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Chapter 1 : C1 part2

TL: IDevK11
Editor: Capitano


I am pleased with the reflection of myself in the mirror.

With the arrival of the new year, my trimmed short black hair gently sways around my neck. It appears somewhat purple or bluish, but from a distance, the reflection in the mirror reveals distinct black irises.

I’m wearing the most neat and expensive clothes I have. It’s a winter coat made of hand-woven wool by a skilled craftsman. It’s thick, yet it doesn’t look heavy.

You could say it’s the perfect outfit for a successful entrepreneur like me!


Grandpa called me in a hesitant tone.

I turned my gaze away from the mirror, looking at the reflection of him.

“Yes? What is it?”

“It’s just that we’re going to see the fortune teller. Why are you so excited?”

“Just a fortune teller? Don’t say such things that will jinx it.”

Saying this, I might sound like someone who strongly believes in superstitions, but I don’t believe in superstitions. I simply believe in one thing, the fortunes picked from the fortune teller grandma’s basket. They have been accurate so far.

I hummed a tune and adjusted my appearance.

From the age of twenty-two to twenty-six, I had the best fortunes picked.

I was confident that this year, at twenty-seven, it would be similar.

“Shall we depart now?”

“Are you going to drag this old man along again?”

“Should I go alone then?”

Pretending to be surprised, I widened my eyes and asked, and he let out a sigh, pretending to be annoyed. In reality, he secretly enjoys going out with me on these outings, but he pretends to dislike it from time to time.

“Now you should consider hiring a maid.”

“It doesn’t suit my temperament.”

“But you’re an noble now…”

“Hah, who sees me as a noble?”

As I sarcastically retorted, his grumbling was incorporated. Ah, refreshing.

I understand his perspective as well.

I received a title from the royal family and became a respectable noble, but haven’t received any maids or knights.

It must be disappointing for him to watch from the sidelines.

However, unfortunately, I had no intention of hiring a maid or a knight for the time being. I had no need for an arrogant noble-born maid or a knight with a pretty face.

“Let’s depart quickly.”

Pretending not to notice, I put on my coat and took the first steps. He grumbled, but followed behind me. Wouldn’t it have been better if we had done this earlier?

* * *

“Wow, Grandma, you’ve made a successful career.”

As soon as I entered the store, I couldn’t help but be amazed.

When I was seventeen and came here for the first time with my parents, it was a shabby store, but now it has turned into a mobile store.

There’s even a horse pulling the store around.

It has become much bigger and tidier inside. Although the focus is on mobility, it’s not overly sturdy or fancy, but seeing that it’s well-maintained, it made me feel good.

Actually, this mobile store was my gift. It’s not like my luck improved because of Grandma, but still, it feels nice.

Grandma, with a hunched back and wrinkled face, greeted me with a smile.

“Welcome, Count.”

“Ah, come on, no need for ‘Count.’”

I waved my hand casually and sat down on a chair.

On the wooden table between Grandma and me, there was an elegant silk cloth. Of course, I also gifted that!

Resting my arms on the soft silk and chin in my hand, I looked at Grandma.

She smiled kindly, just like a real grandmother.

“Yes. Fortune cookies again this year?”

“Yeah. Today feels really good, you know?”

Grandma extended a basket she had prepared in advance. The individually wrapped fortune cookies inside collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

That sound of paper—it’s the sound of good luck coming to me.

I rummaged through the basket a few times and picked one.

I unwrapped the paper packaging and snapped the fortune cookie in half.

A tightly rolled tiny note fell out.

The note, rolling on the silk-covered table, held the key to this year’s success. I swallowed nervously and picked up the note with my thumb and index finger.

It better be something good.

I slowly unfolded the note and squinted to read the words.

My heart pounded like crazy. The words entered my eyes, one by one.

[If you wish, there is nothing you cannot have this year. The crops to harvest are plentiful, and the bountiful autumn seems to continue endlessly.]


Unintentionally, I let out a cry of joy. I clenched the note in my hand and threw my hands into the air. I popped the cookie into my mouth and savored the happiness as I chewed it slowly.

I had told the fortune teller that good luck would come to me, but now that I was in this position, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. However, as expected, my intuition was not wrong.

I can spend another amazing year. Ah, I’m so happy!

Grandma continued to smile without batting an eye at my excitement. I took out a bag from my pocket that was filled with coins and placed it on the table.

The sound of metal clinking was so delightful.

“Thank you, Grandma.”

“Luck depends on oneself.”

Saying so, Grandma discreetly picked up the bag.

Seeing her like that, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Maybe because I was in a good mood. Grandma fiddling with the bag looked incredibly adorable.

“Then I’ll come again next year!”

Ecstatic, I jumped up. I’ll go outside and show the note of my fortune-telling to my Grandpa and boast about it!

At that moment, my attention was drawn to another basket placed in the corner near the entrance.

The basket was filled with folded pieces of paper in the shape of notes.

Grandma, noticing where I was looking, raised her voice from behind to explain.

“It’s something new, just for fun. You can try it if you want. It’s free.”

“Oh, really? What is it?”

There was an instruction written on the front of the basket.

[Blessings or Curses with the Mischievous Deity Trickster]

Test your luck. Half of the notes bring blessings. The other half bring curses! (The effects last for one year)

Types of blessings: Eating late-night snacks without affecting your health / Having a comfortable bowel movement every morning / Being able to see the original hair color of dyed hair / And more.

Types of curses: A 50% chance of failure when choosing from a restaurant menu / High probability of encountering dirty public restrooms / Suddenly having cold water while showering / And more.

I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. The blessing that allows you to eat late-night snacks without harming your health sounds tempting, doesn’t it?

“Well, should I pick one of these?”

“Yes, go ahead.”

Grandma, busy with something behind me, didn’t even look properly in my direction.

Since it’s not like the blessings or curses are real anyway, I picked the note at the top. Then I immediately went outside. My Grandpa was waiting for me next to the carriage.

I waved the note in the air as I got into the carriage.

He quickly sat next to me and closed the door. The carriage creaked as it departed towards the mansion.

“Grandpa, look at this. It’s a note about blessings and curses that Grandma gave me for free.”

“Ah, Is that so?”

He glanced at the note nonchalantly and lost interest. He didn’t ask about my luck for this year.

“Why is that?”

“Aren’t you obsessed with fortune-telling?”

“I know what you’re worrying about, but I don’t believe in it so blindly.”

Anyway, he worried too much.

Humming a tune, I unfolded the note. Since my luck seemed good this year anyway, I hoped for something interesting.

I pressed the corners of the meticulously folded note and read its contents.

[Please be a kind person! From now on, the final response is up to you.]

※ Blessings or curses cannot be spoken or conveyed to others in any way.


No matter how much I flipped the note back and forth, that was all that was written. I shook the note and asked my grandpa.

“What is this?”


Grandpa took the note with a facial expression that seemed to imply that superstitions were dragging him in as well. Even as he read the sentence, there seemed to be a lack of enthusiasm.

“It says to become a kind person. What a nice blessing. *Yawn*.”

“Um… Could you please not yawn so openly like that?”

I knew that he always fell asleep once he got on the carriage, but he’s yawning so comfortably.

He didn’t pay any attention and handed the note back to me.

“Don’t worry too much about it. It’s just something for entertaining, and you said yourself that you don’t believe in it either.”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

Still, it’s kind of bothersome, isn’t it?

After thinking for a moment, I decided to change my mind lightly. Yeah, why does it matter? My fortune is said to be the best this year anyway.

I handed the note back to Grandpa.

“Then you can throw this away, Grandpa.”

“Yes, alright.”

Grandpa took the note, crumpled it a bit, and casually put it in his jacket pocket.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the mansion. As I walked through the lavishly decorated garden and entered through the front door, the people who had been busy with their tasks greeted me with nods.

I returned their greetings briefly and went straight up to the study.

On the first day of the new year, having finished the first task, it was now time to do the rest!

I sat at the desk and sharpened my quill. Grandpa, who was also acting as the chief secretary, brought me several letters. His relaxed expression changed into a serious one.

He placed one of the letters he was holding onto my desk.

“There’s a special customer.”

“A special customer? More special than the royal family?”

“Yes. The order form that I just gave you is from the Duke Yurix Deira.”

“Wow, really?”

I eagerly opened the letter.

“We sent a sample as well, didn’t we?”

When we receive an order form, we also send a sample Tap-Talk. That way, the customer can experience how comfortable and convenient it is.

Additionally, for special customers like high-ranking nobles, once the order is complete, I personally contact them through Tap-Talk.

Grandpa nodded with a trustworthy expression.

“Yes. By now, Duke Yurix Deira should have received it. I’ve labeled it as a gift.”

“Well done. What’s the Duke’s number?”

“It’s 88808880.”

“I’ll contact them right away. Hmm, why did they order so much?”

Looking at the desired quantity written on the order form, it seems like they’re going to distribute it to all the members of the Duke’s household. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a reason to order over a hundred items at once.

But the handwriting on the order form was unusually unique. Each letter perfectly matched the width and height, making it look like a stack of perfectly square bricks.

Did the Duke write it himself? He seems to have good handwriting. Somehow, it gives the impression that his personality is pleasant.

“Is there a preferred time for contact… Anytime is fine, they say or is there a convenient time?”

“No, not really. He understand even if the reply is delayed.”

“I see”

In any case, since it’s a valuable customer, I had no complaints.

I immediately pulled the cute Tap-Talk, placed on the desk, closer to me.

At a glance, Tap-Talk looks like a simple rectangular notebook, but its essence is completely different.

From the main screen that displays the text, the adorable typewriter attached below (adjustable in size according to the customer’s hand size), and its unique design.

Truly the trendiest item of this era!

On top of my Tap-Talk, there were three small and adorable cats design. It was a limited edition model with a special design for cat lovers.

I placed my finger on the typewriter and subtly waved my hand to Grandpa.

“If there’s a problem, I’ll call again.”

“Alright. What about lunch?”

“Just sandwiches will do. Ah! Stop it! Don’t start nagging.”

As I intercepted him, he muttered grumpily. Without even waiting for a response, he swiftly walked away.

Every time I eat a sandwich at my desk, he nags me about not having a proper meal. What a bother.

I pressed 88808880 and tapped the enter button.

Tap! Text appeared on the screen.

-Connecting to Duke Deira (88808880). Retrieving previous conversation history.

-Restoring conversation history… Restoration results: 0.”

I stared at the screen for a moment and then greeted them without hesitation.

[Hello, Duke Deira! I’m reaching out to you from ‘Tap-Talk,’ your best friend who will make you faster, happier, and lighter.

I am Hexen Top Tier Sales Representative, Mira Hexen. I contacted you regarding the order form. Please respond at your convenience. ^^]

Gone are the days of exchanging letters or smoking and chatting in the salon. ‘Tap-Talk’ has revolutionized the way we communicate.

Out with the formalities, in with the casual and refreshing! Use any style you want, huh?

I looked at the screen, waiting for a response, and saw the text saying, “The other party is typing a message.” I was told that the reply might be delayed, but it seems they checked it right away.

After that, a considerable amount of time passed.

What’s this? Did he fall asleep while typing?

The text remained unchanged, stating that the other party was typing a message. It feels like more than 10 minutes have passed. When will he…

Then, I heard the notification sound of Tap-Talk!

Why did it take so long to type?

[To count Mira Hexen,

Greetings, count Hexen. I am Duke Deira. I am contacting you regarding the purchase of Tap-Talk, the product from Hexen Top Tier.

First of all, thank you for providing the sample product. I haven’t had the opportunity to try Tap-Talk in the past few years as I haven’t been paying much attention to recent technology. I wanted to inform you that I have received the product with gratitude and joy.

As stated in the order form, I plan to purchase 150 units of Tap-Talk. They will all be allocated to the residents in my estate, and depending on their satisfaction, I have intentions to make additional purchases. I would like to discuss this further.

I await your response, Count.

Thank you. From Duke Deira.]

…Is there someone sending official documents through Tap-Talk?

After confirming the text filling the screen, I let out a dry laugh.

Duke Deira was perfectly formal. My previous casual communication felt awkward in comparison.

Should I match their style or just push forward with my own colors?

After some consideration, I lightened my tone and typed on the Tap-Talk typewriter.

[Yes, thank you for your kind words! We are also delighted to provide Tap-Talk to the Duke family. ^0^

Have you checked the unit price for Tap-Talk? As you are purchasing in bulk, there will be a discount of about 20%. Payment can be made in cash or through a bill of exchange.

Shall we send the invoice by mail, or would you prefer it to be delivered via Tap-Talk?]

I wondered how the reply would come this time. I drummed my fingers on the desk while waiting.

Although I knew nothing about Duke Yurix Deira, neither their face nor their voice, there were a few things I knew about them.

-First, the Duke was born into a family of magicians and inherited the power of magic.

-Second, the Duke stays only within their own territory without venturing into the central region. The reason is unknown, but it is said that most magicians do not like getting involved in power struggles.

-Third, peculiarly for a magician, he also wields a sword. Some kind of… magic swordsman? I didn’t know why he learned both swordsmanship and magic.

As I recollected the information about the Duke, a reply arrived.

[Thank you for the prompt response.

I will pay in cash. Although I plan to go to the capital city soon, I would like the products to arrive at my estate before that. If I pay the amount directly to the bank’s upper management, can the products be shipped promptly?

Regarding the invoice, I would like to receive it via both mail and Tap-Talk.]

Oh, this time it’s less formal. At least he didn’t repeat the introduction.

I quickly replied.

[Yes. Payment in cash, and we will send the invoice via both mail and Tap-Talk! Noted.

Once the payment is confirmed, we will proceed with the shipment of Tap-Talk. If any issues are found after receiving the products, please don’t hesitate to contact us!]

After that, it was a repetition of administrative conversation. We coordinated the exact date for the payment and double-checked the address.

Before I knew it, about 30 minutes had passed, but Thanks to Tap-Talk, work had become much smoother.

In the past, I would have had to personally visit the noble family or exchange letters over a few weeks.


Stretching my body and yawning, I bid farewell.

[Welcome to Tap-Talk as our valued customer. We appreciate your warm interest, and we will strive to repay the love you’ve shown us as Hexen Top Tier. Thank you!]


Right on cue, I heard a knock.

Grandpa, entered with a plate in one hand. On the plate was a sandwich so big that it seemed difficult to eat even with one’s mouth wide open. Seeing the fork and knife accompanying it, it seemed like he wanted me to eat the sandwich as if it were a steak.

As I received the plate with a disgusted expression, his face finally showed some relief.

“You should take care of your meals, miss.”


Just eat roughly and leave leftovers, whatever.

“You shouldn’t leave any leftovers.”


Why do I have to receive this kind of care when I’m not even a child?

I was seriously contemplating this when I suddenly received a reply from the Duke.

[Yes, thank you.]

Why is he sending another reply? Such a polite Duke.

I ignored it and started to cut the sandwich, but Grandpa intervened.

“You should reply. They’re an important client.”

“Do I really need to bother replying?”

“But you know the temperament of the nobility.”

Ugh, seriously.

Although it’s a bit annoying, Grandpa is right.

The snobbish nobles, considering me a “Commoner-turned-count,” always exhibited strange pride when dealing with me. When we communicated through Tap-Talk, they despised it if I ended the conversation first. It made them feel ignored or something.

No, we’re done with our business anyway, why another reply!

But I am a slave to capitalism. Sob. How many family members do I have to support…


“Ah, okay!”

I pushed aside my inner turmoil and chewed on the sandwich I just cut. The sound of tapping the typewriter rang out.

[Yes, Lord Duke. I hope you have a happy day today too!]

Is it done now?

Although I was getting hungry and wanted to finish eating the sandwich, Tap-Talk buzzed again!

A notification appears on the screen.

[Yes, Count. Have a good day as well.]

What is this? At least I replied this time. Ugh, if only I weren’t just a commoner-turned-count.

[Thank you ^^]

Tap-Talk! Another reply.

[Yes ^^]


What’s with this guy?

Still, seeing that he used a smiling symbol, it seems he has adapted to Tap-Talk by now. Even in this absurd situation, the smiling symbol caught my attention first.

A look of confusion crossed Grandpa’s face as he glanced at my Tap-Talk message.

I didn’t reply any further and started to finish my sandwich. It seemed that Grandpa also considered it sufficient and didn’t urge me to send a reply.

But did Grandpa have lunch?

“Grandpa, I’ll have lunch and take a rest.”

“Yes, if you need anything, just call me.”


I gave a brief response and sent Grandpa away. He’s getting old, and I don’t know if he’s taking care of his meals.

While eating the sandwich, I looked at a few more special orders and reviewed all the new designs proposed by the design team.

The Emperor subtly expressed his desire for a dog design, but I wasn’t particularly fond of it. It doesn’t seem right. I should contact the design team to discuss this.

The Emperor currently has a Beagle, but he still misses the deceased Cocker Spaniel! So this design should focus more on Cocker Spaniels instead of Beagles!

As I pulled the chair closer to the desk, about to sit down…


Suddenly, a chill ran down my spine. It felt like encountering a headless ghost. For a moment, I even felt someone pulling my hair.

I quickly turned around, but there was no one. I let out a relieved sigh and pushed the chair back towards the desk. No, I tried to.


Why aren’t my legs moving?

What’s going on? Are my legs numb? No, not even that. I don’t feel anything in my legs. It’s as if my legs have turned into stone, unable to exert any force, and not even in pain. From the tips of my toes to my knees, I had completely lost sensation!

Grabbing onto my racing heart, I bent over and checked my legs. As I lightly brushed the edge of my pants…

“Ahhhhhh! Grandpa! Graaaandpaaaaa!”

My voice must have been loud because Grandpa rushed in at once. He looked as if he heard a burglar, and I shouted in a panic.

“M-my legs have turned to stoneeee!”

Seeing my state, Grandpa, who seemed to have been stunned for a few seconds, suddenly sprang up like a bomb. It didn’t take long for the help Grandpa had called to come rushing in.

An elderly doctor wearing round glasses, a young doctor with freshly removed bandages, and even the red-haired doctor who takes care of the health of top-level employees.

“Well, wow…”

“I’ve never seen anything like this before. What on earth could it be…?”

“I don’t think this is something a doctor can solve.”

The only person who said something useful was a doctor from the top level.

She diagnosed it by lightly rubbing my legs.

“It’s like magic, isn’t it?”

I had a vague suspicion. But hearing it from someone else’s mouth made it feel real.

Unconsciously, I buried my face in my hands. Ugh, I tried to groan in frustration and roll my feet, but my legs, turned into gray stone, didn’t even flinch.

Only Grandpa urged the doctors beside him.

“Magic? What are you talking about?”

“Think about it. Have you ever heard of a disease where human legs suddenly turn into stone?”

When I looked up, Grandpa shook his head instead of me.

The doctor who had been scrutinizing my puzzled face turned to me to confirm.

“Miss, did you accidentally cross paths with a malicious magician?”


No one knows where the power of magic originally originated. Not even the magicians themselves. Some are simply born with power.

Fortunately, magicians with significant power are under the control of the country. The problem lies with those troublesome individuals who evade control and the law.

They play pranks or engage in bullying with their meager abilities. They might cast curses just for fun…

Anyway, I don’t know any magicians, nor have I ever crossed paths with one!

“I haven’t. I haven’t fought with anyone lately, and I always wear my magic defense ring.”

I flicked my left hand, showing them the silver ring on my little finger. I had bought it just in case, and I hadn’t taken it off for years except when bathing. It was an item that could neutralize most curses.

At that moment, Grandpa suddenly covered his mouth with both hands as if he had realized something.


Both the doctor and I turned to look at him.

Grandpa, waving his hands frantically towards me, exclaimed.

“That thing! Miss, that thing! That thing!”

“That thing?”

“That thing you know! That thing, that thing!”

Why did he keep saying ‘that thing’ over and over again…?


Suddenly, a realization struck me! I faced Grandpa and waved my finger.

“That thing!… the note I received from Fortune Grandma! The blessing or curse thing!”

“Yes, that’s It!”

“…But what of it?”

Well, it was something like always answering last as a joke or something.

So, is that paper with blessings and curses imbued with real magic, not just a fortune-telling game? But isn’t it a bit strange to think that it’s because of that my legs turned out like this?

He looked at me with a desperate expression and asked in a low voice.

“Could it be that you didn’t answer last? Yes?”

“No. How could I remember that one by one…?”

Who did I talk to today? Grandpa and the doctors, um… That’s all, right?

With a determined mind, I alternated my gaze between Grandpa and the doctors and declared.

“Alright, then let me be the last to speak. Everyone, don’t say a word. Okay, the conversation is over!”

And astonishingly enough!

Nothing changed at all. Damn it.

Eventually, the unhelpful doctors left first without even properly treating me, as if conscious of my curse.

Grandpa pounded his chest in frustration.

“Think harder!”

“But is that really it? I’ve been here working all the time. I only used Tap-Talk, I couldn’t have had a conversation with anyone else…”

Wait a minute.

I locked my eyes with Grandpa. We both are thinking the same thing, right? Right?

We communicated with Tap-Talk! Perhaps this curse even considers that as a form of conversation. Maybe because I hadn’t responded last, thinking that Duke would keep replying. Could it be because of that?

I quickly reached out to bring Tap-Talk closer.

And at that very moment…


Suddenly, from my thigh to my buttocks and even my waist, it turned into stone. Accompanied by a strange cracking sound.

I frantically jerked and pounded the petrified area, but only my hand hurt terribly.

“M-miss, hurry! Quickly!”

“G-got it!”

The progression of petrification suddenly accelerated.

I struggled and writhed, trying to overcome the petrification that was gradually paralyzing my chest and spreading to my arms, and finally managed to press one key on the typewriter. With my stiffening arm, I even broke out in a cold sweat.

Grandpa, who was beside me, opened his mouth wide when he saw the characters I sent.

“This, this can’t be! Something else!”

What can I do? My vision is getting blurry now. I trembled as I forced myself to press another button. Grandpa shouted again, saying it wouldn’t work.

But what do I do? I feel like I’m really turning into a stone…

“No… Can’t …move …any……”

N-no way, aagh…

Through my blurred vision, Grandpa’s crying face came into view. My arm dropped and the send button was pressed. I lost consciousness in a daze.

But if I die like this, it would be ironic.

To die because of not replying, it’s truly a disgrace to my ancestors.


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