strong sense of shame washed over him.

In retrospect, while he had introduced Leve and Elthina, Helian himself hadn’t even stated his own name. It was beyond foolishness.

In such a sorry state, what had happened to the idea that a smile is the basis of communication?

What about being the negotiator?

What about not being able to give a careless response?

Despite lacking even the basic courtesy towards someone they had just met, they had the audacity to meddle in matters without considering caution or self-preservation. The girl in front of them hadn’t even given a thought to such things, yet the result of their unjustified suspicion was this.

Feeling genuinely downcast, they berated themselves internally. However, even during that time, the half-elf girl patiently waited.

Helian, having had the wind taken out of their sails, let out a wry smile and extended their right hand towards the girl.

“I apologize for introducing myself late. I’m Helian.”

I think I was able to introduce myself naturally.

Since the transfer, it felt like the first time I could speak naturally.

“Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am Leifa.”

Her hand was met with a firm handshake.

The face of the half-elf girl, Leifa, adorned a smile that suited her well, which now graced her features.

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