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I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary

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Chapter 1 : # EX-001 The story I was picked up

“Ha!? Hey, wait a minute! Whatever the amount, what do you mean it’s due in a week!?

“Anything or nothing is supposed to be unquestioned and imprisoned, after interfering with operations and carrying out acts of sabotage to weapons in the possession of the military, and causing numerous casualties on them?

A fat pig turns his nasty gaze at me as he says so to the imperial soldier’s ass.

“Well, just paying 37 million Enel in a week’s time would be acquittal, so it would be heartfelt enough, wouldn’t it? Aren’t we talking about mercenaries making a lot of money?

“That would make about 37 million Enel. But I can’t believe it’s in a week! Besides, my ship is in deep shit, right? Though you won’t be able to make money!

“That’s not what I found out. Distribution is not allowed. To be paid in full by 1500 hours a week later. Otherwise, we will arrest and imprison you as a felon in accordance with article 4, paragraph 7, of the Imperial Military Code.”

That’s what the pig in military uniform said and laughed niggardly, turning his heels back and leaving without making my appeal a one-sided one.

“That OOOO bastard! I’ll definitely kill you one day!

Threw out of a military facility at the Tarmaine Prime Colony, I accidentally shouted and kicked the ground made of composite building materials. I’m surprised the guard guarding the entrance gate to the military facility is peeling his eyes at my filthy words, but not so far as this one is concerned. If we don’t do something to compensate the army, we’re doomed.

There is a Termaine Tertius Colony, a prison colony, in this Termaine system. The majority of felons incarcerated there are former alien thieves. Former alien thieves and former mercenaries. There’s no way I can shake hands in peace. The majority of the reason they got stuck in a prison colony was because of the mercenary’s hunt for the Zero Bandit.

“Anyway, we need to do something about it”

It’s horrible to imagine what it would be like to be hit by a place like that. Speaking of cosmic thieves doesn’t mean it’s all about men, but it’s still more about men in terms of gender ratios. If a woman’s me is thrown into a place like that…… no, you can’t. I can’t help thinking about all the bad things. We should do everything we can now to avoid the worst possible future.

“To my worst father… no, you can’t”

Whatever you think, you can’t make it in time. Using hyperspace and gateway communications will take about ten days for my father to hear from this Turman system. Even if I contact you right now, by the time you get my news from my father, I’m already in the prison colony.

“But will it be insured…”

You may not make it to my confinement, but you may not be able to help me after my confinement. You should think about it as one of your options.

“What side are we talking about now?”

Unexpectedly, I laugh bitterly.

Five years ago, I stole my brother’s small battleship and jumped out of my parents’ house. Causes vary. I don’t even like the issue of fiancées, I was disgusted with my life as a daughter of nobility painted with glory and vanity, my longing for a free life, my longing for a way of life as a mercenary I saw in Holo.

Disgusted by all of them, I abandoned my life as a noble daughter and fled. Sand me with my hind legs on everything you’ve raised me until then.

The first year of flying out into space was one of fleeing from the hands of chasing fathers and brothers to only tubes.

Now that I think about it, my brother was pretty out of his hands. Ning Ro, didn’t your brother even get in the way of your father? Because my brother hated me more about my fiancée (him) than I did.

By the time less than a year and a half later, I had fled to a system far from the Empire City, and at last my father and brother’s tracking hands had stopped. Then I’ve finally been able to act as a mercenary in earnest, working hard as a trick and mercenary with repeated failures and successes.

Sometimes it seemed like a setback, but I managed to get over it and get this far.

“… I’m sorry I gave up here.”

It’s a free life I got until I broke up with my family. Will it be so easy to let go? I decided to run around exciting my frustrating mind.

“… ha”

This past week I ran to collect funds using all the handouts I could hold. I sold it off to Swan, who was repairing it, and scratched my money by selling off everything but the secret premiered liquor thing and the bare minimum I was wearing. He also took many trips to the mercenary guild to draw all the support he could.

Still not enough. Shortly after I switched to Swan, it was the worst time I could afford a lot of nostalgia.

“Three million more Enel…”

It’s not as small as mercenary or aristocratic, but it’s not much money. But in general terms, 3 million Enel is a lot of money.

Anyway, an elf like me, if you’re a normal person, it’s just an amount of money that you don’t have to work for the rest of your life to live, an amount of three million enels. That also means it’s not the kind of amount I can have for less than half a day from now.

“As long as we have time…”

If only I could use a swan that’s being repaired, it would be a month if it was about 3 million Enel – no, I could have it in two months. I can’t help but hate that pig who doesn’t accommodate me. Why don’t we just raise a laser rifle, plasma grenade, and all those other weapons with the money that we have right now and stab them in the wrong way with that pig? What an idea goes through the back of my brain.

If we keep going like this, we’ll be trampled with dignity and everything by the felons of former alien thieves. If it’s enough to be like that, it might be some better to punch that pig into the military facility where he is and kill him.

A grocery store caught my eye as I walked flirtatiously serious about such a noise. That weird rookie (Newby) a while ago – it’s a shop with Hiro in it.


With that said, I haven’t had any food or drink with Locke in the past week. I just ingested a delicious and irresistible cheap nutritional paste directly from the tube and drank water when I was about to fall. I thought it wasn’t a bad idea to drink strong enough to take a bath before you die.

Walk into the store and buy and fish alcohol appropriately. All this is just cheap booze to burn your throat and get drunk easily. With that said, you ended up selling off the booze you wound up with instead of a guide rent from that newbie (Newbie) without a hand in it. Maybe this alcohol I just bought is part of it.

“… ha”

For once, I kept in touch with my father. It will be about three days from now, even as soon as possible, before I can reach my father. Arrested today, jailed tomorrow, and two days later, I’ll hear from my father, but by then, I’ll know what’s going on with me. I don’t think he’s dead, but I don’t think he’s physically or mentally safe.

Well, that’s also irrelevant if you kill that pig today and I die, too.

A hundred times better to kill a bunch of former alien trash. I will make you sorely regret selling a fight to me.

Leaning against the grocery store wall for a big, not even tasty drink, I found someone approaching me. I was wearing a hooded cape to avoid trouble, but if you were sitting around in a place like this and drinking alcohol, that would be noticeable.

That stinks, I secretly stretch it to my hip laser gun thinking.

“” – Huh! “

Surprised. You must have struck a complete surprise, but the opponent has reacted well and pointed a laser gun at me.

I’m a nobleman, too. Although it is not as good as the father who is the owner or the brother who picked it up, some measures of physical strengthening have been applied. It has not been once or twice that I have picked up my life thanks to physical strengthening procedures and the protective techniques cultivated by my preference as a child of nobility. I can’t believe you totally responded to my surprise.

If you think of anyone, it was Hiro who was pointing my gun at me. There’s that kid behind him – yes, he did say his name was Mimi – too.

They both seem to have a very fulfilling life.

“Hehe, what is it? You came to laugh at me?

Being hit by the dazzling ‘cheerfulness’ that radiates from the two of us, I accidentally took off my laser gun and leaked negative words. I put it in my mouth and then I fall into self-loathing. Even though I can’t help hitting them.

“It’s not like that. If the person you took care of was like this, you’d ask about the situation for now… well, more than that, Mimi.”

“Mr. Elma……”

Mimi kneels at my side and holds my hand. Warm. The pure thought of you worrying about me comes directly from your hands and irritates my heart.

“You’ve only been in the opposite position for half a month.”

When I groaned so mockingly, Mimi hugged me without saying anything. Oh, it’s warm. You’re a really good kid, this kid. You’re really purely worried about me right now.

“What’s the situation?

Hiro has been asking straight about my situation. I don’t even have to bother talking about it, but Mimi held me tight and boring pride. Something melted it all out. I told them everything.

“Compensation to the Starfleet… it’s not enough to tap all your savings and sell everything off the ship.”

“How much?

“Three million more Enel…”

“Three million…”

“It still takes more than two weeks to repair the ship to make money, and even though I said I’d make money and pay for it, the accident I had this time was the only one that gave me credit… I’ve talked to my mercenary guild too”

It pours out of my mouth on its own until I don’t have to talk about it. But once it starts moving, my mouth won’t try to stop me.

“What’s the payment due? What to do if you fail to pay?

“Today, in about two hours… if I can’t pay, I’ll be forced to work in Tarmaine III jail. There are piles of captured alien thieves over there. If I go ex-mercenary…”

In two hours there will be ruin on me. Thinking about it, tears overflowed.

“I was ready to scatter in space while I was on the ship. But this… this…!

I’m just not afraid to die, when I say it, I lie. Even I’m afraid to die. But if you’re going to destroy yourself in battle, you can also give up that you were short of strength. But not much of anything ends like this.

Or is this the reward? To me, who betrayed my family for raising me so inexorably that they sanded me with their hind legs and popped out.

Hearing the amount, Hiro has taken out a small information terminal and figured something out: 3 million Enel is not a big amount for mercenaries, but not a small amount. Although I have some ties with him, I just took a little tour of this colony and took care of Mimi. It won’t be a reason for him to help me.

I thought so.


“… what?

“You, be my crew of ships.”

“… to?

In unexpected words I accidentally looked up at his face with a dumb voice.

“Three million Enel, I’ll get you out. Instead, be my ship’s crew. So tell Mimi all about mercenaries from scratch. And I’ll have my support.”

“Hey, wait a minute. Seriously?”

I doubted his sanity on the boulder. I’m saying especially, but it would be too insane to pom out as much as 3 million Enel’s money.

“We don’t have time, make up your mind. Be a crew of my ship, or stop by the former alien prisoners in the prison colony and let them be comforted.”

No, it’s like I don’t have a substantial choice for those two options.

If it’s enough to be a comforter to the cosmic thieves, it’s better to stab them to death with that pig soldier. That’s why I was going to collect as many weapons as I could and get involved when I finished drinking.

“Hey, why…?

Regardless of his education to Mimi as an amateur, he shouldn’t need my support if he’s capable. I don’t even think I need a sub-pilot for a super skilled owner who will complete the promotion exam to the Gold Rank to the point where he was “a little teethy”.

“If you don’t do this, Mimi will be sad. Most importantly, I’m not sleeping well enough to overlook the person I took care of being in terrible shape, either. Most of all because I want you.”

“Wah, take me!?


Various things blew out of my head at the words too direct that I want you. Anxiety about the money not being available, the determination to stab him in the wrong way, that sort of thing.

This, I mean, that’s what this is about, right? Well, I don’t think that looks bad myself, but I’m in a rush for boulders when they tell me so straightforward.

“Huh? Oh, yeah? Was I looking at you like that?

“Well, yeah”

Hiro nods in his extremely serious face affirming my words. Too bad he said it was a space elf or a poor minister’s chest scattered, I see? Could that mean it was some guy’s saga or something that I couldn’t be honest with?

“Oh, yeah… but you have Mimi, right?

Enough to dissipate so much ‘cheerfulness’. I guess you and Sakashi were getting along. It’s a little distracting to the boulder to be shaped like I interrupt there.

“It doesn’t come to me like there’s another one or so. Huh? Mimi.”


“Oh, yeah, it’s not enough on its own…”

Well, that’s what I mean, right? Wow, wow. Isn’t that amazing?

“So, what are we gonna do? Are you going on my boat or not?”

I can see Hiro staring at me and blood coming through my ears. This way, Hiro doesn’t look too bad, does he? My body is unexpectedly disappointed, but it doesn’t even feel hot and bitter. Yeah, it feels exquisite.

Oh, embarrassing. My ears must be bright red right now. I really want to hide my ears.

“of… ride, wow”

I answered so as to squeeze out my bright red ears while desperately suppressing the urge to cover them with my hands.

“Okay, well, let’s welcome you. Do your duty.”

One, do your duty – this means right away today? Ma, I’m not ready for my mind yet?

“Wow, okay. Please be gentle…?

“? No, I’m gonna use you to the full extent?

Enough!? That means no help from the start!? So, but if I get on the boat, I’ll just have to say it already…… Ugh.

“Oh yeah… ok. Be prepared. It’ll be easier than dealing with a bunch of cosmic thieves.”

Hiro looked weird in my words, but it wasn’t until that night that I knew why.

Sure, maybe it was my one-sided assumption…! I don’t give a shit! Because if this happens again, I’ll make you take responsibility! Prepare yourselves!

Then it was a hassle to get your hands on noble children in the Alleyn system, don’t tell me that you were worried inside about what to do when you heard Hiro say. Well, compared to Major Serena of the Marquis, how troublesome I am… how troublesome is your brother?

But yeah, no problem because Hiro made a statement to the effect that he would take responsibility from himself before I told him the circumstances. Even Hiro first got me delicious knowing I was mistaken, so come on, right?

It’s okay, I’ll take care of your brother with any hand you need.

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